Art Illustration By: Ismael Alvarez

(Boy #1)
As far as I remember, I do have a seemingly contented childhood. I do have every car toy, every action figure a boy could ever wish for.
(Boy #2)
As for me, if my memory is still clear I do enjoy the simple things in life. My girl cousins and I usually plays cut-out cardboard dolls and at times we do play their Barbie dolls.
(Boy #1)
My mum on the other hand loves to shop. She has every designer in mind when we go out. She never goes out of style. Maybe that’s one trait that I inherited from her, her taste for clothing and her passion for vanity.
(Boy #2)
My mama and I usually go to the marketplace. She buys there fresh vegetables, fishes, fruits. She taught me on how to cook. Well, I do not want to brag on it too much, but cooking is in my blood. Thanks to my mama.
(Boy #1)
When I was about to enter pre-school, my mum told me that I was such a shy child. I am so shy that I cried and cried when she left me on the first day of my Pre-school class.
(Boy #2)
I am on my Kindergarten class, when I first shine in school. Mama told me I was a natural learner. And there I was loud and proud. Mama was so proud that she even kept my first ever honorary medal under her pillow on her night bed.
(Boy #1)
Time changes, I am not the same shy child from pre-school. I entered an exclusive school for boys and on my third week staying there I already had picked up a fight because of a bully from school.
(Boy #2)
I felt a bit different when I entered public grade school. Yes, there were boys and there were girls, but it seemed to me that my mind was mixed up. But in the end I did still ended up making such a number of friends, mostly girlfriends, just like my mama said, you are a natural in almost everything, even making friends, so in the end, you just had countless.
(Boy #1)
My usual past times, TV, TV and more TV. There were the usual boy staple, Voltes V, Voltron, I was also hooked up with the Transformers. For a spoiled brat, I do get everything, a vast collection of toy robots. I was also much into the super sentai series from Japan. The most infamous ones were Bioman, Shaider, Fiveman, and the tagalog dubbed (including its theme song) “Maskman”.
(Boy #2)
I only had one love, “Sailor Moon” that is. It was aired on ABC 5 years ago. I even protested and called up the TV station for changing up its timeslot. Oh, the youthful love of Mamuro and Bunny Tsukino. And later on the following seasons Bunny’s name was changed to Usagi. My favorite character there is Sailor Jupiter, she’s so feisty and at the same time charming. I was so devastated when Sailor Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Mars died on the first season to save their best friend Queen Serenity who happens to be Sailor Moon’s true persona.
(Boy #1)
I tried out for the school basketball varsity team and then I got lucky. The next thing I knew was that I was playing on the championships, and we actually won.
(Boy #2)
A friend invited me to try out for the volleyball team, I wasn’t into sports that time, and I do know that I am much into my academics. But when I gave it a shot, no one could even stop me. My adrenalin was pumping and in the end I just find out that our team brought home the trophy.
(Boy #1)
One thing that boys do brag about, are their girls. But I do not get the point of doing that. My perception changed when I met Sunshine, then Kate, and then CJ. They all came from the exclusive school for girls just across the street from our school. In the end I just realized, how famous I am with girls after all.
(Boy #2)
Gossip, girls love to gossip, most especially when they are about their boy crushes. That really never entered my mind. It all changed when I met the school’s singing sensation Eric. His angelic face and his soulful voice were indeed so mesmerizing. I could say that he is my first ever boy-crush.
(Boy #1)
Rachel was my first ever girlfriend. Let’s just say puppy love. All then was sweet. Dating, going to the movies, eating popcorn, the never ending mushy stuff. I do also have my fair share of quarrels.
(Boy #2)
I never do dating. Girls were all around me. So why date them?
(Boy #1)
People just come and go. I graduated from grade school. Rachel moved from Paranaque to QC, and we went on our separate ways. I then transferred in a
co-ed catholic school in Las Piñas.
(Boy #2)
I was the school’s valedictorian for that year and I do have a promising start most especially that our city mayor has given me a scholarship program on which the local government would shoulder all my school expenses. I do also receive monthly allowances from them.
(Boy #1)
High school was trickier than grade school. Let’s just say that Algebra, Chemistry and Physics were not my cup of tea. That I literally suck on those subjects. But I did try, never say never, never say die.
(Boy #2)
As for me, I almost entered all the school’s quiz bees, and extra curricular activities. On which I ended up bagging all the major prizes and awards.
(Boy #1)
Yna, was my first love… and she would be the last. My world revolved and even evolved around her.
(Boy #2)
Richard was my team mate on every quiz bee that I entered. It came to a point that we were named, “The Dynamic Duo”. The chemistry was there. I know that it is a bit strange, but somehow I am feeling right about it. On our last championship game, I told him about my feelings. Of course he was bewildered by the idea, and he explained that we are better off as friends. And then we lost.
(Boy #1)
My girl is such a flirt. Imagine on prom night she wore a very expensive gown with a plunging bustier, just to show off her very gifted breast. That night I do have the privilege to have a taste of that so-called full breast of hers, damn! It was so overwhelming.
(Boy #2)
I was wearing a very shabby suit. I just wished that I am wearing a gown instead of this. I envy the girls who wore those glamorous dresses that prom night plus the fact that I didn’t have a date, a man-date that is.
(Boy #1)
Thank God that I even survived reaching this day. I am about to leave my high school life as well as puberty. Another stage was set for me. My mum was there. Of course Yna was there too after all were batch mates. But my dad isn’t, again he’s busy on his usual business trips.
(Boy #2)
I had several universities on which I applied too. The results of the exams from the different schools went well. I have a particular school in mind, so I gave it a shot and in the end I passed with flying colors. My mama was ecstatic with my scholarship much like her excitement when I had my Valedictory address on High School graduation day. She is the only person on which I could share my triumphs with for my dad left us when he knew that my mama was pregnant.
(Boy #1)
My dad was a lawyer. My uncles are even accomplished lawyers. My grandfather is even a judge. And we do have our own law firm which is named after us. But I went into a very different path. I decided to take up Fine Arts as my course… My dad was disappointed, or should I say enraged, he thought that he is about to pass the torch on his unico hijo. The thing that bothered me was, why on the world does he bother on the career path that I chose were in fact he really didn’t cared for me even way before.
(Boy #2)
I took up Mass Communications and I had taken Journalism as my major. Aside from my cooking skills I am also into writing that is the reason on why I pursued this course. Ever since grade school I do write the scripts for our school plays and I was even an editor of the school’s newspaper. I am really delighted that I am following my passion.
(Boy #1)
I had my brand new phone given by my mum. It was the first ever Nokia model that has a high resolution camera and Bluetooth all in one. Yna and I had quite a number of pictures on my phone.
(Boy #2)
My mama gave me a Nokia 3310 on my graduation day. She purchased that by borrowing money from a “Bombay”. I told her not to really bother for there are more important things than just cellular phones, but she insisted that I do needed one most especially when I am in college, who’s always on the run.
(Boy #1)
The first semester ended. It was my first night on sleeping over our house, for I decided to board on a condo nearby our school. My mum asked our “kusinera” to cook for me and my dad’s favorite dish which the caldereta topped with broccoli. My dad has no idea that I was there that night. And when I suddenly showed up for dinner, he told mum that his appetite was lost and he doesn’t want to eat anymore and he walked away. He is such a party pooper.
(Boy #2)
It was mama’s birthday, and when there’s a special occasion in our house, caldereta with broccoli is always served as a main course. It was my mama’s specialty, and it also became my specialty. It wasn’t just any other kind of caldereta because it has broccoli in it. Even though that veggy is a bit expensive, my mama makes it sure that it is included in her most loved recipe.
(Boy #1)
In the morning, I do always make it sure that I at least visit the gym for an hour or so. It has been my lifestyle for almost six years. I think I was in my High School Freshman year when I started some light lifting.
(Boy #2)
My gal-friends on the contrary usually go on the CCP grounds on a Sunday to have a three hour jog/run/sprinting, well basically a mixture of everything. Hehehe.
(Boy #1)
Did I just say earlier that my world revolved around Yna? Yes, I think I did. Well now that is not the case. We frequently have quarrels recently. As in major quarrels that is. I don’t know, maybe it was just the stress. I did try to apply for a part time job, so that I could have some extra money for my usual “Happenings”.
(Boy #2)
Ryan, texted me once. He is my classmate in my English 1 class. He invited me for lunch. Well, I didn’t decline. Then from nowhere the text messages from him keeps on coming and for the next months, Ryan did started to accompany me whenever I am on my way home.
(Boy #1)
The “barkada” now habitually goes out for partying every weekend. Yna and I broke-up. I thought that it would last, but God I was wrong.
(Boy #2)
And then Ryan courted me. I didn’t actually know how to say or how to react on it. But I do know that I am interested with boys. I didn’t say yes. Maybe I am not just ready by that time but he did stay as a loyal friend though.
(Boy #1)
My dad and I again had a dispute. Now his voice was so high. It was a major disagreement that I told him that I won’t have to do anything for him from that very day. I also told him that he should disown me as his son.
(Boy #2)
Mama suffered some pain on her chest. For years she had kept this pain not until I reached my senior year, when I was about to graduate.
(Boy #1)
I tried to live alone. At first I went into some friend’s pad but my mum keeps on tracing me and she always asks me to go back home. I landed on a practically good paying part time job, as a call center agent. I was in school in the mornings and at night I was on my job.
(Boy #2)
I did try direct selling of some RTW’s. I do need some money for my mama’s medical expenses. The secret was out, she was dying. The least that I could do for her is to make her proud on my college graduation day. I was in the running for Magna-cum-laude for that school year.
(Boy #1)
I never told my mum that I was graduating that year. But somehow she knew that I was. She came there of course and as usual my dad didn’t. I don’t really care. At least I made it until the end.
(Boy #2)
“Perfection, we cannot attain perfection in our lives that is because only God Himself is perfect. But there are things that is almost alike with perfection and that is the act of humility and kindness. Humility and kindness are acts of God on which we could spread, we could share or we could even express. I dedicate my triumph to my mama. You are the epitome of Humility and the shining beacon of Kindness. Thanks Ma!” That was the last paragraph from the speech that I gave at the PICC. A week later my mama died because of the complications of her illness. She went to his creator with a very blissful heart.
(Boy #1)
I am not perfect. What I did is I isolated myself from my own family. It came to a point that I even changed my contact numbers. I wanted a new life, a new beginning. I applied on the largest broadcasting network in the country. They were in need of some new graphic artist for their new roster of TV productions. They wanted to restructure the face of the network. They do wanted a new look. And for the execs think that my artistic approach on which I have presented earlier that week was the one that they are looking for. The offer was a bit small than I expected. But for someone who is just starting in this kind of field, who am I to whine?
(Boy #2)
I can not forget my final interview with this prominent, world famous broadcaster, her very last question was: “Who inspires you?” Without any hesitations I just answered her, “My mother… She’s the one who had nurtured me with every value and knowledge in every endeavor that I made… And I know inside my heart that she had also made me as an inspiration of hers… She fought every obstacle in life because of me… We made each other our own inspirations… We do keep on fighting on what we believe in because we do believe and trust on each others capabilities…” and I had a deep gasp of air after that answer. She then asked me to wait at the reception area of her office. And after some minutes she then told me… “I am sorry…” then I was bewildered… and then she continued, “I am sorry but I have to break unto you the news… You are now a part of the team… Congratulations!” and she had given me a handshake. It was so surreal, thanks mom! Thanks for always guiding me.
(Boy #1)
For the past months I did work for the over-all network programming of this giant broadcasting network. And from nowhere someone from the HR had addressed me that this lady broadcaster wants me to be a part of her team. Well at first I was skeptical about it and in the end it just sank unto me that maybe it’s a chance for a promotion. Hell I was right. And then we were introduced… The transfer to her team was all worth it.
(Boy #2)
I became a writer for her team. Sometimes it could be a very tiring and demanding job. But when I do have the chance to see the final product of the show, all the stresses that I felt from the production just immediately goes away. Plus the fact that I get the chance to travel, meet lots of people and the most important thing learn every culture in the places that I have never been into.
(Boy #1)
It was a win-win situation for me, it wasn’t a high paying job but at least I get the chance to pay the mortgage with the house that I have loaned just months ago. Gee, maybe I am a grown-up man after-all. I am being serious, straight-forward, open minded, independent, self righteous man… Maybe I already needed someone in my life… Nahhh…!
(Boy #2)
The pad on which I was renting was just blocks away from the office that I am working in. But it was not the luxurious type of place. At night time I’ll just cross the street to buy some “lutong ulam” at a “carinderia”. In a usual scenario I would just love to cook my own food, but it is not that practical for me to do so. Maybe when the time comes, I could cook for someone really special… “Mushy Mode!”
(Boy #1)
My life wasn’t that opulent anymore, not like before when I had my own car. I just decided to sell it so that it could somehow help me to pay up my mortgage, Anyways, going to the office is like having my own everyday adventure. I would have a couple of “jeepney” rides and one bus ride, and in just a snap, I am already at the office.
(Boy #2)
Walking on my way to the office is like having my daily work out routine… I can’t really whine. At least my place is conveniently located to the office and I won’t have to spend something for any transportation fares on my way there.
(Boy #1)
It has been months, I have mastered the art of graphic designing. I was further promoted to chief graphic artist by our boss. She did like the energy that I infuse with the graphic arts that I put in her show.
(Boy #2)
I guess my hard work is paying off… My boss complimented me about our recent production about child labor. That my idea was fresh and unique, I suggested that if we could have an experiment on how would the parents feel if they were the once given a chance to an education, or maybe sometime to play or socialize, in a young child’s perspective. It was our highest rating show to date.
(Boy #1/Ivan Lance Averon)
Then from nowhere I received a call from my boss. She wants to put a facelift on her show. She told me that since it was a time for experimenting, she decided that her people from her productions should be cross-trained to another department. She asked me, “Are you up for the challenge Mr. Averon?” and I just answered, “Yes ma’am… When could we start?”
(Boy #2/Jaime Bautista)
A cross-trainee from another department? Who could it be? Then after a while someone came asking, “Good Morning, are you Mr. Jaime Bautista?” And I just answered, “Yes, I am Mr. Bautista, You could just call me Jamie (Jay-mee) instead of Jaime(Haay-me)… “Nice meeting you Jamie! By the way I’m Ivan Averon from the graphic arts department. You could just call me Van” And he gave me this handshake. His hands were warm, on that very instant I just paused for a while. I really don’t know how to respond, I just really feel awkward.
It’s a good thing that Jamie had a nickname. It’s a bit awkward on my part if I’ll call him with his first name for the reason that he shared the same name as my dad. Oh well… But why does he look pale? And then I asked him, “Are you okay?”
I just had a grip of myself and I answered him, “Of course I am okay…”
“I was just asking?...” as I answered.
“Sorry if I sounded rude with my response…” I replied.
So Mr. Bautista or Jamie gave me the details on how this cross-training would work. It would be like making your own group project or should I say pair project. With the supervision of whoever is in the particular department.
I further explained that we’ll take turns on who would be the first in the process of making a segment. Since a writer works on the pre production, it would be practical if I’ll be the first one to actually train him.
For short Jamie would be my boss.
I don’t think that there would actually be a problem with it. Van seems to be a nice person.
The next Monday we were given the segment on which we would be working on. We are given a team of six. We are scheduled on a trip to Palawan to the magnificent subterranean river. But there is this tini wini glitch I came up late. And Mr. Bautista looked like he wasn’t that pleased. He looks really strict. I just realized that maybe people who have names like “Jaime” doesn’t really know how to have a good time.
Mr. Ivan Averon was late, maybe an hour or so… Who knows? He says that he was late because of some heavy traffic, but I won’t really take that as an excuse. We left the domestic airport without any hassles. And we arrived Palawan with a little bit of a tension between me and Mr. Averon.
What’s with this dude? Okay, okay it’s my fault. I came up late. And somehow wasted some time, but we should at least move on with that. Lesson learned mister. I wouldn’t make you irritated anymore.
I’ll just talk to him maybe tomorrow in the morning. At least I would be calm enough to explain things to him. But for now we should focus on work, work, and more work.
Oh what a sunrise it was, playing frisbee with my colleagues was a great early morning work out. There were also those local kids who were actually playing with us. It was a fun sight to watch, then from the other cottage I saw Jamie coming out of his door. Of course I did invite him to join our fun game, as a gesture that everything between the two of us was okay, but he politely declined. Samantha one of our P.A. also known as Sam said, “He’s just like that at first. But once you get the chance to know more about him, I tell you, you’ll also enjoy his company…” and she gave this encouraging smile.
Ivan Averon… My team would be tired at the end of the day if you’ll continue playing Frisbee, I told myself. We are not here to do some leisure time. We are actually here to work. I just don’t know lately too much stress is somehow making my mind go wild. I just needed some coffee to calm myself down.
In fairness to Jamie, he would be a really great mentor. After we had our breakfast at the resort that we are staying into the actual job already started. He taught me everything that I needed to know for this assignment/mini-project of ours, from every detail of the interview process to the sites that we should visit, in short to the things that really matter.
For a new student, Ivan or Van (as he wanted to be called) was a quick-learner. He’s a great observer, he’s very attentive to every detail, and the best part of it was he was a very curious man. In this kind of business I think curiosity is the key to success for the reason that through life experiences we do learn to be a better and a more distinct person. Somehow Ivan had proved to me that he is not just one guy who wants to kid around with people. And I think he is also the kind of person who is dedicated with his work.
I’ve learned a lot from today thanks to Jamie. And somehow I do get it now that it’s quite stressful… Oh mum here you go again, calling me at this time of the night. I just left the cottage that I am staying to, and I just had a short stroll along the beach. As usual I answered mum’s call… And again she is convincing me to go home. Well ma, newsflash, I am having the time of my life here.
I decided to go out and stay at the cottage’s veranda so that I could have some fresh air before I retire to sleep. Tomorrow would be one busy day. That is why I do needed some rest. But as I was about to lounge myself into this rattan chair, I overheard Mr. Averon talking with someone, it was his mom, and he was a bit arguing with her. Well not really arguing, more of whining I guess… And then I giggled, I was surprised I think he had also overheard me giggling but I had managed to hide myself at the plant boxes on the veranda. The last statement that I’ve heard from him was, “Mom, I am currently working, please give me a break…” and after that I just hurriedly went inside my cottage, I’m not the kind of person who snoops around with other people’s business…
Mom was quite a handful from last night. She actually adds up to my stress… Plus the fact that today, Jamie would actually ask me to do some interviewing job. Yes, I am friendly alright… But to interview people? To actually meddle with other people’s business? Hmmm… This would be quite a challenge… At least Jamie would be there to coach me.
We had a short trek of the resort here in Palawan to find some foreigners to be interviewed. Van was a bit shaky with his first ever interview stint. And somehow he could not gather up his thoughts. And then I told him… “Just be casual, it is just like you talking to me… Gather up your thoughts, utilize your creativity and fuel your curiosity…” as I encourage him
“Sorry Jamie, I’m a first timer here…” I could feel myself shaking. And he courteously took the microphone from me and he advised me to watch him do the job.
Alas! Van was a visual learner! He’s the type of guy who wants to see something first so that he could further learn it. After my short time interviewing some locals and a couple of foreigners, the time had come for him to do the dirty work. Just kidding! And so he did! He had nailed his very first interview job. Sad thing though we didn’t had a chance to see a man who is willing to pop the question “Will you marry me?” for today.
Thank God everything was done! Well at least for now. It was about seven in the evening when the team had lit up some bonfire along the beach. The breeze was a bit chilling, but the fire somehow provided the heat that we needed for that night. Sam and the other girl Anna had the chance to get some drinks, while our cameraman and his fellow had managed to have a snooze beside the bonfire. And from the steps of their cottage I could see Jamie walking with what seems to be a cloak or a blanket wrapped around him. “You feel cold?” I asked him.
“Just a bit” as I answered. I noticed that he was carrying this guitar on which I didn’t notice him carrying when we went here in Palawan. And from nowhere I just asked him, “Do you play?”
“The guitar?” and I pin-pointed unto it, and I saw him nod. And I replied, “Yes, I play a bit.… I just borrowed it from a local here in Palawan…” I told him. And then I just heard Sam saying, “Could you play a song for us?” and Anna butted in, “Ivan, please sing…” and then I just replied, “Girls, I didn’t mention anything about singing. And I just saw Jamie’s eyes, it’s like telling me or rather asking me, not to disappoint them.
I stared at him, of course I am curious if he could really play or maybe sing perhaps? And then there was it, I’ve heard the first strums of his guitar… He started with a hum…
Hmmm… Hmmmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm..
The wind blows hard, on a starry night
The sand is brushing on an endless sky
Like countless diamonds for us to share
I know that I’d love you til’ we have no air…
The breeze jolts in on a moonlit night.
My hand now crashing into my heart,
Like feathers I know our love would soar,
I know that both of us could just give more…
*La la la, Life could be unfair sometimes,
But that is how it works, unconventional at times.
At least it works for you and me,
So that we could live for eternity…
I was mesmerized, Mr. Averon could actually sing. And I just realized that tonight was actually lighted by a full moon. And I heard Sam asked him, “Is that an impromptu song?”
And I just answered her, “Yes it is… I was just inspired by the moonlight...” and I just suddenly stared at Jamie.
I saw him staring at me, and Anna asked me, “Jamie, are you blushing?” and I counter reacted, “Me blushing? Haha, maybe it’s the liquor that you handed me awhile ago Anna… Anyways guys, it’s time for me to sleep…” and I hurriedly went into our cottage.
“But wait…” I did try to stop him but it is now to late… I didn’t even remember that Anna had actually handed him something to drink. Kyle our cameraman said, “Just give him sometime to rest, maybe he’s just tired…” So after awhile of some chit chat we just decided to say our adieu’s and had started our slumber.
Shoot, what was that? Me blushing? Blushing because of that guy? Nah… That would never happen… I’ll just have my goodnight’s rest and tomorrow would be a very long challenging day. Imagine the trail going to Sabang. I just hope that we’ll get through it.
I was already up at about five in the morning. It wouldn’t hurt if I would have a short trek at the beach and some routine push ups. And besides, I was about to thank the local fisherman who had lent me his guitar from last night. And so I visited his humble abode. There I saw his little son “Asyong” they were about to have their breakfast, I think it was a local delicacy in Palawan. Mila her wife then invited me to at least had some breakfast with them. As a sign of humility and respect of course I didn’t declined… It was one delightful breakfast… Hmmm… Did the team already have theirs?
The resort’s pantry had a minor slip up that is why they could not serve an early breakfast for us. They suggested either if we could wait for an hour, or we could visit the town proper so that we could have our breakfast at a carinderia there. But either of the two options would work for us. Our schedule would be delayed and everything would be a mess. And come to think of it? Where the heck is that Ivan guy?
On my way back to our cottage I could already see Jamie’s face… It looks like he’s agitated again. And when I was about to ask Sam on what is happening, “Van, don’t ask…” and everyone was quiet again.
And I asked this seemingly clueless guy, “Where have you been? We are now running late, the restaurant here is useless…” and I didn’t stop whining and whining, when Ivan tactfully butted in…
“I just had a short stroll… I am sorry if I didn’t have the chance to ask for your permission… I just returned the guitar from last night to a colleague of mine… By the way here are some kakanins on which his wife prepared for us…” and I handed the team a bag of freshly cooked rice cake delicacies.
“Oh my, that’s so embarrassing…” I just told myself, and I just turned around in hiding at Kyle’s back.
Everyone was enjoying that tasty treat, but it seems Jamie was missing. Then from nowhere I could hear someone’s stomach’s growling. “Jamie, come on… Have some… This is surely authentic rice cakes…” our cameraman Kyle said. It was a very interesting sight, Jamie hiding at this man’s flabby body. He looks like a child at that time… A very hungry child.
Kyle, please stop embarrassing me. But the thing is I am already starving. And from nowhere someone’s hand had offered me a bite.
“Here have some…” I told him as I handed a bag of kakanin.
It was from Ivan himself, he was all smiles. And I just realized, what’s with the smiles? What’s his problem? Or maybe I am the one who is having a problem. Oh hell I was so hungry by that time and I just grabbed the food from his hand and started on munching it. “Thank you…” I told him in an almost hesitant manner.
“You are most welcome…” I politely answered.
Is he like mocking me? I told myself… Hmmmm… I hate this stubborn, immature, self-centered, unprofessional, childish brat! Or is it me who’s acting like one?
After that very delightful morning encounter with Jamie, the team had already started to prepare the things that we needed for today’s assignment and shoot. We had a tip from yesterday that there are some foreign men today who are interested on popping the “Will you marry me?” question today. But no one from the locals of Palawan were quite sure who were they.
Somehow I am still hoping that we could stumble on that very person who would actually pop that million dollar question so that we could get that exclusive. But the question is? Why are we covering this story? We do know that the Puerto Prinsesa Subterranean River is a world renowned National Park because of its natural underground subterranean river. Every year visitors from around the globe visits the site to explore the mystic beauty and charm of the said UNESCO world heritage site.
But behind the grandeur of such a natural place is a much deeper, mystical, mysteriously romantic story… According to folklore, gods and spirits use to inhabit the underground cave… That is why most rock formations seem to have those kinds of shapes… Long time ago there were this lovers who were prohibited to see each other for the man was born poor and the woman was already had an arranged marriage. One night they had agreed to make tanan, and so they left the town proper and hid themselves at the mystical caves of Palawan. There they stayed for almost a night.
Later, they were trace by the girl’s family. They were about to lose hope when suddenly another hole from the other side of the river cave came falling down because of the tremors that the angry sprits made. The two lovers had managed to escape to the free waters of the South China Sea. It is said to believe that they have ask the spirits to rescue them from peril because they love each other so much that they don’t wanted to be separated. Impressed by the power of true love, the spirits were pleased to help them cross the underground river to escape the animosity that their family had created, since then the river was dubbed the river of undying love.
Nowadays since it was just recently discovered, the river is famous for lovers who wanted to have an everlasting testament of love by doing their engagements there. Truly the story seems to enchant every people who visit Sabang and the underground river of Palawan. This was the research that we actually got from yesterday from people that we interviewed at the town proper of Puerto Prinsesa, Palawan. Hey wait… Where the heck is the team?
That Ivan, he’s not paying attention, we are about to leave, he’s the only person who is not yet aboard the van. Oh there he is…
Gee, I hope Mr. Bautista is not that irritated by this time. I just wanted to enjoy this experience.
It is a good thing that we rented a private van. It is more convenient most especially that we are carrying some important equipment for our interviews today. But poor Kyle, he would be carrying the cam for the whole 2 hours while we are having a long 2 hour walk at the jungle trail going to Sabang.
Kyle and I already had made a deal that I would help him on carrying his camera, as long as he would teach me the trick on how to be a good and effective cameraman… Well at least this would be a great learning experience…
Kids time again… Well Ivan is like a kid… Maybe his approach to things is just like that. To tell you honestly at first I am a skeptic if this would really work, but from then on it did just sink into me, that he is just like that, funny, witty, he is like the Steve Irwin type of guy, the jungle man. He play with monkeys, goes unto the mangroves, have a hard laugh with tour guides and tourist alike… He loves the wild and he has the utmost appreciation of nature, I knew he did love the part when we had reached the part of the beaches of Sabang.
It was a breath taking spectacle. I just wish everyday could be like this. Not like the chaos that a man usually has in the metropolis.
After visiting those places we had reached the ranger station. There we had decided to have a break. By that time we were almost drained by the said walk that we had. But Ivan as usual is in high spirits. He is quite an energetic man. He didn’t stop asking Kyle on some styles on which he could use for some shots here in Palawan. Earlier on the trek, I have asked my cameraman if Ivan is doing well behind those lenses. And he confidently said, “Without a doubt…” and so I just took his word from it. After some minutes I just saw myself in a very awkward situation. Ivan was interviewing the Myna bird on the ranger station.
“Is it true that you are quite a snob?” I asked the myna bird, I was just kidding anyway. To my surprise it just answered, “Yes… woah, Yes…” I didn’t expected it that it would just answer right away.
Oh well, so you think that I am a snob? Now it’s the time for me to get even. I then asked the bird, “Are you a selfish childish brat? Who’s always late at every call time?” and the bird also answered, “Yes… Yes…”
“Hey, hey… I think that is way too personal?” I frankly told him.
“Well… I didn’t mention any name?” I answered back in return.
“Well I am not yet through with my statement, I was saying, isn’t that too personal for you to ask to a talking bird?” and I just gave him a smirk.
“You… Hmpft…” and I just walked away… He is such a jack-ass. And I just shouted at him. “Don’t you waste the camera film and batteries!”
And so our journey continued… Sam was worried, what if someone could get lost on this jungle trail, but our tour guide assured us that it’s a well established trail and getting lost is unlikely. After taking the trail, we were taken into the drop off point on where the banca’s are located.
It’s a five minute walk to the mouth of the cave while socializing with the monkeys and monitor lizards of the area. As usual Ivan was goofing around with the monkeys, and we were later asked by our tour guide if we could already wear our life jackets so we can continue our journey into the mouth of the cave. But somehow I am still worried, we haven’t had the chance to see anyone who is about to propose his love that day. Still no luck with that, now it’s getting into my nerves. Maybe in the end we’ll just get some interview clips from people who had seen such events.
And we had fixed our life jackets and helmets unto ourselves. Then Jamie and I alongside our tour guide boarded this ten-seater boat so that we may continue our journey into the mystical caves of Palawan. By our special request the boat was half filled, half of our team boarded another boat, so that we can have another perspective when we do the shots around the mouth of the cave.
Well it seems that I do not have any choice. Kyle suggested that it would be better if we’ll have two separate boats. Ivan is my trainee and he should go onto my boat ride. The bankero then suggested if we could seat side-by-side. Oh Jamie, for the sake of your work, please, just go with the flow. I really don’t know why up to now I am like this to him.
The feeling was awkward, well I don’t really feel awkward. Rather I just felt the Jamie feels awkward being seated beside me. So I just shut my mouth and just listened into our very knowledgeable guide. They were actually boatmen who are witty and extremely knowledgeable about the magnificent underground rivers of Palawan. They did actually continue on talking through the forty-five minutes that we spent inside the cave.
I do not know with this guy. At times he is much like the most talkative, extroverted person that you could be with. But now he is like a tamed animal just sitting there waiting for something to happen? Ivan was so quiet almost half the time of the tour going inside the cave? Maybe some supernatural element had sensed to shut his mouth off, so that I could have the peace of mind that I deserve.
Hmmm… Interesting, we then arrived at the heart of the underground river on where we could actually have a stop and appreciate the rock formations inside. Not all of us were allowed to actually go around the site. Actually I did stay at the boat to somehow set up the camera for some nice shots.
I did ask Kyle to go with me so that we could have a choice of good angles inside the cave. Sam and the rest of the team were just behind our boats. And I just told him, “Well I guess we don’t have any luck with the man who’s about to propose?” and from nowhere I just heard Ivan calling my name, he was whispering.
Is it me or I am just imagining things? I was just prepping up the camera and somehow focusing the lenses when something had caught my attention. Just across the cathedral formation of stalagmites and stalactites was a couple. Good thing that my reflexes were fast, I just hit on the record button and I captured every moment of the said event. The man kneeled down and had popped the question to this brunette woman, “Will you marry me?”
Ohh whatta *$^@*%? Did Ivan just? Nah, I was still on disbelief. He had taken the very thing that we are actually looking for, for days. But wait a minute, those couple? Do they know that they are being filmed? Shoot! This is a disaster, imagine invading their privacy. Oh shoot, the proposal is done. Why is Ivan approaching them… Oh my, what on the world…
After filming that awesomely romantic shot, I then had a walk. I decided to approach the couple so that I could congratulate them.
Do they look surprise? Oh my, what are we going to do?
“Hey hi there amigos…” they were I think from South America. “I am Ivan you could just call me Van, and this is my colleague Jamie… We are actually covering a story about couples who…” I was not yet through explaining when.
“Guys, please excuse us for a while…” I told both of them, and then I confronted Mr. Know-it-all, “What are you actually doing?”
“Trust me on this…” I whispered to Jamie, and then I continued, “As I was saying, we are actually covering a story about…” and then I did explain the reason on why we had taken the video of their proposal.
I don’t really know it seems like they were not pleased that their video was taken. Ahhh… What a bummer!
Oh damn I was right… I have hit on the jackpot! Just imagine, this Brazilian guy had popped the question to this Puerto Rican babe. And the most important thing is, she said “yes!” To make things more interesting, both of them have agreed that their story be featured in our show. Booze was every where. We are on a very celebratory mode. The island resort was overflowing with complimentary food for the trouble that happened early in the morning at the pantry. Our two new South American friends even joined our partying and even taught us on how to dance with fire.
I don’t really know how he does that. He has this charisma or charm that most people just gets along with him that well… and that fast. Imagine convincing those couple to do our show? Thank God for the divine intervention earlier, they were the third boat who is inline to us and it so happen that this guy’s cam was ruined in time for his proposal. He was very thankful that somehow Ivan had captured that very moment.
It was about midnight, almost everyone had too much to drink. So they had hit on their respective cottages. But Jamie here who says is not a drinker was just focused with his laptop, busy editing the write ups for our said assignment. I was on my last can of beer, and then I asked him this question, “You don’t really know on how to have a good time, am I right?”
This jerk! Is he implying that I do have a boring life? Maybe the alcohol had already corrupted his brain that is why he talks like that. Hmmm… I do have my fun times once in a while… I write a blog about social and economic problems here in our country. I do play some games in my Facebook account like Farmville and Café World, and lately I am into Fishville. And don’t he dare pin point on my social life, I do share my thoughts in online forums… Hey wait, could I actually call that socializing? And then I just decided to answer him back by asking him another question, “Why does it matter to you?”
“I know that inside that oh so hard shell of yours is a soft interior, If you are just willing to let yourself let go of your inhibitions…” I told him that as I had gulped the last drop of my beer.
I was shocked with what he just said, he actually had made sense with that, but instead of appreciating that very thing that he told me, I just became defensive and I just blurted out,
“Why? What do you know about of my inhibitions? Do you actually know me? You barely know me Ivan, who are you to judge me huh?” I was almost teary eyed when I told him that. And then he responded,
“I could see it in your eyes…” and I just became speechless when I told Jamie that. Everything became blank. I can’t even hear the sound of the waves from the sea.
What was that? What was the thing that he just said? Everything just came into a halt. I just nodded my head upon hearing those words from him. And then I just felt the whisk of the sand beside me, he had just rose up from his seat, and he started to walk along the shoreline. He is walking like a drunken man. Well he is already drunk! And he just stumbled along the waters. And out of some unnatural force I just came down running unto his aid.
“Hahaha…” I just laughed and laughed… “Hahaha… Hahaha…” I do feel like making fun of myself that night.
“You jerk!” and I pushed him back over.
And I just chase him over, “Hey, hey, I was just kidding…” and I have somehow calmed him down. And then I grabbed him by his hand.
I do know that he is drunk, but somehow I did not resist his invite. We just decided to have a seat on the edge of the beach just before the salty waters. It was a bit windy that night. For about fifteen minutes, no one had uttered anything, not a single word.
He seems to be uncomfortable, because a word was not even spoken for about fifteen minutes. I just then decided to make the first move, which I usually do. “Why are you always irritated at me?” I candidly told him.
Before I decided to answer his question, I just had to ask myself? Why? What is the matter with you Jamie? Why are you always irritated at Ivan?” and out of nowhere a statement just came out of my mouth. “Because you could just be who you are, as you are?”
At first I was bewildered with his answer, but as the minutes of silence came by it did struck me that he thinks that the very problem was himself. And he just continued on his answer…
“I have so much to prove Ivan… Well not really to other people but to actually prove myself that I can do almost everything, that I am somehow invincible… That I can do wonders with every little or big thing that I could do…” and I just realize that I cannot already had a grip of myself.
“So you do think that you are just alone in this kind of dilemma?” I told Jamie.
Huh? What is he saying? That people like him has problems like me? “You don’t seem to be the type of…” I wasn’t through with my statement when he butted in.
“Why? Didn’t it occur to you that I could be like you? With the same troubles, same mistakes, even heart breaks? I am also human Jamie. I do also commit mistakes, actually a lot of them really. It just so happen that I could just juggle every speck of problem that I encounter and in the end I would just like to enjoy myself. Life is short you know, if I am just here to whine for the rest of my life then, I just wasted that valuable time that God has given me. You think I’m a happy dude? To tell you honestly my life is less that perfect, but the important thing is I am enjoying every minute of it. And you should enjoy yours, instead depriving yourself of the happiness that you deserve…” without a single pause I straightly told Jamie.
I was embarrassed with all the things that Ivan had just said. For all this time I have judged him unfairly. You are such a miserable jerk Jamie… I do know that somehow, I do owe him an apology, “I am sorry…” I poignantly told him.
“Hey, hey what are you actually apologizing for? I can’t even remember a thing that we actually had an actual brawl?” I had to do that, I do needed to at least make him feel at ease when I am with him.
And Ivan smiled at me after that. What’s with him, he just smiles and everything would just be alright with me. And somehow I had a sudden interest on asking him that, “What’s with the smile?”
“Maybe I just have perfectly white teeth?” I jokingly answered him. I just wanted to divert the question to another topic.
“Huh?” somehow I did not get him.
“I don’t know… Maybe it is just like that… It just comes out naturally…” and I smiled back at him again.
“Oh look at you, you are smiling again… Now it looks like you are now mocking me…” I told Ivan.
“Why does my smile bother you?” I know he would hesitate to answer that question, good thing my mobile phone went ringing. Or is it a good thing.
Thank God his phone rang, at least I won’t have to answer his question. It is a good thing that it didn’t got wet when he stumbled upon the sea water. It was his mom as usual. He immediately went into loudspeaker and somehow mimics every word that his mum utters, that is silently. Almost looking like Charlie Chaplin.
My mum said as usual, “Lance, please come home, it has been years since you and your dad had the chance to see each other… I miss you dearly son…” and I just answered her back… “Mom, like what I told you yesterday, I am currently at work. I miss you too ma. But things would not be just like before… Good night ma, and please have your rest already…” and I hang-up my phone and without any second thoughts I threw my phone at the sea.
AHHHH! Crazy man! Why did he throw his phone? “Why did you do that why?” I was bothered with what he just did.
“Hey don’t get me wrong with that. I do love my mom. I just do want to detach myself with the things that do bother me. We are in paradise right? Might as well enjoy every moment here?”
I know he loves his mom. I sincerely felt that… But it seems that he is bothered with another thing, another person. Is it his dad? Well I don’t have the right to pry about that. Instead I did just ask him another question. “Why did your mom called you by the name Lance?”
Oh here we go again with the explanation of my second name. “Hmmm… I guess I haven’t told you that before. Lance is my second name. It’s Ivan Lance Averon. The only person who only calls me by that name is my mum. She is the one responsible for that name while Ivan came from a great grandfather’s name. Maybe I am just accustomed with the Ivan or the Van thing that is why only few people knows about my second name.”
“Is that so… It is like a special name for you from your mom?” isn’t he a mama’s boy.
Is he thinking that I am a mama’s boy, “Hey Jamie, don’t think that I am a mama’s boy or something okay? To prove you that I am not, I do actually allow my partners to call me by that name, Lance I mean…”
“Owws? So how many of your girlfriends do call you with that name?” I mockingly asked him.
I was caught off guard with that question, “No one as of now…” and I just hid my face… And I just came laughing and laughing.
Eureka! He is a mama’s boy! Well I don’t have anything against that, I do want a sensitive guy in my life… and anyways, I am his counterpart, I am a “Mama’s girl…” Bwahaha… Love you ma!
Before retiring for sleep that night I had the chance to check on the news, a possible storm which is originally bound on Southern Luzon is about to pass the islands, but it isn’t definite yet. I hope that it wouldn’t affect our departure tomorrow.
Ivan accompanied me on my way to my cottage. I have asked him if he could actually bring the camera there so that I could take some notes on the video footages that we had taken earlier that day. He bid his goodnights and he went into their cottage.
It was a disaster, the storm came earlier as we expected. Then Kyle’s mobile just went ringing and ringing, it was Sam, their cottage roof got ruined and I just remembered and told myself, the camera is also there… We just came rushing into their cottage for some aid. And we just took a garbage bag and wrapped it around our important equipment. Jamie and the girls were now soaked wet.
It was freezing, imagine being woke up by the rain water, but I am not that worried with that I am much worried with the footages that we got yesterday, I just hope that it didn’t got ruined by the waters.
Our boss called, she had just advised us to stay. The situation is somehow not safe if we are going to depart that day. To make things worse, Jamie had caught on a fever. Oh my, what a day is this, I just hope that everything would be fine by tomorrow.
It was about two in the afternoon, I just feel weak and dizzy. We just then asked the resort concierge if we could be transferred into the main hotel which is located just blocks away from the resort cottages. By the time we arrived our new rooms I just got the chills that I was about to pass out, and everything came blank.
The girls then decided to exchange rooms with us. Sam was after all an obsessive compulsive woman that she doesn’t want to have a fever or something. On the other hand the hotel doctor had just given his diagnosis regarding Jamie’s condition. He had a fever because of over fatigue and by tomorrow he would be as good as new, that is if he’ll take his rest and his medicine. I just stayed with him at our room, just in case he needs anything, and after about an hour, I just noticed that he was dreaming, one statement was, “Eliza, Eliza, why did you leave me?” and another one was, “Mom, I miss you…” and I just felt the grip from his hands. It was a grip like no other, a grip of longing for something or someone that he had loss.
It was about four in the morning, I just felt that everything was okay with me by that time. I was surprise, I was in another room? Or am I? I saw Ivan sleeping just beside my bed. And I just saw Kyle, he just came out from the room’s comfort room. He said, “Van is up all night, just observing on how you were doing…” and Kyle went back to his slumber, I just told myself, he did that? I am not really sure what to feel that very moment.
The sky was clear blue, as if nothing chaotic happened yesterday. Sam and Anna had already packed all the things that we had use on the past days that we have stayed here in this resort in Palawan. Kyle was still busy on somehow drying up some of our equipment, and that includes the camera. By no time, of course it got dry but we didn’t have the luxury of time checking out the tapes, so we departed the island later that morning. As usual, Jamie was in his snooty mode. Or is he really snobbish today or is it something else.
I do still feel awkward until this moment. The whole team had our breakfast, but I didn’t spoke of any word that morning. And we are boarding the airplane, I have requested the attendant if I could be seated away from him, Lance that is… What the, Ivan I mean… Oh my, what is this happening to me?
The segment was about to be shown by Sunday, and its deadline is on Saturday afternoon on where our boss would actually approve if they are going to include it on her slot, or she would just shelve it. It was almost the weekend when we had arrived Manila. I know by this time the tables should be already turned. But where is Jamie anyway?
Shoot Jamie… You should be distancing yourself with him. But you should do your job no matter what. But it is now the time for me to go unto the post production. That Mr. Averon is surely a pain in the ass. Then it just so happen that I had pass by my boss, she just said, “Good luck with Mr. Averon!” could she read my mind just like that?
I could see him from a distant slowly approaching our department. I decided to be reserved so that he won’t be that bothered. I know that he is disturbed about something. So Ivan, just be professional when you are with him.
Well, it did came out good actually, as if I am actually talking to a new Ivan, he’s a bit refined, mostly focus with his work. Or is he just like this when he works? We had the chance to check almost all the tapes from our trip, and then I just remembered that we are about to check the last tape, the one that we had with the proposal thing. By the time that Ivan had played on the VCR I just had my fingers crossed.
I could see his fingers crossing. By the time the tape was rolling, I could sense that there is something terribly wrong with it. The “money shot” has been ruined, ruined by the incident that happened at the island with the storm. I was observing Jamie’s face and all I can see at that time was he was on a state of shock. “Hey, Jamie, are you okay?”
I was astonished, after all that we have done? I didn’t even have the chance to answer Ivan’s question.
“Don’t worry we’ll come up to something. Trust me, we could fix this…” as I encourage him.
But no encouraging words could actually calm me, “Do you know what this means?”
“Yeah I know that it is time for us to have some lunch. Just chill and relax. My treat…” as I invited him so that he won’t be that worried with what had happen.
What? All he can think about is to have lunch? “And what do you think would be the remedy for this?” I asked him in a sarcastic manner.
“I already told you… I can do wonders…” as I answer him.
And he threw again that awesome jaw dropping smile of his. And then we had lunch. It is just lunch, not an actual date. After that invite we then went into post production and he continued on cross training me for the other parts of the creative process in the production. But I was still distracted by the fact that by tomorrow we do not have a presentation. And somehow I am putting my whole trust unto this guy to whom I called jerk, crazy drunken man, who mostly makes sense all the time.
Last night I told Jamie to have his goodnights rest. I just stayed at the office until the afternoon came.
I was so nervous, I was sweating like hell. I already talked with our boss’ secretary and she just told me that she is just busy with someone from inside. I just wish this could all end. I was planning on telling her that we have screwed up. And after some minutes, I was surprised, I just saw Ivan coming out of our boss’ office. “What are you doing here?” and I noticed that he didn’t changed his clothes from yesterday. And he just again gave me this smile…
“Hate to tell you I told you so…” and I just politely walked away.
What’s with him today? I told myself. And our boss’ secretary had already let me in her office. And there she was, she then told me, “Jamie, I was expecting you really… Congratulations! Job well done!...” Huh? Why is she congratulating me? And then she continued, “That assignment in Palawan was truly worth it… I am just excited about its full feature by tomorrow…” I was just about to ask her if I could actually see the final product but for some strange reason she had already read my mind and she said,“I suggest that you could see it by tomorrow… I am just ecstatic on featuring it on my show…” she was that excited, while I am that mystified, what on the world did Ivan did with our feature that our boss was very much impressed with it.
Our boss was very much pleased with our work that she had given me a time off by tomorrow. Maybe that is also a good thing so that I could watch it by myself. I just remembered the last statement that she said, “I think the cross training thing is not such a bad idea after all… It maybe a clash of the minds, but in the end creatively the team pulled it off… Nice job Ivan!”
I feel inanimate the rest day, I just don’t really know what to expect by tomorrow. What was with tomorrow’s feature that somehow I am anxious about.
I was just asleep all day. I just rose up at about six in the evening to have my dinner. Anyways the show would not yet start until seven.
I went at church at about six. I was on a hurry on my way home. I don’t want to be late in time for our feature that night but my colleague Sam texted me that our segment would be shown at the last part of the show. So I just had a quick dinner at a nearby “carinderia” and I instantly went home.
Today’s main topic was paradise in the Philippines. It was about scenic spots in our country that is mostly visited by tourist, not just because of its natural beauty but also because of some mystical hidden stories.
There were about places featured in tonight’s show. One was from Ilocos, the next feature was on Mt. Province. The third feature was in Albay, my friend Joanie was assigned there, the fourth one was on Pangasinan, and then there was it, the last feature of the night… It just gave me chills when the music played, and when I’ve heard our boss’ voice over… Ohhh…
The music that I infused with tonight’s feature segment went well with that night’s theme. Jamie’s title to the feature also complemented the whole effect to it, “The underground river of love…”… At the first part of it, the islands of Palawan were shown, then the lush beaches. Then interviews with the locals and tourists…
Then there was it. It was time to the main event, the underground rivers. The shot going to the trail wasn’t ruined, hmmm… I guess he could really do wonders, and the feature just continued, to the boat ride, to the tour guides, the magnificent rock formations, and to the stories about mystical gods, and lovers who have sworn their love inside the cave, and then I just heard our boss’ voice came and said, “And someone from our team, had to pop a question to someone…” and I just said to myself, what is she saying? Is Sam and Kyle getting married?
I have to do that, I just told him yesterday that I can do wonders…
And I just saw Ivan’s face on the screen, he is about to confess something on national TV. “Call me ridiculous, call me crazy… I don’t really care… At this very moment, I stand here at this cave, this very cave as my very witness with all its mystical powers, I did see it in your eyes that I do wanted to spend the rest of my life with you…” Ivan said sincerely, and the show ended with some parting words from our boss. Huh? How could have this happen? I can’t really remember that we had this shot in Palawan. I decided to call Sam, she just said, she was even surprised with the said part of the documentary. She was in the office when she had watched that part. And after having that shown, hundreds of calls were made from women viewers. They were much curious at the same time moved by this guy’s proposal.
It is really true, I don’t really care… That is what I felt when I did that video on the last part of the tape when I was about to change it into a new tape. For now, I’ll just keep it on myself who’s that very person is, who had somehow caught my affection.
I am stressed with what had just happened, I think by tomorrow. Ivan’s video would be the talk of the town. And maybe in the end, our boss would just ask us to make a follow up story on it.
I don’t know if the people in the office were aloof or they are just excited about yesterday, but I could see them smiling at me, but they weren’t talking at me. And Kristy our boss’ secretary had just asked me to go to our boss’s office. “Ivan, you did make me proud… That was the highest rating that our show ever got… Now every woman in our country is asking, who is the lucky girl that this bachelor is looking for?” she said in excitement. I just told myself, don’t tell me that you are having a follow up story of this? Oh well in my relief, she didn’t thought of it yet. She just told me her congratulations and I just went out of her office. It just so happen that I passed by Jamie’s workspace. He was already there. He just came from the pantry. “Hi there Jamie!” as I greeted him.
“Hi there Mr. Averon!” I don’t really know why am I such a party pooper. I just became formal again talking to him. “So congratulations! And who’s the lucky girl? Everyone seems to be asking?” whattaheck, why did you asked him such a silly question? Are you actually jealous of that mystery girl of his?
If you could just knew who it is… And what’s with the last name calling? Is he on a furious mode today? I just gave him an answer, “In time, you’ll know…” and I just bid farewell and I just decided to go directly into my office department.
And the girls in my department just flocked around me. They were drooling over him. They were very curious who was that lucky girl from last night’s show. And I just answered, “He didn’t confirm anything to me… Sorry to disappoint you girls…”
Upon reaching my desk, I just contemplated on some things, I just asked myself is your decision really worth it? I mean doing it on live national TV?
I was about to leave the office grounds when I saw Ivan leaving. I suddenly realized that I was a bit rude at him this morning. So I rushed on running to catch up with him, I decided to call him by his first name.
That’s Jamie! And why is he actually calling me now with my first name?
I just went straight to the point with him, “I am sorry about this morning, maybe I am not just in my usual self. As a peace offering, can I invite you over dinner tonight? My treat… That is if you don’t have any plans for tonight?” I sincerely told him.
Without any hesitations I just answered him, “I would be delighted…” It was just like he just read my mind. I was also on my way into this nearby mall so that I could buy myself up a new phone. At least the idea of me buying a phone is not bothering Jamie, I don’t want to further annoy him that night. I just went really speedy buying my new phone. It was a Nokia 5800 Xpress Music phone. I just bought a new sim card along with it, texted some friends and family and of course my mum (I had a printed list of numbers of some close friends and family) and I just turned it into silent mode. After all we are about to have dinner.
It was a sleek phone really. It matches his personality as well. After visiting the phone shop we then went straight into this Italian franchise restaurant. I ordered some pasta, he ordered some herbed chicken with some vegetables and we both had iced tea. I could feel that he could sense that I was again being aloof with him. We were not talking for about five minutes after we have placed our orders. Out of the usual, I just decided to start the conversation. “Hmmm… About this morning, I was maybe just distracted, I am sorry…”
“You don’t have to be sorry about anything. You have not done anything to actually harm me? Besides aren’t you getting tired of apologizing? Jamie actually to tell you truthfully I am the one who is being sorry for you for being always apologetic… Relax… Every people are given a chance to commit his or her mistake…” I just told him that.
This Ivan man always impresses me every time he talks profoundly like that. As if he could reach your very soul and read every inch of your consciousness. And then he asked me a question.
“What are you actually afraid off? As if that being apologetic comes from something else that bothers you?” I outspokenly told him. He became silent for a while and then he just spoke.
“I told you I have too much to prove. Maybe you are right, that there is this pain that bothers me. I can’t just pin point it out…” I genuinely replied
I now realize that he was about to become emotional at that time, but I don’t really want him to cry… I just shifted the mood by moving the topic unto me. “So you are curious about that lucky girl?” I told him with a smile on my face.
“Well that girl wouldn’t be that lucky. You are obnoxious at times and sometimes a brat… And maybe a jerk…” I jokingly replied, of course I was just kidding about it.
“Hey, hey wait, aren’t we here because you are apologizing at me because according to you, you were rude this morning?” as I defied his statement.
“Yeah, yeah you won. You always won over me on times like this…” and we just ended up laughing and laughing. After a while the food was served it was very aromatic as well as sumptuous.
On the middle of our dinner, I just casually asked him, in your point of view, what do you think is the kind of partner that I am looking for? By that time I knew Jamie was over thinking, he was twisting his spaghetti with his fork for quite a while.
Why would he ask me that? I don’t know anything about girls? It’s just a question, what’s the harm if you’ll give him an answer with that? It is like he is asking me what do you think are my likes with a person? Not particularly a partner. And so I answered,“Maybe someone sensible, not shallow nor superficial. Or this someone could be clever or intelligent, someone who could crack any joke at any time at any moment or can make a laugh out of nothing really or just someone who is adventurous or feisty.” Oh my, I was about to lose answers to his question.
And then I answered, “Maybe, maybe I may like someone who’s adventurous like me, or maybe someone sensible? But with all the things that you have mentioned, you haven’t hit on the bulls eye. For a very strange reason I do wanted someone who is the opposite of me. I wanted someone who is snobbish, someone who always frowns, and someone who looks like always furious or rather anxious.
“Huh? What’s with that choice? Opposite he says?” I was wondering if he is making fun of me again.
And I answered, “Let’s just say I just feel challenged with that kind of person. That I know in the end, whatever hardships that this person may encounter I know that I could make this person smile and I could tell myself that it’s all worth it.”
Why is he staring at me like that, what’s with him? He’s going coo-coo again, and then I saw his phone, its backlight is blinking. “Hey, someone I think is calling you…”
It was my mom again calling. I just turned it into loudspeaker mode so that Jamie could hear my mom’s voice which I found really cute. I was surprised when I’ve heard a voice of a man. It has been a while ever since I’ve heard his voice. It was my dad. I then excuse myself to Jamie so that I could take his call.
His voice suddenly became almost silent while talking to his dad. But there are some moments that I accidentally hear his words, like about the show yesterday. And when he would be coming home, he just answered that he’s not sure. And then he dropped that very brief call.
“Hey sorry about that…” I told Jamie, I didn’t realize that my dad would be using my mom’s phone. It was really a surprise to me that he would be talking to me. He was very excited with the news that he had watched that I already had chosen a girl for me to marry. Why does he care about it? He sounded excited, maybe he’s just excited for the reason he just wants a grand child from me. Oh dad you are such a handful.
I have never seen Ivan that serious, after that dinner he just became silent, up until he accompanied me when I rode the cab. We just bid our farewells and we went our own separate ways. Now I have seen his serious side that other side of Ivan that somehow is hidden on a mask of happiness and optimism.
Why did he suddenly call? He didn’t even care even before? I am now on the top of my game now. I am very much contented with what I have now. A good career, friends, someone I am pleased to be with, I mean I do have a happy and satisfied life. Why does he always ruin my moment? Should I really call him, and somehow make up with the lost time that we had?
I came home at about thirty minutes from the mall. It was not that far anyways. Upon resting my body at my sofa I just thought of something. I am worried about him, I am worried about Ivan. I just got my mobile phone. Something inside me tells me that I should call him. Upon checking my mobile, there was one unread text message. It was a new number, it says, “Jamie, kindly save my number, and by the way thank you for the nice treat… -7:30 pm”. He had already thanked me even before we had dinner?
I was about to make a call, when someone came calling, Jamie is calling me?
I don’t seem to have a choice, I had to make that call but it seems I don’t have any idea on where to start to.
“Hello, Jamie?” as I started.
“Yes, I just wanted to check on you if you had arrived home safely?” that is the only thing that I could think of from that very moment.
“No worries… I am already home even before any snatchers could ever snatch something from me…” I told him jokingly, I do not want him to worry really.
“Is that so?” I answered, even if he gave me that joke, I still felt that he was undoubtedly troubled of something.
“Hmmm… Jamie is that all? How about you? Had you arrived your pad safely?” as I ask him, I was thinking if there is something that I could help him with.
In a hurry I just answered him, “Yes… In no time I am already here. Anyways, I think that was basically it, it was nice chatting up with you… Good night Ivan good friend!” and I hung up the phone.
He called me a good friend? Well that’s new… Is it that a sign when Jamie called me when I was about to call my dad that I shouldn’t call him? In any case, perhaps I should just be calling them some other time.
I was about to choke myself that time, I can’t say a word after that… At least I know that he could have a goodnight’s rest. Mr. Ivan Lance Averon, what are you doing at me, as if you had put a spell on me or something?
Then minutes came, then hours…
Then a day, then days came… Then a week…
I had never heard anything about Jamie.
Not a single word came from Ivan.
I already had made a call with my mom. We had a serious talk. I decided to see her at a coffee shop on the way to my parent’s place. She already told me the story, that my dad was already a changed man. It all happened when my dad had this gall bladder surgery. My mom told me that it was a life changing experience for my dad that it was much like a divine intervention. He decided that he would not further push me to be in charge of our law firm, the Averon – Montero Associates. And that he’s so much very proud of me, that my dad was somehow happy that I already had found my passion. That I am much like a grown up man. And the most important thing that he said was, coming from my mom, “Diana, I am very much excited to have my grand child…”
It has been weeks, I guess I should not be expecting something from him. A memo from our boss’ office came, she needs me there A.S.A.P. Well I was wondering what’s that all about, then she broke out the news to me, “We have to do it, we are now running Ivan’s story in two weeks time… And I am taking you in charge of it…” Huh? Why me? What on the world is that?
My boss had somehow personally visited me at my office department, and somehow had convinced me to do the feature about me. The calls from women viewers didn’t stop until now, that is why she is persuading me so hard, that she won’t take no for an answer. Well I would not really decline with her request. And I guess that is the price I have to pay for what I have done? But in all fairness I just asked her for one petty condition, that Jamie would be the one in charge of my feature segment. What a brilliant idea right? It has been a while since we both seen each other, I should be the one making up for the lost time.
And whose crazy idea is it, that I should be the one doing the feature about him? Oh well if it is my boss well I guess I don’t have the right to whine. But if I’ll discover something about having this interview rigged, Hmpft! And so, with a very heavy heart I just went into Ivan’s office department and there he was, looking as if he is expecting me to come. “Good Morning Mr. Ivan Averon, so shall we proceed to our usual business?” Jamie… this is just your job, a job on which you should follow.
Why so serious? I told myself. Here we go again man… Jamie is like irritated again. So I just answered his question, “Okay we can now proceed, now shall we go?”
Huh, what is this guy talking about? Going to where? I am just conducting his interview here at the office. “I’ll start on my interview now, here at this very place, at this very moment.” I commanded him.
He is very clueless. “Haven’t she told you that you’ll be conducting my personal interview at Tagaytay? I’ll take you there for lunch. We’ll ride some public transpo. Coz’ I am not that comfortable being interviewed here.” I explained to him in detail. And besides that is a part of the deal between my boss and me.
This guy is such a pain in the ass. “Okay, okay… So shall we go now? I have some important things to do than just…” I was not finished when he butted,
“Than just what?...” as I asked him.
“Nevermind! Come on before I change my mind.” And in the end, I have no choice at all.
To be fair with Jamie, I did followed one request from him. We just rode this air-conditioned bus going to the boarder of Las Piñas-Cavite area it is because if we would ride a public “open bus” here in Manila, we could be almost chocked by the gasses from the air pollution here.
By the time we reached the Cavite area, we then rode this stainless steel mini-bus that can be only seen in Cavite. There I had seen again the carefree Ivan that I’ve met in Palawan. He’s just laidback on his seat. I could see him observing every person or vicinity that we pass by, and then as usual he started talking.
“You could now start your interview here… I was just waiting for you to start on the last bus ride that we had…” and I gave him a grin.
This jerk, he didn’t even told me that I could start on interviewing him. And so I just started, “Whole name, age, address…” etc. etc. etc.
“What kind of interview is that? And besides you do already know what my whole name is… Is this like a job interview or something? We’ll it sounds like one… And besides if you do need those information, you could just easily get that in the HR” as I over exaggerated myself, hehehe.
He is now pushing me into my limits, “Okay fine, I’ll try to be as casual as possible. I’ll just do my job so that we could now carry on…” and then I had taken a deep breath, “Can you describe something about your childhood?”
“Can you be more specific? I do have a vast memory of my childhood?” as I again tease him.
You son of a gun brat! I just told myself, and then I continued, “Hmmm… Perhaps, just tell me something about your interest… Your hobbies… Where did you go for grade school?” I just asked him some basic questions. And somehow Ivan did delivered, he did answer every little question that I have asked him about his childhood, up to his puberty, his college life and now his career, and then I just realized I just went too personal. “Are you close with your dad?” I think it was a stupid question to ask. He looked blanked and somehow didn’t manage to answer that question.
I really didn’t find the question stupid really. It’s just that I just didn’t really know anything to say if the topic is about my dad. It’s a good thing that I already felt the cool breeze of Tagaytay, instead of answering that question, I just distracted myself by answering him, “Yahoo… We are already in Tagaytay! See!” as I pin-pointed the marker at the side of the road.
I felt something when Ivan diverted himself away from that question. I know that someday I’ll know what’s running in his mind. In the meanwhile we have reached our destination. It was an open air restaurant on which we could see the magnificence of Taal Volcano and its famous lake. It was surely a relaxing site to see.
I could see again in his eyes that he’s enjoying the site’s here. “I told you that this is quite an experience…” and Jamie answered,“Yes it is quite an awesome experience… I think the last time I was here was in one of my grade school field trips. But I barely remember anything. I don’t even have a picture of that trip.” As I candidly answer Ivan. It seems it would be an exchange of interviews after all. You should always remember Jamie that you make some distance from him, that you are just doing your job. And Ivan continued on talking…
“Really… Me, I usually go here by myself, when I do have a bad day I’ll just drive myself here and I just feel refreshed… It’s like my problems have dissolved away… Let’s just say that this place is like my comfort zone. My own refuge to the chaotic city life… So shall we take a picture, just you and me?” I sincerely told him. And then I asked this waiter if he could take our picture.
He drives? But where is his car? And what’s with the picture thing? Something like a remembrance?
He looked distracted about the car so I just explained it to him “I already had sold it, anyways riding a public transport is not a bad thing after all.” And the photo of both of us were somehow nice, I then bluetoothed it to him.
And so I continued my interview with him, while we are being served by some special beverages. The drinks were on the house which was given by the owner, who happens to be a close friend of Ivan. Now I know that he’s somehow telling the truth. He had also told me the reason on why he was late on our trip to Palawan, he just came from Tagaytay that night. He just wants to free his mind before he goes into this he say “life changing” trip of his. And then I asked him, “Why life changing?”
“It was life changing because there I realized something. Something that I had never felt before…
“Is it about the girl? That you realized something?” as I dig on the dirt on him.
“Hmmm… Someday you’ll know…” I never gave him a hint.
He is so hard headed, what’s the point of having this interview, if he’ll not answer all the questions that I would ask him.
“Do not worry Jamie. In due time you’ll surely know who that person is, but for now let’s just enjoy our stay here. By the way, since you’ve been asking me for quite sometime, can I have the privilege on asking you a question?” I told Jamie.
Huh ask me? “What for? And besides, is this still a part of a deal from our boss?”
“Let’s just say that it would be like our own little arrangement…” as I explain to him.
Is he deaf, “I just asked you, what for?”
“So that I could be at least comfortable…?”
And I just laughed, “Hahaha… That is so funny of you, in that state you are saying that you are not yet comfortable?” and instead hitting my point Ivan just told this.
“This is the very first time that I’ve ever seen you laugh…”
I just became perplexed when he did that, what I mean is saying things randomly. And he followed it with.
“You often laugh Jamie… You do have a very great smile…”
Here we go again Ivan, you are making me feel… “So aren’t we going through the interview?” I patiently asked him.
“Yeah you may go on… But wait, in a usual scenario what makes you laugh? Or maybe smile at least?”
He’s one persistent guy. I’ll just answer his question so that I can push through with the interview, but wait a minute, that is quite a question, Jamie, what would actually make you laugh? Well it took me a while to answer his question, so I just randomly picked something that just came out of my mind. “If someone’s joke failed to make me laugh?” and he look distraught, and he said,
“How would that happen, if he failed to make you laugh so then technically you wouldn’t really be laughing at all, am I right?” and I just scratched my head after that.
Oh this guy, why do I have to explain everything to him. “Can we just proceed to the interview?”
“Okay, okay, please don’t be mad.” And I have asked the waiter to serve our lunch.
Maybe I am just going hungry that is why I am being like this to him. After eating our superb meal, for the third time I have asked him, “So shall we?”
“Nah… Maybe we could do this tomorrow. Come on, let’s go home. I know that it would be a more interesting conversation for both of us.
What? He dragged me on all the way here just to have lunch? This sicko! I just decided to walk out, and ride the bus going back to Manila.
I was running after him. Just imagine after treating him for lunch he just left me here and for a fact that I was shouting his name.
At first I was really angry with him, but when I’ve heard him calling my name, something had told me that I shouldn’t be that hard with him. Hmmm Ivaaaaaaaaaaaannn… You are making me crazy.
Upon reaching our offices I decided to look for Jamie at his department, but Sam said that Jamie is not yet back from his field work, she just asked me, “Isn’t he with you?” Instead answering her question I just walked away and tried to ring his mobile phone.
My phone was ringing and ringing all over, my friend from the HR Joanie told me, “Wouldn’t you answer your call?” and I just answer her, “Well it’s from a jerk prank caller…” and I just turned it into silent mode. Hahaha… Well Ivan’s suggestion somehow worked after all. I did check his files in the HR department and there I saw some very interesting information about him.
Where the hell is that guy? I am starting to get worried about him.
Hmmm… He has two addresses, one was his present address on which he is now residing and the second one was his permanent address on which written was a different address. He is from Forbes Park, an exclusive village here in Manila. His parents were surprisingly socialite Diana Montero-Averon and Iron man lawyer, president of the law firm Averon-Montero Associates, legal adviser to the President of the Philippines, Atty. Jaime Averon. Hmmm… And did I mention that he is just an only son? Now I do get it why he acts like that, a bratty little child.
Calling him up at his phone was useless. So I did try waiting for him at the office entrance.
I was about to leave our workplace, I had pass by Kyle. He was on his way to pick up something at his floor. He had told me that Ivan was waiting for me at the lobby. It’s a good thing that I’ve seen Sam at the hallway, she was also about to leave, and she’s using the back entrance because that is where she usually parks her car. I just asked her a favor if she could give me a ride, of course she didn’t declined, in the end she asked me, “Is anything wrong with you Jamie?” and I just reasoned out to her, “My feet just hurts, you could just drop me off the next block.”
It’s running late? What’s taking him so long? And then I saw Kyle, he was about to leave the lounge, and he said, “Jamie just left, he was with Sam…” Hmmm, it seems that the little naughty mouse had escaped his prey, hehehe. So I just decided to move on and so I just rode this bus, on my way home while observing the roadside something had caught my attention, it was Jamie, getting off Sam’s car. Hahaha, I wouldn’t just leave without a fight. So I went off the bus and decided to discreetly follow him. Anyways, I am just also doing my job. It is him who’s not doing his thing, hehehe.
Thank God! I have escaped that demented man. But how about tomorrow, well I shouldn’t be stressing myself up. The important thing is I could have my goodnight’s rest with out over thinking about that manic guy.
So that is Jamie’s pad. Hehehe… Tomorrow would be very interesting… LOLZ.
Before hitting my comfty bed, I just checked my phone, I just remembered that Ivan had sent me the photo that we had at Tagaytay, I was frowning as usual, and as for Ivan, he was all smiles. Hmmm… Should I delete this photo anyway, I was sleepy by that time my finger was about to, and then my mind came blank, “Hey don’t you dare do delete that…” said a familiar voice, it was Ivan, and then I told him, “You are even here in my dreams? Or should I say my nightmare?” and he answered, “Yeah, I would be in your very worst nightmare. Forever! Bwahahhahaha!” and it ended with an evil laugh.
The morning was nice. I slept very soundly last night.
As for me, Ivan did torment me, even in my subconscious mind. To my surprise my face was resting on his photo on my mobile phone. There were still traces of my saliva from last night, oh my, I am that grubby. I decided to wake up and go instantly into the comfort room to wash my face. After that I decided to hit downstairs to check my doorstep so that I could get a glance on the freshly delivered news paper. And so I opened my solid wooden door, picked up the rolled newspaper and decided to close the door, and I just told myself “am I still dreamin’?” so that I could confirm if I am not, I just decided to open my door again, and to my surprise, there he was, Ivan sleeping at my doorway, his head resting at the grills of my plant box. I just took my newspaper and started hitting my head with it, “Tell me you are dreaming, that this is just one of your nightmares…” upon five or eight hits, my head started to hurt.
“Stop doing that… You are just hurting yourself. I told you that I was going to pick you up today. Am I right?” Hehehe, well I guess my plan is now working.
And I just slam the door close, is he like a stalker? “Yeah I know that you would be picking me up, but I thought that you would be picking me up at the office? And besides how did you knew about my place?” I was about to loose my mind with him.
“Hey don’t get me wrong with all of this, well I am not a stalker or something, I just followed you on your way home… Oh shoot, it does sound that I am stalking you, but that isn’t the case, you weren’t even answering my calls. And besides, it’s okay with me if I just slept here outside, as long as you would not get the chance to escape from your duties today. You know it’s a bit cold here last night.” I pretended that I was a bit down by that time. If he could only knew that I did stayed in a nearby motel just across the street.
“Why? I didn’t ask you to sleep at my door way?” I harshly told him.
“Okay, I am sorry… Gee, I guess I am too much for you to handle… I’ll just leave and go ahead the office…” I acted as if I sounded defeated at that time.
That was so ruthless for me to do, I know that he doesn’t mean any harm, What will I do with you? And so I slowly opened the door, I just saw him about to leave, and so I decided to invite him over, “Ivan, I am also sorry about yesterday, come in, let’s have some coffee…” well again I don’t seem to have a choice. And then from nowhere his seemingly sad face lighted up, he hurriedly went inside my home and had a sit on my sofa. “Are you really sure that you slept on my front yard last night?” but instead of answering he just again answered me with a smile. Oh well what do I still expect from him. And so I just prepared some coffee for him and some breakfast, I had some stock loaf bread and I cooked him some egg and some bacon and ask him to enjoy his food while I just take my bath.
“How about you? Aren’t you having your breakfast?” as I ask Jamie.
“I rarely have my breakfast in the morning. I would rather have a light merienda later. Hey by the way are you not going to change your clothes?” well technically he is still wearing the same clothing that he was wearing from yesterday.
“I guess I am still fine with this, I’ll just have my cologne and I’ll just wash my face…” but seriously I do wanted to change my clothing at that very moment.
Ivan, Ivan, you are just like an irresponsible child, “Anyways then, Just enjoy your breakfast and let’s just talk later…” and I just went into my bathroom.
Wow freshly cooked breakfast in the morning. In a usual case I would just have some cereals in our house at Forbes, because my mom thinks that it is much better than eating food which is cook with too much fat. After some time I guess I have already had too much to eat so I just decided to walk around his house. I think he would still be at his bathroom for quite some time. At his living area were pictures frames, of I think his mom and a toddler Jamie… He’s one cute child, he still has the same smile just like what he had from his childhood days, and beside that frame was a small aged wooden box with an antique finished lock. I was just thinking what an odd looking box… After strolling around his bungalow house, I just then heard Jamie’s voice.
And I told him, “I think that you should be taking a bath, by now you already stink!” and I just gave him this extra bath towel that I had inside my drawer and handed it to him. I also had picked him up some clothes on which I could lend him. It’s a good thing that I had some loose clothing that I wore when we went to Palawan, if I didn’t had those, well it is now his problem on where he would get his clothes from today.
It did just take me about fifteen to twenty minutes on going to the bathroom, and that includes my prep time. It surprised me that somehow, the clothes that he had lend me fits me well. If my memory was still clear it was the same clothing that Jamie wore at Palawan, but he had this loose style with him, to me it fitted perfectly. It was a cardigan with big black and white stripes, and inside it was a white polo shirt, and he had also lend me a white pedal pusher short. Very summer looking at the Hamptons, Am I right? It’s a good thing that the wardrobe matched my shoes.
It was a mesmerizing scene seeing him like that. Ivan surely is one good looking guy. I know that he is just a shirt and jeans guy. But I know that inside of him is a guy who has a great sense and taste for clothing. I noticed that because he usually wears designer shirts. But this was the very first time that I saw him all glammed-up. He has this messy hair, but it still compliments his face. But wait a minute, he didn’t wore the matching accessory that I had prepared with the rest of the clothing that I had fixed for him, after all it was the time for me to play along with this guy.
“Are you sure that this bow tie or ribbon is necessary?” I asked him.
And I just shook my head. Inside me, I was laughing.
Oh well, just go with the flow man, before Jamie would have his tantrum again. And so I just followed his suggestion, but I saw this newsboy cap just lying around his end table, “could I borrow this?”
Hahaha, that would surely complete the look, “Sure I told him…” and again I was laughing and laughing inside me. But after some minutes I realized that it wasn’t a bad look for him at all, that he surely pulled it off. It was really a cute look for him. Ivan is so kawaii that morning and his manly scent was so divine.
“So shall we?” as I asked the equally impressing looking Jamie.
Wait, wait… While taking a bath I just realized something, that I should setting up my rules so that this research about him will work out. “Hmmm… Is it okay if I would make a suggestion about our set up today?”
“Yeah sure, what is it?” I am really good with negotiations.
I wanted this to work out this time, “It’s like this, if it is okay with you, today I would not really ask you questions, instead you’ll do all the talking, you are the one in charge, I won’t contradict you with anything. I wanted to know more about you in your own perspective.” So that there wouldn’t be further conflicts.
I guess that’s not a bad suggestion, “So that’s your part of the bargain?” Well I think that offer would work in my advantage.
That’s the only thing that I could think about that time, instead of fighting the current, I should just go with the flow. Go Jamie!
So we both took a tricycle ride going to the main road of EDSA Ave., after that we took a bus going to the main gates of Forbes. I decided to call our security head, Mr. Mendoza. It’s a good thing that he still remembers my voice. He had told me that my parents were out today. That dad would be on this convention and mom would be in a philanthropy event. I think it’s about time to pay my old folks’ place a visit.
It’s my first time visiting such a place. Forbes has lush greenery inside. With it’s architecturally beautiful, gigantic houses. It is like each house is unique on its own way, a castle of every kingdom that is. It was cozy inside the Averon’s house car on which we are picked up on the main gate of the village. It didn’t took us long to reach his place, but I was wondering, where is his house? Most houses could be seen at least at the side of the road, theirs were just tall trees, a solid marble wall, and black iron gates. And the gates just automatically opened just like magic much like in the James Bond Movies.
“Welcome to my parent’s place” I told Jamie. Well I think this is a good start for my story telling. It’s more personal to tell a story if I could show him the surroundings that molded me as a person.
I was enthralled upon seeing his place, or could a say a mansion? Or a villa? I am confused which is bigger, a mansion or a villa? Okay let’s call it a palace. On their front yard, or should I say their own little park were marble sculptures of local artisans here in our country lined up where the car has passed by, it has greenery all over which includes a vast land of freshly cut imported grass, a large collection of flora and fauna and in the middle of it was a luxurious fountain that would enchant you upon arriving the place. And the house oh that house… It’s like it just came from a scene at a novel or something.
And I assisted Jamie by opening his door for him…
At the door walkway who is as big as my actual bedroom were there were steps on this solid granite gold gilded floor and towering the entrance was the two doors who is like twice as tall as Ivan. It has a stained glass design with its family emblem. I told myself, a family emblem? I thought only the royals had those kinds of stuff. And the door was instantaneously opened for us. And so upon entering we were greeted by the household of the Averons. There were perfectly lined up, and on their backdrop was this grand, as in grand staircase. And then I had a head count of how many are the Averon house staff, I think it was about ten, twelve, fourteen, I’ve lost count of their number of maids and chauffeurs and that doesn’t include Ms. Natty, the head of the house hold. Who is also Ivan’s nanny when he was young.
And Natty greeted me, “Mr. Mendoza have told me that you are coming. I know and I did feel that it would be soon. It’s great to have you back here my little Lance.” And she was teary eyed by that time.
She addressed him as Lance? Hmmm… what does that mean? And Ivan introduced me to all of them.
“I would like you all to meet my colleague Mr. Jamie Bautista. He would be having a tour of our house today. And maybe he would be interviewing anyone of you good folks! Please treat him well.” And I had this brilliant idea, “Today, since mom and dad are not here, he’ll be our master and we’ll all be his servants…” and I could see their faces, they were like thinking. Here is our clown master again. Hahaha…
Huh? What the hell is he talking about? I am that irritated that I just discreetly hit him with my elbow. And I just saw that one of his maids was giggling.
That was painful… LOLZ. “Anyways guys, we’ll just be in my room. I’ll just be checking out my stuff.”
And the whole household just disappeared like magic, only Ms. Natty was there. She told us that they had prepared some special lunch for us later and she also left us in a while, we then proceeded to his room. It was actually a long way there, we had passed by at least ten doors, two corridors, one intimidating grand staircase. And then we reached his room. And then I asked him, “Is your room placed at the very end of your house?”
And I answered Jamie, “Yes, well before my room was actually adjacent to my parent’s that is the one beside the staircase. But I just decided to move here because it is one big room. Of course it’s the second biggest aside from my parent’s. In total I think we had twenty rooms, that is only bedrooms, so technically we have eighteen guest rooms. My dad and mom are really into social events that sometimes they do ask their guest to have a nice stay here for a couple of days or more.” As I explain to him while I look for my room key inside my wallet. But wait a minute. I thought the bargain was he wouldn’t ask me anything.
It did took him about a minute or two to find his room key so I just decided to admire the beauty of the place. Well that is just the hallway okay? Imagine, it has expensive looking carpeting, lavishly painted walls. Imported lightings and fixtures like crystal chandeliers. And after a time I’ve heard his door key clicked. And Ivan said,
“Visitors first?” as I guided him inside.
Upon opening the door the lighting from inside automatically turned on. I was again in awe with the room that he has. It is almost looked like it was a house. We’ll it is as big as the house that I am renting. I imagined it that it was like two or three times the size of my living and dining room combined. The floor area of his room was so vast that they had managed to build a second floor inside. And plus the fact that every furniture, fixture, or anything inside it was top of the line.
I could see the astonishment in his eyes. I further pointed it out to him that my parent’s room had its own three story floor built in room because the third one was used by my dad as an informal office, much like his war room. Well that is what I’ve heard. I never had the chance to really visit my parent’s room.
He never had visited his parent’s room? Hmmm… Upon hearing that from him I really felt sad for Ivan. I could see it on him that inside that happy face was a lonely guy with a deprived childhood. He may have every toy or expensive thing that a little boy could ask for, but there is one thing missing. I remembered back then when I was still a child, every time that there is a storm and lighting and thunder comes by, my mama would be just beside me telling me that in a while everything would be okay. But what about him, to whom would he find his comfort when those kinds of things happen. I would love to ask him that question but I think I would be hitting again some personal parts of his life. And I just remembered my share of our deal that I won’t be asking him any questions. So I just continued on jotting down notes.
And then so I continued on the story telling. I’ve told Jamie that I strategically had put on my bed at the second floor of the room on were this vast window was just beside it. The reason for which is I could see the village park’s greenery which is two roads away from my place. I’ve told him that it was the only safe haven on which I can appreciate during my childhood years. I remembered that I was just here in our vast house during weekends for I attended school at my dad’s original school way back when he was a kid that is why I am at one of our many houses which is located in Las Piñas.
Is he saying that he only sees his parents on a weekend? What on the world is that? I was so upset with the situation that I didn’t hesitate on asking him a question. “So I guess you do spend some time with them on the weekends?”
And I answered Jamie, “Nope, my dad has golf or poker schedules on weekends and my mom, she’s in her usual philanthropy events, after all weekends are the only free time for their leisure activities. And besides, as the time passed by I just got used to it.”
I don’t know if he looked upset but he seemed blank at that very moment. I guess he observed that I suddenly became quiet, and then he just distracted me with another topic. Ivan is one child at heart really. He has this vast collection of action figures and comic books, encased in a very organized glass shelf and wooden drawers. But one thing had made me really curious. It was a brown teddy bear on top of his bed. I just asked my self, is that a gift from a girlfriend of his? He then noticed that I suddenly got interested with it.
Ohh no… Do not think of that kind of idea man. It is not like what you think. “Hey, hey Jamie this is off limits…”
“Oh well Ivan I am just here doing my research, so what’s the story with the bear? I guess it’s a gift from a special someone. Am I right?” he was now blushing to his embarrassment.
“Fine, fine… But wouldn’t it be weird if a girlfriend would give a teddy to me? I guess it is proper if it is the other way around, right? Well first yes it came from a girl, and yes she was special to me. It came from the lovely, loving, most loved woman in my life. My granny… She died when I was six, she gave it to me when I was just four years old. I do still remember the last words that she told me before she died, Lance, my little bundle of joy, Granny would just take a deep sleep, but every time you feel scared to every thunder or monster or lighting that would visit you, just call on my name, close your eyes, and hug your teddy really tight and I would be there for you my baby…” by that time I really became speechless.
Jamie you are such an idiot. You are such a fool. I told you don’t you ever ask him a question for today, haist! And I could now see his eyes leaking. And I handed him my hanky.
“Thank you Jamie, Thank you…” I sincerely told him.
Now I’ve seen the human side him, the sensitive Ivan, even with all the worldly things that he has, it was those unworldly that somehow pleases his so sensitive heart. He has nothing to thank me for. It is me who should be thanking him. It is just the start of the day and I am learning a lot from him. Thank you Ivan, thank you. After some quiet time, we’ve heard someone calling from the house phone. It was Ms. Natty, Ivan told me that we could have our early lunch now for we do still have many places to visit today.
We then went into our formal dining room where my so called family usually eats.
Wow it is one heck of a dining space, a long table on which has with at least twenty chairs, for just a family of three?
I could see again the wonder in his eyes, “I told you my parent’s does really big parties here…”
I was seated just beside him at the farther end of the very long table. Just adjacent to us were French windows on which you could see a view of an oversized swimming pool. Everything inside of that house is insanely big. I was thinking maybe his dad has a very big ego, after all he is one of an Iron man lawyer.
I think he was again observing, observing every detail that this place have… “Jamie, to tell you honestly this place is like a prison to me. So many rooms and yet very few people walks and stays in it. That is why I decided to have a blank canvass, a fresh start. So I decided to left this place. It is a good thing that I left, because this place would just make me insane.”
I never expected that he would be open something like that to me. I just became speechless again, looked at him for a while in the eye, and I just bowed my head. And from nowhere I just heard Ms. Natty’s voice, “Lance, shall we serve the food?”
And then my tone shifted to a joyous one, “Yes, Ms. Natty, I can’t wait to have again a taste of your tasty cuisine.”
On that very point I can’t really understand him, I know he is hurting but somehow, he does find a way to just shove it all away. That he could look to another person’s eye on which he cared and just make them feel, I’m okay, nothing happened.
That’s the thing with me, I don’t want the people that I care for see me that I am hurting or vulnerable because seeing them that they are also hurting makes the feeling more horrid that you can just imagine. Jamie I know that you are smart, and I could see it in your eyes that you are now seeing the real me.
I really wanted to ask him a question or two. But the best thing for now is just to listen at him. After a while I could hear the door from their kitchen opening, it was Ms. Natty with a bowl of something and upon placing that bowl on the table she then open the lid, “Here is Lance’s favorite dish… Beef Caldereta with Strips of Brocolli”. Is this for real? That is why I thought the scent of the food was familiar when it was being brought here. Ivan and I have the same favorite dish? And not just any other dish, a specialty dish that usually my mom had made and perfected as a family recipe. Well it seems to me that we are not the only family that knows such a recipe.
Jamie looked surprised. He was like very bewildered at that time, “Is there anything wrong? Would you like any other dish?”
And then I answered, “This is perfectly fine…” I told him.
I was relieved I thought he’s the vegetarian type or he just maybe loves some seafood. At least he could get a chance to know my favorites. But before starting I have asked the whole household to have our lunch with us. I usually do that when I was young, most especially when my mum and dad are out. Well it is so boring eating alone right?
That is so sweet of him. Ivan is the type of rich guy that never brags that he is rich, that he feels that he is just one of us. He converses with them like they are family, or maybe he treats them all as their family. The food was delicious of course thanks to Ms. Natty, I could remember my childhood days again. After a while Ivan stood up,
“I’ll just get some ice cream for dessert.” I told them, Ms. Natty tried to stop me and said she would love if she would just get it for me, of course I just declined, and after all it has been a long while since I had guests here.
So Ivan left us for a while to get the ice cream from their kitchen. Then I just noticed that there was a sudden silence. None of them has any idea why I was there. So I just suddenly broke out the news to them. “Actually I am here to have a research about his life. We are running our story about him maybe two weeks from now.” As I explain to all of them. Then from being silent they everyone seemed to be excited on what had really happened to their boy master. One house maid said, “Actually I did had the chance to watch that show, Sir Ivan was so sweet when he did that… Mrs. Averon was the one who was watching the show that night.” And then she asked to hush herself by Ms. Natty.
While in the kitchen I was having a hard time on choosing on which ice cream should I get from them from the five flavors at our freezer.
Then one by one they have told every story about their young master Ivan. From his childhood life to the current things that had happened to him, almost all of them have a testimony on how kind he was to them. They have all agreed that Ivan treats them as family. But there is one testimonial that seemed to bother me and it was from his childhood nanny Ms. Natty, “You know Jamie, I seen him grow from this sweet innocent child to this dashing man, with all the material things that he and his family has, behind that so amazing smile and that so lively laugh of his is a mask that hides the sorrow of this poor thing. Ivan is lonely in someway, I know we are there for him, but there is this something that I know, that we know he is looking for… We just wanted him to be happy… That is why we were very happy when we heard the news about him on the television, that he had found this something with this particular someone.” As she explained to me.
At least I already made up my mind. I just took this cart in the kitchen and lined up the five assortment flavors of ice cream with bowls of toppings to choose from, like candy sprinkles, nuts, chocolate chips and more. I also had managed to get this crystal bell from my mom’s collection. I was the mamang sorbetero that time. Hehehe. When I was out at the dining area, everyone became suddenly quiet, and I just asked them, “Ice cream anyone?” and I just ring the bell.
The ice cream was very delightful, I was bloated by the time I was on my third flavor. Imagine, Ivan also had taken the sorbetero job seriously and had served every person in that long table. After some time of rest, this so energetic Ivan pulled me by my chair and went to into the front porch where a new car was waiting, and so I asked him, “how many cars do you actually have?”
“Twelve I guess? I am not really that sure, my dad loves collecting cars. So I don’t really know how many. Hey Mr. Mendoza, I’ll just bring back the car as soon as we are done with the interview?” and I took the key from him.
“Wait, wait… I haven’t got the chance to actually thank Ms. Natty and the whole household of yours…” he was so persistent to leave by that time.
“Don’t you worry, I do know that they already knew how thankful you are. Most specially that you did enjoy the food that Ms. Natty served, You have almost licked your bowl dry…” and I was again laughing.
“Hey, hey, I didn’t remember anything that I licked earlier you jerk!” I annoyingly told him.
“It’s a metaphor you silly. What I meant was I do know that you had appreciated her cooking, and that is one way that she already knew that you are very thankful for everything.” Of course I do know that, that is how I compliment Ms. Natty.
“Alright… So where are we actually going?” and he stopped after passing by two roads.
“Welcome to the Forbes’ Green Park.” And I guided Jamie inside.
It was really one green park, trees were actually everywhere, I can’t think of anything green now in the city aside from this place. But there are just a number of people who goes to this place. As he guided me to the central part of the park, I saw a marker placed in the middle of it and it says, “Atty. Domingo Ivan Averon, one lost soul, who fought for a lost nation in the midst of the hands of a dictator.” 1941 – 1984. And then I realized it, he was Ivan’s grand father, father of Mr. Jaime Averon. A martyr, one of our modern heroes.
And so I stressed out to him, “I got my name Ivan from him. He was the husband of my favorite lola. I usually bring my teddy here when I was young, thinking that they could be somehow reunited… but then realizing it now, I think that they are now reunited in one place…”
Ivan… Oh Ivan, you are as sweet as a candy… You think of your martyr grand father as a plain human being and even thought as a child you think that he and your lola had reunited. As I knew every single detail about you, it just adds up to this somehow awkward feeling… Jamie get a grip of yourself. You are just here to do your job okay?
After about some minutes of silence meditating and somehow offering a prayer, we then continued our trip together for this so called “research of my life”.
He was a fast driver, but he was still cautious with his driving maneuvers. I later find out that he does love to race cars. On his teenage life he use to join junior race car championships, and he usually won those championships. It was really obvious that he also loves cars, he has a vast collection of car toy models at his room when we visited it earlier today. After hitting the streets of EDSA we had a sharp turn going to the streets of Ayala Ave. There I saw this modern looking building, on which we had stop by. I usually admire its architecture for having a bold statement that shouts power and pride. And so we were greeted by a valet at the entrance of this very fancy building, “Welcome to the Millennia City State Tower Mr. Averon…” and I saw Ivan handing his car key to him.
“Jeffrey, I already told you before, Ivan would be just fine…” as I reiterated to him, and he responded, “I am just following your dad’s orders, will all due respect sir, he once overheard this and he did look infuriated after hearing it…”
Infuriated? I think Ivan’s father seems to be a very intimidating and egoistic man. We were about to enter the building when I was ask by the security guard on what is my business inside the office and he later had asked me to get a visitor’s ID.
“Don’t worry Ramon, I am with him…” as I explained to our security head in the building.
And for some reason the security man had just shifted his attitude towards me, he then kept on apologizing. “I am very sorry sir, it is a pleasure for having you here… You can now go with Mr. Averon. Again I am very sorry for the trouble that I have caused you.” I just told myself it is no biggie, and I decided to just follow Ivan into this elevator, the express one. After a while I just then heard his apologies at what had happen to the main entrance door.
And I told him, “I apologize for what had happen earlier. You see ever since my dad had receiving death threats for the past years security in this building had been tighten. Even my dad and my mom have their own security people escorting them anywhere they go.” After that explanation, Jamie then seem bewildered, I felt that he wanted me to ask a question, so in the end I did let him to proceed with it.
“How about you? You are still a part of the family right? I don’t see anyone guarding you or anything. Am I right?” and then the elevator bell rang, we are now at the twenty-first topmost floor. And then he answered my question while we were passing by the white hallway going to the reception area of the Averon-Montero law offices. That is one big signage on the front desk.
“Let us just say I just had a low key life after graduating. I left home so basically I secluded myself with everything. So I guess that is why threats didn’t bother me that much. Maybe I was just into the normal life, much like your life.” I straightly answered him.
Much of my life? And then I asked him another question as the front desk girl welcomed us to their offices. “So are you saying that rich people like you still does struggle in life?”… And then I realized, damn you Jamie, another silly question.
“Sweetie… We are also struggling in some other way, more than you can just imagine.” I told him.
Sweetie? Hahaha… That is why I felt that is a very stupid question. Of course I do know that all of us has struggles, let us just say that I just thought that they didn’t because of everything that they had, so I guess that is a very shallow judgment. And then we were walking this long corridor, with quite a number of cubicles and offices of the staff and the other lawyers who works for the firm, everyone of them were smiling and some of them were actually giving their regards. But even thought they were smiling, I could still see the seriousness of the place, it feels cold there, maybe it is just like it inside a firm like this. After some minutes we had reached the end of that long corridor. There Ivan introduced me to his dad’s secretary, Ms. Annie, she was I think on her late thirties, she was the busy type, she was actually on the phone when she saw Ivan and I coming.
“Ms. Annie, I would like you to meet Mr. Jamie Bautista, he’s a colleague from work. I am just giving him a tour at our offices.” As I explained to her.
“Jamie Bautista Ma’am at your service….” And I gave her this warm handshake. “Nice meeting you Mr. Bautista, you do seem familiar, did we met at a corporate event or something?” and she then had finished her phone call by that time. And I answered her, “With all due respect, non as I remember ma’am, I am in the media but we are more on the documentary department. And besides I have never in my life had attended any social or corporate events.”
After they had finished their short conversation, I then asked Ms. Annie, “Is there any chance that dad would be going in his office today?” and she replied, “He’s very busy right now, actually my assistant is with him right now, he’ll be here I guess three days from now.” And I told myself, that’s good news, “So can I visit his office? You do know how I love the view there Ms. Annie?” of course she didn’t declined but she had asked me to just stay for some minutes because dad is very particular on who visits his office. And so I opened the door for Jamie.
Office? It’s as big as the HR department in my office. And the view was astounding from his corporate desk you could see the bird’s eye view of Makati as well as the skylines of the neighboring cities. And then Ivan approached me, so close that I though he was about to do something, and then he whispered something.
“This is where my dad has his secret meetings with the President of the Philippines…” I told him.
In a usual manner I should be surprise or maybe bothered with the fact that the President is having secrets meetings here. But I am more bothered with what he did, that he went that close to me. Hayyy Ivan… After staying some minutes and having some coffee to sip, we then went out to say our goodbyes with Ms. Annie, but before we left she handed something to me and Ivan.
It was an invite to a fund raising campaign for AIDS awareness, to be held at one of the most prestigious hotels in our country. Ms. Annie told us that my dad would have not had the chance to visit the event because of the current business trip that he’s in. Mom could be going so I guess it would be a good chance for Jamie and her to meet.
And I could see Ms. Annie smiling, “So I guess you could fill in with Mr. Jaime Averon’s seat, anyways there are three seats reserved for it, and besides you had also had the same name as his…”
“And the same temper…” of course I was kidding.
I was embarrassed by that time with what Ivan had just said and I was also in awe with the invitation, I don’t really know if I should refuse it or what, and besides Ivan’s mom would be there, we were about to leave when Ms. Annie asked me something, and then I answered her, “My mom’s name is Eliza Baustisa, she’s already deceased…”, then her emotions changed, she became apologetic and she seem bothered, “Oh I am sorry to hear about that Jamie, Sorry for my curiosity… I just thought that I might knew you by knowing your mom, but it seems I was thinking of another person…” as Ms. Annie explained to me, well it didn’t bothered me really, it has been years since my mom passed away and I know that she’s happy wherever she is right now. I am more actually worried with the invite that she gave me.
So Jamie and I left my dad’s offices in Makati and already had hit the road, I noticed that he is quite worried of something, maybe it was about the invite, “Hey, don’t you worry about that invite, the seats there usually cost P10,000 per plate, and it would just go into waste if no one would actually go to it, my parents would still be donating even if they would not be attending. So I guess it is more proper if we should go and enjoy the party…” I told him so that I could encourage him to go, but it seems that it didn’t help at making up his mind about it.
What? A P10,000 per plate dinner? What do they actually serve there? Giant cows in gold plated plates? I was literally in shock upon hearing that.
“Let’s see… For now just don’t mind that, it is still two days until the event so you won’t have to worry anything. Let’s have a stroll in Manila let’s have some snacks there.
Upon reaching the city of Manila, we immediately went to China Town, also know as Ongpin, there Ivan parked his car, and we literally had a walk. He told me that in his spare time he just wants to go around the place and visits anything there, from thrift stores, to look for novelty items, and most especially food! We had the chance to have some dumplings while walking along the streets, he loves them dearly, he ate about fifteen of it? Just imagine, what a pig. He also loves street food, we had the usual quek-quek or tokneneng when we visited the surroundings of his collegiate school. He was also into barbeques, but he is into the exotic ones, the usual bituka ng baboy or manok, the adidas or chicken feet, the betamax and many more… Just imagine his appetite, but I am still impressed with all the things the he eat it doesn’t show that he really eats a lot because of his body, his awesome physique that is. I was already bloated by the time we had a ride again to our next stop, we went to SM Mall of Asia… Upon reaching that place I just wondered, “Are we actually eating again?”
“Nope, aren’t you full yet?” as I answered Jamie’s query.
No idiot, I am already dying with the food that you just gave me, if only I could tell him that it was also my guilty pleasure way back then when I was in college. I just wanted simple things in life, and eating is one treat that I wouldn’t actually resist, it’s a good thing that my system doesn’t make me just bulky when I eat. And then I saw Ivan, buying some popcorn at this stall at the SM grounds. “I am all full by now Ivan, what’s with the popcorn?”
“Well watching a movie isn’t complete without some popcorn and drinks?” as I answer him.
What we are watching a movie? I think that this is going out of hand. This is just a research of his life, not a date. And then I remembered, I couldn’t contest him. I know that somehow he would make a point out of this… And inside the I-MAX movie theater he actually made a point. He told me that he enjoys watching movies, but here is the catch, he enjoys it when he watches alone. And then I asked him, “But I am here, so that means you are certainly not enjoying…” and then he answered,
“Actually in some strange manner, I am enjoying all of this…”
And he gave again that smile of his… What the heck, is he making me fall for him? This jerk! But Jamie, are you actually falling for it? I just decided to focus myself at the giant movie screen, he might see that I might be blushing, and then I just remembered that it was all dark inside. By that time I don’t really know on what to do… I just realized that we do have a lot in common that even this thing, watching movies alone is my favorite past time. Ivan… I am just here to investigate about your life, about that mystery girl, and about your likes… But why do I feel this strange feeling… Why?
Then the nature themed movie ended, the lights inside the theater turned on and to my surprise Jamie was not in his usual self, he looks blank at that very moment, I wondered what is he now thinking? So I tapped him by his shoulders, “Hey are you alright?”
“Ahhh? What?” I didn’t notice that Ivan was tapping me by that time. The awkward thing was I accidentally had touched his hands. By that time I know that I was blushing, and I know that he saw it, so without any hesitations I stood up and went running at the theater’s comfort room. There I decided to wash up myself. And upon wiping my face dry with my hanky. There was Ivan, standing at my back.
“Why did you run? What’s wrong Jamie? People were like looking at us when you came running unto here…” as I told him.
Then my mood just suddenly shifted, I just became suddenly angry. I just don’t want to talk to him. I literally walked out the theater. I just don’t want to see the sight of his face. But I am still contemplating, Am I actually angry at him, or I am just that stupid to admit myself that I do have some feelings for him. Then I just hear him calling my name from a distant, while I was on my way running to the bus stop at the mall.
“Hey Jamie wait… What did I do to you now?” I can’t help it, I just pulled him by his hands.
I was just awestruck by that scene, I was just standing there, I can’t think of any word to say to him. We were now on the middle of the road, in front of us was the giant sculpture of a globe at SM Mall of Asia, by this time, I know that I owe him something, “Ivan, I am sorry… I am sorry if my mood usually shifts… Sorry that I do easily snap out of nothing… Sorry if I am being stupid, Sorry if I do li…” I was about to say that I like him, when he hushed me up using his finger.
“Stop apologizing. You have done nothing to actually hurt me… Please, don’t feel sorry…” and for the second time, I again tapped his shoulders, as if telling him that everything was okay. “Come on, let’s hop in the car. We’ll go somewhere…”
It is a good thing that I am now calm by that time. In no time we had arrived Manila, we took the route going Roxas Blvd, so that we won’t be having a hard time passing by the rush hour traffic at Taft Avenue. It was about five in the afternoon when we arrived Luneta, we were actually in Luneta Park, and I just told myself, don’t tell me that he usually visits this place, because if he does, maybe I’ll go insane…
“Our last stop, my own leisure retreat, I go here way back my college days, usually after class, when I am stressed out. Somehow it would just free my mind when I am here, observing other people who visits this place. Some people would say that parks are just for lovers, but for me this is where I could let loose and just be human again, free from stress, inhibitions or problems…” and I saw this mamang sorbetero, I decided to buy some dirty ice cream.
What, ice cream? I then suddenly remembered my childhood days… My mum usually brings me here, and she usually buys me some dirty ice cream… It is like her treat to me when I do get high grades every grading period. It is still all clear to me, months before my mom died, she asked me if I could bring her to this same park on where we usually have our happy times together. She was already weak by that time, I know that she wanted something, but even before she could ask me for it, I already had read her mind. At that very moment, I am the one who bought some ice cream… I know how happy she was that day. And I could never forget it and I’ll cherish that memory for the rest of my life.
And then I approached Jamie, I handed him my treat, a cone of ice cream “Have some…” I told him. Again, he seems to look blank, a bit teary eyed. But I was clueless on why is he sad by that time.
“Hey thanks…” and I wipe off my tears discreetly. I don’t want Ivan having the wrong impression that he did something again just to make me cry. When I was about to get my share of ice cream, there were this foreign couple who had asked Ivan a favor. They have asked him if he could take a photo of them using their Polaroid camera. Of course, Mr. Friendship didn’t decline.
“Jamie, can you please hold my cone for me?” and he gave me this okay smile and took the cone of ice cream from my hand. After having several shots, the foreign couple had a difficult time speaking in the English language, in the end Jamie and I realized that they have turned the tables on us, “Want take a picture, of you couple…” said the foreign woman.
A couple? Nahhh… What made her say that Ivan and I was a couple… Maybe they were just being courteous and thankful for the favor that they had just asked, so I just go with the flow, and besides it is rude for me if I am going to over react on this. So I just decided to distance myself to Ivan so that we would not look like a couple on the photo. And then the foreign man said, “Closer, seat beside him closer…” and was actually making hand gestures. By that time I really don’t know on what to do and after some seconds, I just realized in some swift manner, Ivan was now seated beside me and had put his hands over my back then to my shoulders. And then the foreign woman signaled, “Smile!”
And that is how our picture was taken. To my surprise they had given us the copy, I thought that they were about to take our picture because they would bring it home as a souvenir, And after thanking us the couple left. “You can have this…” and I handed the polaroid photo to Jamie.
“What for?” I asked Ivan.
“Duh? As a souvenir? Hehehe, I’m just kidding. But seriously yes, as a souvenir…” I sincerely told him.
And he again gave that jaw dropping smile of his. I know I was about to mess things up by blushing and embarrassing myself in front of him so I just diverted myself into the main reason why are we actually here, and so I told him, “Alright I’ll keep this… Shall we proceed now with why we are now here?”
“Yeah right… But what’s with the serious face? Hehehe… Anyways, Hmmm… Life is just easy here… No worries, peaceful in some sort of way… Most people here are happy, optimistic. Families, who usually visits here, having some picnic, or lovers thinking on what’s the next level in their relationship, building dreams…” as I explain to him.
By that time I felt that he was speaking metaphorically so I decided to throw him a question, “Ivan, for you what is real happiness?”
For some seconds I was quiet at first and then I told him, “Real happiness is when you could share it with people that you really care. In this life, we do make our own complications and struggles and I believe that we do also make our own happiness in life… Happiness is a choice. It is just that we sometimes became really selfish that we just wanted more. But in fact we just need to realize that we have more than enough to share something with the one that we truly care about… something to share to the person that we love…”
“And who is that lucky girl that you truly care for?” I thought I was about to make him spill the beans instead he gave me this answer.
What me? I was bit shaky when I’ve heard that.
“You, do you have any special someone?” I diverted my answer to distract Jamie.
I though he was saying that I am that person… Swoooshh… Thank God! Then I saw his ice cream now dripping. “Hey, your ice cream is melting…” what a perfect diversion tac-tic.
So I then tried to lick it off so that it won’t go into waste.
Oh my, Ivan was so divine doing that thing. Shoot! Ivan, don’t torment me by doing that. It seems every move that I make just have a backfire effect on me. But honestly looking at him doing that particular thing… It is like he just popped out of an advertisement on TV. And my clothes fit him perfectly. Now I know why he’s always the girl’s topic in our office. He was dazzling me with his looks, his smile, his charm… Everything! Now I admit it, I am guilty of it, guilty that I am now falling for him.
I had a great time yesterday at least Jamie was not irritated at the time when I brought him back to his place. Both of us were still on leave for this assignment that our boss had given us. Well actually it is more of Jamie’s assignment than mines. And when I woke up at my place I just decided to phone Samantha.
It was about late in the afternoon the next day, I was about to finish hand washing my clothes for that week when I have received a package from a courier. And it was from a person with the initials, Mr. I.L.A. Curious on what’s inside of it I immediately opened the box package… in it was a complete ensemble of formal attire and the invitation to the AIDS fundraising campaign, and a note, that says… “You forgot your invitation, just think of the suit as a thank you gift. I got your measurements from Samantha. I’ve heard that you usually shop with her. I’ll just pick you up tomorrow afternoon, see yeah!”. His handwriting was superb it was like it was printed in a computer. But wait a sec. He actually bothered on looking some clothing for me? And in fairness he does know my taste.
Then the day of the event came, I was running late going to Jamie’s place because the suit that my mom preordered had a slight problem, so I just had asked them if they could just deliver it at the hotel suite that I decided to reserve at the same hotel that event was going to be held. So I just decided to go straight to Jamie’s place even if I am not yet ready for today.
I was really nervous at that time, Ivan texted that he is going to pick me up at about five o’clock, and it’s like thirty minutes before five in the afternoon. I don’t want him to think that I am the unprofessional one, were before I was the one who bragged it to him that he was late and unprofessional. It was a good thing that I am wearing my suit, fixing my hair and polishing my whole get up that night, and then I’ve heard his car beeping outside. And so I just closed the door to my house and there he was waiting in front of his car. But wait a minute, “Why are you not in your formal attire?” I asked him inquisitively.
Instead of answering his question, I slowly approached him and fix a part of his hair that went out of place, “Perfect… Not a hair out of its place…” I told him in a whispery voice.
What was that all about? Ivan come on, it is just the start of the night, don’t make those kinds of moves please… It’s awkward alright, but I do like it… Very contradicting right?
So we already hit on the road. The event won’t start not until seven in the evening so I do know that I do still have plenty of time to prepare. And as if there was a divine intervention that afternoon, for that time of the day, I was really surprised that the traffic at EDSA was smooth sailing. In no time we had arrived at the hotel, it was about six pm when I had the chance to check in.
Upon checking-in Ivan had invited me to go unto his room, of course I politely declined because I don’t want to interfere with his preparations, but you know this Ivan, he won’t take no for an answer, he insisted that I should go with him, and besides, he told me that I am his guest and he doesn’t see anything wrong with it.
“You’ll just be bored waiting here at the lounge at least there is TV upstairs…” as I convince Jamie.
In the end he won over me. We just went straight to his room and he instantly hit on the showers, he went inside the bathroom with his bag of his own toiletries. On the bed was a box, similar to what I think as the one delivered to me days ago. I decided to turn on the television, for one of our segment producers had texted me that he was included in one of the segments in the news that day so I have to check it out. I waited then waited and there was it, I was glued on the television at that time, I didn’t notice that Ivan was already through taking his bath, he was already checking out his suit inside the box. He was just wearing this white skimpy towel from the hotel. He was still dripping wet.
“You don’t mind am I right?” of course I had to ask Jamie, I do not want him to feel awkward this time.
And I answered, “No I don’t really mind at all” of course I didn’t looked at him, but his reflection on the hotel window was there, his silhouette was showing in front of me, I tried to resist it, but in the end I was distracted, I didn’t had the chance to check out my friend’s news segment.
“Hey, that was Henry’s segment right? Kyle went with him on that assignment, he texted me days ago…” as I told Jamie.
I was blank as usual, actually I didn’t understand anything that he said. “Uh, what was that Van?”
“Are you okay Jamie? Oh, that’s new, you are now calling me Van, before it was like, Mr. Averon, or Ivan Averon or just Ivan… Now it’s just simply Van…” and I was laughing again, I’ve noticed that he was feeling awkward again so I had to throw that icebreaker to him. But it seems he was more disturbed with the thing that I just said because he suddenly became quiet, he was all serious staring at the news.
Actually, I wasn’t paying attention to the television at that time. Maybe he is now getting a hint that I do feel awkward at this very time. But I realize that I don’t have to worry anymore for he is almost dressed up. He was actually having a hard time fixing his tie.
“I already told mum that I am not really good at ties, why not put a bow-tie or fixed neck-tie instead… That is why I am not really a fan of formal clothing…” as I whine at the tie that I am wearing.
Hmmm… Should I help him out with that? Is he just doing that so… Nahh… wait, I’ll just wait for him to ask me out for help but if he doesn’t then that is just his problem.
“Ahhh… Better not wear this tie…” and I just threw it on the bed.
What? The tie was nice, and it really compliments him, out of some unnatural force I suddenly stood up and I offered him my assistance, “I’ll just help you on that…”
“Is it just okay with you Jamie? Besides I could go without a tie?” as I explain to him.
Well I don’t seem to have a choice, I already offered my help, “You silly, didn’t you read the invitation? It’s a black-tie event, so you do need to wear one…” as I reminded him, and I took the tie from the bed and I went in front of him. He was a bit tall so I have asked him to bend down a little.
“Well, to tell you honestly I am not really a fan of invites, so I rarely read them, I rarely go to events, and I despise being too formal…” I said in defense.
Hmmm… How ironic, he hates all of this but he invited me to go here. “So what’s the point of us going here if you don’t enjoy such events?”
“Well that was back then, and besides tonight is somehow different.” And I stared at Jamie’s eyes, it was the very first time that we are that close to each other. I could see his whole profile, even the color of his eyes, it is like it speaks to me.
Shoot my heart was pounding like a clicking time bomb. I wanted to defy his stare but I couldn’t. I really don’t know what to do. It is a good thing that his room’s phone rang. “I guess your tie is already done.” I told him.
“Thank you very much Jamie…” that was a very close call. So I just instantaneously went into the phone, it was my mom, she was just in the other room besides ours, and she said that she would be heading on her way to the grand ballroom. She also had told me that the governor of Palawan would be escorting her on her way to dinner.
I have to thank Ivan’s mom because she called! Shoot just imagine if she had checked his son’s room. That would be really awkward.
“Shall we go now?” I sincerely told Jamie who looked tenser than earlier.
“Yes, we may now go…” Ivan was now polished like a new penny. That was the very first time seeing him in formal attire. And he was surely pulling it off. I told myself, he would be a really great looking lawyer if he just pursued it.
I escorted him at the grand ballroom of the hotel. The usherette in charge has already guided us in our assigned table.
The whole place was full of dignitaries and the who’s who in the society. I am just wondering, our table was already full by that time. Where is Ivan’s mum?
I could see Jamie’s eyes roaming around, is he actually at awe with the people that he is actually seeing? Or is he bothered of another thing. Then the whole event proceeded.
Then the VIP’s were introduced. I was surprised that my boss was one of the inductees to the said event. And later on the program, Mrs. Averon was introduced as one of their honorary contributors and she later received the award of the Greatest Philanthropy of the decade for the cause of AIDS research. Now I know on why she is not seated on our table.
Then the food was served, it was your usual hotel specialty, the staple for the wealthy. Single servings of this and that. Oh I am sick of these kinds of stuff, each other’s ego, the clashing of their minds, the hypocrisy was everywhere. I can’t stand it.
When the food was served I was like, this is the P10,000 per plate that he is talking about? Oh my… Then after some minutes I discreetly look at Ivan, I’ve noticed that he is quite weary of something. Then some music was played, then this bossanova artist started singing her stuff.
“Well I guess we could now go…” I suggested to Jamie.
Well the party had just started, but who am I to actually stop him right, when we were about to go, from nowhere someone was calling the young Averon’s name, and she was calling him by the name Lance.
“Oh shoot, my mum already had seen me…” I whispered, but I think Jamie heard me.
I actually heard him alright, then this very classy elegant sophisticated woman had just graced every man that she had passed by, and then we are properly introduced, of course by his son.
“Ma, this is Jamie, my colleague at work… Jamie this is my mum, Diana, also know as the greatest Philanthropy of the decade…” I just don’t know on how to introduce my mum to him, maybe just to break the ice or something. “Oh my son, you are embarrassing me… Hahaha…” and she gave this mocking sarcastic laugh that as if she enjoys it. “Darling, my son could be a handful, and he likes to fool around sometimes… Nice meeting you Jamie…” and she gave him a handshake.
And of course I extended my hand in gratitude, “Nice meeting you too madame…” that is the only thing that came out from my mouth.
“So shall I introduce you to my friends my son?” and there she goes again, opening me to that world that I am never interested in, “Ma, I do have to politely decline… I do have some important matters to settle later tonight… I hope you understand…” and I’ve kissed her goodnight. “Au Revoir hijo… You know how much I miss you…” and she slowly descended to the stream of people around her and she eventually disappeared. And I then looked at Jamie to check him out, “Hey are you okay dude?”
I can’t move, I was star-struck talking to her. “I’m totally fine… How about you?” I just gave him an instant answer so that he won’t ask me anymore.
“Me? Hmmm… Well to tell you honestly, this is the part of the party that I don’t usually enjoy, mingling with rich people… I am just here for the food… Hahaha” I sarcastically told Jamie.
Huh? What is he talking about? He is rich too right?
“Well I rather take you at this place…” and I pulled him and we went into the hotel’s elevator.
His mum is right, Ivan is a handful alright. We are now inside the hotel’s elevator. But we are both on the farther end of each side. I just saw him while his eyes probe around while he whistles this familiar tune, and when he did face me, I just instantaneously shook down my head.
What’s with him this time? I told myself. And then the elevator bell rang. We are now on the top most floor. I’ve asked him to go ahead of me.
And then we entered this bar lounge of the hotel who has an open deck on where you could stay. Soft cool jazz music was played that night. It was a bit cold because of the breeze from the air. Good thing I am wearing this coat. And then we’ve seated at the edge of the deck. And I was astounded by the beautiful view of the city. Lights were everywhere… I feel like I’m with the stars that night.
That was the very first time that I saw Jamie as if he is like a naive child. He has this innocent smile that surely glows my night.
There he goes again, he is staring at me… Hmmm… Well so far, he has been really good at me. Why am I always irritated if he does good things at me, where in fact I should be at least courteous or appreciative with every kindness that he does. So I decided, maybe this is the time for me to patch things with him. “Hmmm… Ivan… How often are you usually here?”
For a start, Jamie is not grumpy… “Here? I discovered this place when I was in grade school. My mum usually brings me at social events, but there was this time that I got lost, and I just saw myself here. Staring at the great lights of the city. My mom got worried of course, and since then she had decided to just leave me at home with my nanny. And somehow there is this will or desire in me that I wanted to come back. And so I did… I did came back… I usually go here every month… So that I could see this spectacular view… And someday I’ve told myself, I’ll bring my special someone here”.
Whatta? Special someone? I think he is now going coo coo… I thought he’s already alright. I don’t want to be rude but I just suggested to him. “Shall we order something now?”
Hahaha… I just laughed within. And I just gave him a smile, “Okay…” and so I ordered some expensive bottle of vodka and Jamie an alcoholic cocktail.
Well I am not really into drinking, anyways a little bit of alcohol wouldn’t hurt me. Well this concoction is really good. After about fifteen minutes I was already done with my first glass… It was infectious.
“Would you like another one?” I’ve asked Jamie.
Should I say no? Hmmm… If I would say no, he might think that I am one party pooper, another round wouldn’t hurt… Then another one, then another one… and then another.
“Hey, hey… are you okay?” Jamie had like five of those cocktail drinks…
“I’m okay of course…” and then I hiccupped. “I told you, I could party… And just have a good time…” I explained to Ivan.
“But you are not that tolerable with alcohol.” And I think Jamie have heard me.
“What are you saying that I am not that tolerable?” And I ordered another glass of the infectious drink.
“Hey Jamie… Please… You don’t have to prove anything to me… I get your point. I know now that you could party…” I’ve told him.
“Whatta heck are you smiling at? And I don’t have to prove anything to you ha? It is not because that I like you I should prove anything to you okay??!” shoot! Me and my big mouth. And then I stood up. I was about to puke at the balcony, and I got out of balance, I almost fell the railing and then Ivan catch me.
“Hey are you alright?” by this time Jamie’s eyes were drowsy.
And when I was about to give him an answer, the bomb had already exploded, and I literally passed out.
And I was literally wet by his puke. But it’s okay… At least I’ve made him loosen up. But what is that murmuring thing that he said, prove what?
The next day… I was a bit surprised, my bed was so soft, and I felt that it was so spacious. I still do have this slight hang over that my head ached. And then I’ve sat on the bed… This bed isn’t mine? Even the room? Where are my clothes? And someone came knocking on the door, “Room service… Your laundry is here…” and I just asked the laundry boy to just leave the things outside.
The room felt familiar, and after walking around, I’ve saw someone half naked on the floor, it was Ivan. What happened? Why is he sleeping on the floor? Ohh, did we actually sleep together? NOOOOO!
I did have a head ache after last night, I just then heard someone opening up the door.
I just took the clothes from outside. And I quickly dressed up. I am really distracted that I forgot to say thank you or even goodbye to Ivan, and he was like snoozing so hard. I quietly closed the door.
“Jamie?” As I called his name when I stood up from the floor. But he was nowhere inside the room. He disappeared without saying anything. Was he embarrassed because of last night?
Am I embarrassed about last night? Of course I am, imagine as long as I can remember. I did puke at him, plus the fact that I did say something that somehow could jeopardize our work and furthermore our friendship. And the fact that we are both in his hotel room naked? Good thing it is a weekend, I could just lock up myself in my house and contemplate on things.
It was a Monday morning, I was really worried, not a single text came from him. I do want to text him, but I don’t really know what to say. I just decided to give him a gift, so that I could apologize for the misunderstanding last weekend.
What a dreadful Monday. Instead of going into my department, I just told my friend Sam if we could hang out a bit at the HR office with another friend of ours who’s also working there. “Hey Jamie? What’s with you today? You seem to be very distracted” as my friend Sam asked me. And I just answered her, “Let’s just stay here for a while… I am not really myself today…”. “Hey guys, my boss might see you here… We could just continue on our gossip this lunch break…” as our friend from the HR told us. It is like I don’t have any choice, I should be now going into my department now.
I immediately went into his office department, but the sad thing was Jamie wasn’t there… He’s not the type who goes at work late. I just left this white box at the top of his table.
I just hope he’s not there… Please… I tried to snoop into my cubicle and to my relief, Ivan wasn’t there… But what is this white box doing on my desk? On top of it was a little white stuffed polar bear with a piece of paper on it where my name was written. And the note says, I don’t really know on what you are thinking the last time. But I just decided to bring you into my hotel room because we are both drunk. I do have every intention to bring you home. But I can’t really drive that night… - Ivan And I opened the box, it was a small round cake with white royal icing. Written on top of it was, SORRY…
I was really worried, I hope Jamie would understand what I meant by what had happen last time… And from nowhere, someone had called my name. It was a very familiar voice.
Sorry? He shouldn’t be apologizing, I felt relieved hearing that from him. Oh my, what am I actually thinking? But then this weird feeling came… As if something is pushing me that I should see him and check him out now that everything has been cleared and settled. I was weary before I came here in the office but I am sure that I wanted to see him, so I just went to his department. On my way to there, I’ve noticed that some commotion is happening.
“Yna? Why are you here?” I was surprised that she was here.
“The Yna Martinez from our competitor network? What is she doing here?” I just told myself. Then I overheard some of his gossiping co-workers that Yna Martinez is now switching stations to our channel. Oh shoot, is Yna Martinez the Yna that Mr. Averon is talking about in one of my interviews with him? And I confirmed it with the gossiping crowd inside, “I’ve heard that they were exes way back in college…” said one girl, “Well I guess she is the lucky girl who received that oh so romantic proposal…” as this another woman day dreamed.
“Why do you look surprise Mr. Averon. You are well aware that I took up my Masteral Degree with a major in Journalism right? And I am one of the in-demand journalists nowadays. I was bored with my former broadcasting company. They weren’t giving me the material that I wanted. That is why I transferred here because their offer is hard to resist. I should be the one surprise you know, you’re an art major and you did somehow penetrate in my field…” my ex-girlfriend boldly told me. And then I saw Jamie, I tried to get his attention, but he eventually walked away.
That jerk… I thought that everything is doing well between the two of us. And this is what I get thinking that he was actually into me.
“Ah, ah, ah… Don’t walk out on me Ivan… I am just here so that we could talk… It’s so happen that my transfer here is timely to your supposed to be on-air proposal… And so? Who’s the girl behind that proposal?” as she tried to mock me. Damn it! Jamie is nowhere to be found. “Don’t worry Yna… I do value that thing that we shared before, and just in case everything would go well, I’ll let you know, may you now excuse me…” and I went after Jamie.
I know I don’t have the right to feel this way, but I just have to ask myself, why am I feeling this way… I just run after my cubicle, I did had my finished report about his life with me (on which I had finished this weekend), I then eventually took it and I went into my boss’ office.
Where are you Jamie? I do have this feeling that something ugly is about to happen. I went to his cubicle and saw his things were still neat. The white box was still there but the stuffed polar bear was missing. I opened the box, and then I saw the lines, I’m also sorry, smudged using his fingers. And I went looking for his friend Sam. But Sam was also missing. I went into several departments, check out his friends, but he is nowhere to be found. But upon passing by my boss’ office, I did saw a familiar face. “Sam!” I exclaimed, and then I went inside my boss’ office. “Oh there you are Ivan, you are just in time! Mr. Bautista had made a great report about you… By the way here is the finished report that Jamie documented. He also made a summary about it. You could now read it now if you wanted some revisions…” My boss told me. I then took it from her, I was really nervous, the same time curious. It is like this was the time that I would now hear something from him, which is about me. His own critique or let’s just say analysis on who am I to him, I have decided to read it aloud:
“Ivan Lance Averon: An Abstract” By: Jamie Bautista
Who is this Mr. Ivan Lance Averon? This man who is also dubbed by most women as “the most romantic eligible bachelor of the Philippines”? Who suddenly announced his proposal On-National Television to this mystery girl? For his colleagues you could just call him by the name Ivan or Van (Ivan which is named after his late grandfather, martyr-hero, Atty. Domingo Ivan Averon). But did you know, if you had caught his attention and somehow you have captured his heart, he’ll make you call him by his name Lance? Only a handful of people calls him by this name, of course that includes her dazzling mother, philanthropist, socialite Mrs. Diana Montero-Averon. But on a personal note, who really is Ivan or Lance anyway?
He called me by my name Lance, I just told myself.
Ivan, maybe born from a privileged family, but isn’t different from most of us, and I literally mean that in a literal way. He enjoys things much like normal people do. Ivan eats anything under the sun, and still he doesn’t really care as long as he enjoys it. He enjoys being with people that he cares rather than people who seem to care but they actually didn’t. He is very transparent, quirky sometimes, but he could make you laugh big time. Maybe that what appeals him to other people, his natural charm, his enticing smile, and simply being that down-to-earth person that he is. Actually, he also had made me smile, well the whole team smiled when he actually sang an impromptu song to us. That’s the real Ivan, he could reach your very soul in every imaginable way ever, and somehow he has touched every single person that he cared for… Thank you Mr. Averon, Thank you Lance… Lucky is that girl to whom you had proposed…
I was just plain quiet, when I’ve read the abstract, and then I’ve heard Sam murmuring, “Jamie, if you are not just my friend, I could think that you are actually into Ivan…” then our boss overheard it, “What is that Sam?”, “Nothing ma’m, I was just babbling, don’t worry it’s very irrelevant to this report anyways”. Sam explained. “So would you like to read the rest of the report Mr. Averon?” And then it all just came back to me. “By the way where is Jamie?”
I’ve asked my boss if I could get an indefinite leave from the office, I just gave her the reason that I would just like to fix up a personal problem of mines and I could not focus on the future assignments that she would give me if I won’t have the chance to fix my own complexities. Good for me my boss understands, but the reality is I just want some distance to him.
I already had approved Jamie’s report about me… It’s basically true, or rather I should think of it as him being honest with his feelings. I’ve asked Sam if she knows on where Jamie went but she told me that she doesn’t have any idea on where he went into. I did try visiting his place
I left home, I wanted to go to a faraway place, I just wanted a clean slate, so that when I come back, I’ll be whole again.
There is this hole in me which was out of place. A space yet to be taken, but gaps were inevitably showing. I am alone, alone in this space that burdens me. The feature of my life in television was very successful, but I can’t savor the success if something is missing.
Maybe I am in a wrong place at a wrong time, this place just reminds me every bit of him, and it so happen that I’ve watched the feature about him, every word, everything that I had written about him as a material for the report was used at the said feature, and every word is like a knife slicing into my heart.
I was then invited to the prestigious award giving body The International Emmy’s Arts and Sciences, for our show was nominated for two awards. One was for me, for Best Graphic television theme, it’s a technical award for those who excel at Television graphic design, and another one was for Best Foreign Independent Feature, for the story “The Underground River of Love” on which I was with my boss and some of my producers.
I was having coffee at the resort’s delicatessen shop when I suddenly had the urge to read the newspaper. The headline was, “The Philippine’s first win-International Emmy Awards.” I was surprised seeing Ivan’s picture on the front page. He is raising the award, but he seems to have a very serious face.
I won the technical award from the Emmy’s, while our documentary had an award of commendation. My boss was very happy about it and we immediately went home. I find it to be a very awkward feeling, I wanted to be happy but I do feel lonely.
Maybe it is time for me to finally come home.
A month has passed by since Jamie left the offices for his request for an indefinite leave of absence. On the other hand, my mum was very busy preparing for a soirée in celebration for the success that I had at the prestigious award giving body. And in some weird turnaround of events, my ex, Yna was all supportive with it and she even had the chance to help out my mum with the preparations, I know that she’s up to something.
The very first person that I phoned when I came back to Manila was my best gal pal Sam. She was very gracious on seeing me that day, so I had arranged if we could meet up on the nearby coffee shop. There I told her everything, she patiently listened, and in the end, she just told me this, “You know friend, whatever makes you happy, just go with it, Happiness is a choice, a choice that you should have decided a long time ago…” And then I remembered that same line that Lance had told me while we were in Rizal Park. “And by the way Jamie, Ivan isn’t engaged to anyone yet…” she promptly told me.
Invitations were sent out, to foreign dignitaries, to my dad’s colleagues, to my mum’s social circle of friends, only a handful was my actual friends and acquaintances. I don’t still see the point seeing Yna around, she is in fact close to my mum after all. I just stayed in my room and spend the whole day there just lounging on my bed, reading a book and squeezing my teddy that my granny gave me.
Sam had told me that the whole production team had a collective invitation to Ivan’s victory party which was hosted by his mum. And there were two other invitations that were sent separately. One was for my boss, and the other one was for me.
I didn’t know that I fell asleep, I then woke up at about 3pm, I noticed that I suddenly became hungry. I decided to visit out kitchen, then the aromatic smell of my favorite dish, the caldereta with broccoli had caught my attention, and in the end I just find myself eating in the kitchen. Ms. Natty was very delighted that I enjoyed the dish. I decided to leave the kitchen to go back into my room when suddenly I’ve heard this voice, a voice that I despise for a very long time. “So my prodigal son has come back” my dad sarcastically told me, I thought that he already changed, but it seemed he is still the self centered man that I knew ever since.
I am worried about him, Ivan is not into parties nor he is into social gatherings and what bothers me most is the fact that he would be seeing his father.
I don’t want to start a commotion so I just politely told him, “It’s great to see you again… I’ll just go into my room.” And to my surprise, the senior Averon approached me and tapped me on my shoulders, “Yna is a very good choice son, please don’t further disappoint me…” I didn’t respond to what he said, and I just continued my way to my room.
It’s a good thing that Ivan did gave me this formal suit I could just mixed match it with another shirt so that it would look like it’s a new set of formal ensemble, I have already made up my mind. I am going to his victory party. Our boss already knew that I was back so she asked me a favor if I could accompany her to the party.
If I was to be asked, I am not that really accustomed to these kinds of stuff. I rather be another place than here. Most of my parent’s friends from politicians, religious leaders, important personalities where there, but most of the people that I do care about were not yet here. And I heard Sam calling my name…
Sam went ahead along side the people in our team, while my boss and I were left behind because she had asked me a favor if I could bring this big gift box, a congratulatory gift for Ivan…
I have asked Sam if Jamie is going but she didn’t respond.
I specifically told Sam not to tell Ivan anything, because I do want to surprise him.
And then I saw my boss she did congratulated me for a job well done, and told me that she had given me a gift which she had placed at the house’s living area, then my mom and dad came along side with Yna, and then everything came so fast that I didn’t realize that it was going to the wrong side of things.
Most of the people were gathered at the vast pool area of the Averon’s. The kasambahays on the other hand were just there on the windows observing people at the party. And then I saw Ms. Natty, then we had the chance to have a short chat. She had also mentioned that the senior Averon was about to announce a very important thing.
And then my father started it with, “This is a time of celebration for us Averons. First is for the success and the glory that my son Ivan had accomplished with his win at the International Emmy’s. Second, is for the growing empire of the Averon-Montero Associates, and the third would be for my son’s engagement…” The bomb has exploded, what a heck, I didn’t know anything about this. And before I realized it was being covered by my boss’ team, cameras were everywhere. In a split second I took the microphone to my dad. I tactfully then explained myself, “the night is very long… the engagement would be announced later tonight. So let’s party!” well the crowd didn’t mind, it seemed to me that they were busy with sorts of things which are related to business. And then I graciously dragged my boss into one of our secluded verandas.
I was puzzled on what had happened outside and so I just went out to check on what happened, I then asked Sam, and she answered, the senior Averon was about to announce something about the engagement when suddenly Ivan just diverted the topic, she’s now with our boss.
“Ma’am with all due respect, did you knew anything about this? I mean the engagement thing?” I seriously asked her, and then she answered, “I thought you already knew?” she replied, and so I answered her, “that’s the thing now ma’am actually I have nothing to do with today’s announcement of this engagement…”, and then my boss said, “Well your parent’s just invited me with this victory party of yours, yes, they have told me that they are about to announce something important that they wanted it to be covered, but they didn’t actually specified what is it all about?”
What’s taking them so long? I suddenly asked myself, I suddenly had the urge to go to the nearest powder area. I wanted to fix myself first before seeing him. The Averon mansion was really confusing at some sort that I got lost finding my way to the powder room. And then I just find myself in this veranda, there I saw Ivan and my boss seriously talking, I had the chance to hide myself before they could actually see me.
“But wait a minute Ivan, I am now really confused, isn’t it the best time to announce who’s the mystery girl?” my boss told me. “That’s the thing ma’am, I don’t think this is the right place and time to actually announce it…” I politely told her, “But Ivan,may I know who’s that mystery woman of yours?”. “The thing ma’am is that, he’s not actually a woman, he’s a man, and I am in-love with Jamie…”
My heart exploded with joy when I heard those words from him, I just had a grip on myself, and walked away on that said veranda, passing by the lawn, going back to the party and actually looking for Sam.
“Wait a minute, let me clear this out… are you saying that you are in-love with Mr. Jamie Bautista, my head writer/production assistant?” my boss was astounded with what she heard. “Yes ma’am, I am deeply in-love with Jamie…” I whole heartedly told her, “But does Jamie know anything about this?” and for some strange reason, my boss’ facial expression suddenly changed, she became suddenly look terrified, “Mr. Jaime Averon?” and I suddenly look on the person that she is currently looking at.
And then I saw my friend Sam with some of our colleagues and friends, who are actually having a great time. And I confessed to her, “Sam, Ivan had already confessed that he does love me…” I was much intoxicated with the feeling of happiness, “That’s great to hear Jamie…But where’s Ivan?” Sam asked, “Oh actually, I accidentally over heard it, Ivan confessed it to our boss…” and then from nowhere an enraged man seemed to be shouting…
Shit! My dad over heard our conversation. This can’t be happening.
And then the man continued on shouting and shouting at the top of his lungs, before I realized that I was the reason on why that very man is enraged, “Whoever is this Jamie Bautista, curse you! You are not welcome to this party and you may go to hell!” Said the deranged Mr. Jaime Averon. I was embarrassed of what he said, I suddenly ran into his path because that is the only way out.
“Damn it! Not Jamie, you could say anything to me, but not to him, Jamie… Jamie!”, but my dad tried to stop me, then his mood shifted as if he was haunted by something that he saw, he suddenly became horrified, “Bautista? Is that Jamie Bautista who just passed by?” he was trembling when he told me that. “Yes dad, that’s Jamie, and he doesn’t deserve that treatment that you just did to him, now let me go!” and I shove his hands off.
I could hear Ivan calling my name, but I was so embarrassed that I suddenly hopped on a taxi that so happened passed by the Averon Mansion. And then I received a call, it was from my land lady, she relayed to me a very alarming message.
I was about to get my car keys then suddenly Sam had caught on my attention. “Ivan, a compound alongside our TV station is being consumed by flames. Jamie’s place is located there right?” I was like so nervous that I ran like the devil, and had instantly hit the wheels of my car.
Oh my God! Now it was like the fire is just a house away from my house, the house beside me is burning like a matchstick, and the firefighters were just a handful, smoke and dirt were everywhere, I just pulled the biggest bag that I have, pulled some important documents and stuff that I treasure, and the most important thing was the box that my mum had given me before she died. On it was the picture of Ivan and I while we were in Rizal Park…
I tried to reach out for him, but he is not answering my call. I then parked on a street which is just blocks away to Jamie’s place, the streets going to his place is now barricaded by fire trucks, and most of the firemen were very strict that they are not allowing people to go inside the compound because it isn’t safe there. And then I saw him walking, walking going into my path.
I’m filthy, I’m tired, I can’t hear, I can’t think, I’m so confused, horrid at the same time… “Ivan is that you?” I suddenly thought that I am seeing things, am I having a delusion?
Jamie is like very wasted, he looks like as if he has no sense of direction, almost like passing out, and I’ve pleaded the fireman to just let me pass. I think he saw the sincerity in me… It was about time, Jamie was…
I was falling, then someone had catched me… “Ivan?”
“Yes Jamie, it’s me Ivan…” as I answered him.
And Jamie passed out, “This is the very first time that you have called me with that name…” I was all smiles… and I caressed his cheeks and had wiped the tears off his eyes.
I was unconscious, bitter scenes from the past are haunting me, and it seemed that I cannot escape this tormenting feeling…
The paramedics have allowed me to take Jamie home, I laid him on my bed to rest, and clean him up, carefully changed his clothes. I decided to sleep on the lounge chair which is just adjacent to my bed. And then I heard him crying, he’s having this terrible nightmare. I decided to wake him up. “Jamie, Jamie! Wake up!”
And I felt that I suddenly rose up, and I was shouting, “I hate you, I hate you… I hate you for leaving…!” and I just felt someone’s lips over me. My eyes popped, “Lance…?” and my hand flew to his face.
And I gladly received his hands on my face, I deserved it, it maybe painful but I know that it came as a shock for him.
I really don’t know why did I actually did that… then suddenly as if I am in this out of body experience, I kissed him back.
And I kissed him again in return. I could feel him trembling. I’m also nervous, this is my first time, “don’t worry I’ll be gentle…”
And I just smiled back at him.
That very smile assured me that everything would be alright.
It was the very night, Lance became mine.
I know that I’ve reached into his soul. After it I know he was tired, but I can tell the fulfillment on his eyes.
Lance, this may sound a cliché but you transformed me, you have change me into a person on which I can’t imagine as me.
As I was sleeping I saw Jamie in my dreams, Damn! Upon waking up, I just knew that I wasn’t dreaming, he was already awake, and he was staring at me. For the very first time, he had make me feel awkward, yes, awkward but in a good way.
“Good Morning Lance…” again I smiled at him.
“Good Morning Jamie, this is the third time since last night that you smiled at me…” I just told him.
And I answered him with, “And you are actually counting it?”
“I wouldn’t trade it for anything, I won’t get tired seeing you smile…” and I hugged him.
“Mwah! ”~ and I kissed him again and again and again… “Mwah, mwah mwah!”
The secret is out, our friends all knew that Jamie and I…
…were now together, and we were literally inseparable.
Our boss was very gracious about us.
As well us our friends, and the whole team who went to Palawan, “Finally, a happily ever after for you friend…” my friend Sam told me. I may have loose material things from the fire but I gained something more that just any other thing in the world, and that is Mr. Ivan Lance Averon. For the whole week the world revolved on just the two of us.
And on this coming weekend, Sunday to be exact, I’ll keep Mr. Jaime Bautista in my life.
He told me that he has this surprise for me, and of course I would also like to surprise him, now I could cook for the one I really love, our favorite dish, Caldereta with strips of broccoli.
It’s almost lunchtime. I don’t want to be late. Anyways I’m just 30 minutes away.
It’s almost lunchtime, where is he now? Then someone had knocked on our door… “It’s him alright… And to my surprise.
I’m almost there Jamie.
. . .
“Mom? Dad? What are you two doing here?” I was really perplexed on why are they here. “What’s the meaning of this? Where is Jamie?” “Son, I’m really sorry…” that’s the very first thing that I’ve heard from him, and then I replied, “If you are going to insist that I can’t go on with my life, be happy and be with the one I love, please stop it… Leave us alone!”… and my mum intervened, “But you don’t understand son, you don’t understand…”. ”What is it that I don’t understand? That I’m gay? That I do love another man? I know and I am certain on what I’m feeling, and I do know the consequences of what I’m doing… Now tell me what is it that I don’t understand? Huh?...”
At first, I don’t really understand, but after reading that letter from my mum, now it did make sense. I was struggling on leaving Ivan’s place when I accidentally dropped that most treasured box that my mum gave me. The old rusty lock broke off and inside it was a letter. It says: “My son, I know that you did grow up as a very smart man. And by this time I know that you would understand on why certain things happen in this world. Life for me maybe cruel but I did make it sure that you’ll grow up as an upright man. Just like your dad… Yes son… Just like your dad… Sorry, I lied to you Jamie, your father never left us. I was the one who decided to take you away from him. I was a coward back then, and I don’t want to loose you. You see son, your dad came from a very influential family, and I was his secretary back then. He was humble, loving and true. But one day your grand dad had told me if I truly love his son, then I would sacrifice the feeling that I do have for him. Their company was on the verge of bankruptcy, the only thing that could save it was a merger from another company… and thinking that I was doing the right thing for him, I did followed your grand father, accepting the money for us to live at least a little stable. But as the years go by,the guilt has consumed me my son… for depriving you the love of your father, I regret everyday that I’ve lost him for another woman. If only I could turn things around, but I can’t… your father Mr. Jaime Averon would be very proud of you if he did had the chance on seeing or at least knowing more about you son…
“Lance, Jamie is your half brother…” my mum divulged. “What are you talking about that Jamie is my brother? Is this a new scheme of you and dad… Please ma… Stop kidding me… This can’t happen… this is so impossible! You two! Both of you are impossible!” and my mum slapped me, “I can’t even believe it myself, maybe this is the payment for everything that we did almost two decades ago…”
And the last line on my mum’s letter was… “Don’t commit the same mistake as I did, fight for it even if you do know it’s against all odds… Because in love there are no so-called odds, but only wonders…”
Then my mum had told me everything. That my dad had loved Jamie’s mother that much, that that’s the very reason he was always hard on me. “And that is why I just diverted myself to fancy parties to distract myself. I am still in denial that my marriage and my family is crumbling and I wanted to at least try to fix it, but no matter how hard I try I know that his love could only be devoted to only one and that is Eliza. I knew actually, your dad’s secretary actually knew, and I knew that he was looking for his lost son and I thought that bringing him here and making us a whole family would win him back his love. But in fact it didn’t, look at what happen… Eliza and that bastard are the curse on bringing my family back” my mother bitterly stated, “Mum,stop… Mum you stop… Stoooop!... I do love that bastard man that you are talking about. And I won’t like to hear another stupid word from you ridiculing him or his late mother. Going back to this dysfunctional family is such a mistake… Goodbye mom… This is the very last time that you’ll ever see me.” And I could hear my mother screaming on my name.
“Son, I am sorry for the lost time…” that was the very last thing that I heard anything from Mr. Jaime Averon.. I do have mixed emotions right now, the boat ride going to the island was quite wavy. The weather is unpleasant. For the whole time I was just staring at the murky clouds above.
I do have this gut feeling on where he is going.
I stayed at the edge of the beach, as the salty water brushes my face. I’m drowning of pain that I’m feeling, and from nowhere I’ve heard this sound it was a music box playing and then I’ve heard that same familiar voice, and he said,
“I fixed it for you…” and I seated down beside him. Jamie was still quiet.
For the longest time I didn’t know that the box that my mum gave me was a music box.
“Jamie, I know that we could fix this, I know that we could get through this…” and I tried to reach out for him.
On that very moment, I snapped, “Damn it Ivan! There’s nothing to fix… Don’t you understand? We’re brothers, sira na ang lahat… Anung gusto mo? Ituloy natin ang kahibangang ito?”
“Kahit kailan, it never occurred to me that this is something crazy kahit na nalaman ko pa na kapatid kita. Why? Does it really matter? Kung hindi naman natin nalaman ganun pa rin naman di ba?”
“You still don’t get it do you? Tang-inang buhay to’… When could I get a sane life! Ivan kahit kailan hindi pwedeng maging tayo. I just wish you didn’t came into my life!” and I threw the music box in the waters. On that very moment Ivan stood up, he looked defeated at that time and he slowly walked away.
. . .
Later that afternoon I’ve heard someone knocking on my hotel door, “Sir, yung kaibigan nyo po. Si Mr. Averon…”… “Why what happened?” I was so frightened at the time, I was sprinting that fast that I already left my flip flops on the never ending sand.I was terrified upon seeing the scene. Ivan drowned himself. He was being resuscitated by a lifeguard, but he is not responding, all of the people were thinking of the worst. I insisted that he should be in a boat and be brought into a decent hospital, but most of them are skeptical if he could still get through it. He was still warm. Ivan couldn’t just go like that. I just carried him by myself, some people tried to help. Some boatmen had warned me that the weather is not suitable for transporting him. But I still insisted telling them that I would pay them triple the amount. But halfway to the trip, the boatmen tried to go back but I still insisted to go. That’s the very point when I gone mad, I pushed them away, and they had the chance to escape the wavy waters. And so I was now the master of the said motor boat. Instead of heading in the city I decided to go into another destination. To the underground river that started it all. On my way there I could almost touch the roof of the cave. The water was filling in. and as I put my head on his chest to know if there is a heartbeat. I noticed a paper, it was the same Polaroid photo that we had at Rizal Park. At the back of it was a written message from Ivan. Using the back light of my phone I slowly read the letter as a cried.
“Jamie… having you is the next best thing to paradise. You may think that life is sometimes unfair and our lives may be intertwined… but in the end, just like what I’ve told you before… Happiness is a choice to be made… of a person who is in love and be wanted to be loved in return. I love you Jamie… Now I give you your sanity…”
“Lance…” and I held his hand. I held his now cold hands into my heart.
(Ivan singing the song "Unconventional Love" to Jamie)
Hmmm… Hmmmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm..
The wind blows hard, on a starry night
The sand is brushing on an endless sky
Like countless diamonds for us to share
I know that I’d love you til’ we have no air…
The breeze jolts in on a moonlit night.
My hand now crashing into my heart,
Like feathers I know our love would soar,
I know that both of us could just give more…
*La la la, Life could be unfair sometimes,
But that is how it works, unconventional at times.
At least it works for you and me,
So that we could live for eternity…
– Ivan to Jamie.
(Their Boss/February 14)
Can love be really this tragic? Is there such a thing as loving someone for eternity? This episode is dedicated for those people who were in love but in the end didn’t had the chance to further explore that love in this lifetime. They may be in another place or lifetime, and wherever they are, Ivan Lance Averon and Jamie Baustista, may that love bind you in the underground river of love. This is your host Karina, and may I bid you a romantic Happy Valentines goodnight…
Art Illustration By: Ismael Alvarez
(Boy #1)
As far as I remember, I do have a seemingly contented childhood. I do have every car toy, every action figure a boy could ever wish for.
(Boy #2)
As for me, if my memory is still clear I do enjoy the simple things in life. My girl cousins and I usually plays cut-out cardboard dolls and at times we do play their Barbie dolls.
(Boy #1)
My mum on the other hand loves to shop. She has every designer in mind when we go out. She never goes out of style. Maybe that’s one trait that I inherited from her, her taste for clothing and her passion for vanity.
(Boy #2)
My mama and I usually go to the marketplace. She buys there fresh vegetables, fishes, fruits. She taught me on how to cook. Well, I do not want to brag on it too much, but cooking is in my blood. Thanks to my mama.
(Boy #1)
When I was about to enter pre-school, my mum told me that I was such a shy child. I am so shy that I cried and cried when she left me on the first day of my Pre-school class.
(Boy #2)
I am on my Kindergarten class, when I first shine in school. Mama told me I was a natural learner. And there I was loud and proud. Mama was so proud that she even kept my first ever honorary medal under her pillow on her night bed.
(Boy #1)
Time changes, I am not the same shy child from pre-school. I entered an exclusive school for boys and on my third week staying there I already had picked up a fight because of a bully from school.
(Boy #2)
I felt a bit different when I entered public grade school. Yes, there were boys and there were girls, but it seemed to me that my mind was mixed up. But in the end I did still ended up making such a number of friends, mostly girlfriends, just like my mama said, you are a natural in almost everything, even making friends, so in the end, you just had countless.
(Boy #1)
My usual past times, TV, TV and more TV. There were the usual boy staple, Voltes V, Voltron, I was also hooked up with the Transformers. For a spoiled brat, I do get everything, a vast collection of toy robots. I was also much into the super sentai series from Japan. The most infamous ones were Bioman, Shaider, Fiveman, and the tagalog dubbed (including its theme song) “Maskman”.
(Boy #2)
I only had one love, “Sailor Moon” that is. It was aired on ABC 5 years ago. I even protested and called up the TV station for changing up its timeslot. Oh, the youthful love of Mamuro and Bunny Tsukino. And later on the following seasons Bunny’s name was changed to Usagi. My favorite character there is Sailor Jupiter, she’s so feisty and at the same time charming. I was so devastated when Sailor Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Mars died on the first season to save their best friend Queen Serenity who happens to be Sailor Moon’s true persona.
(Boy #1)
I tried out for the school basketball varsity team and then I got lucky. The next thing I knew was that I was playing on the championships, and we actually won.
(Boy #2)
A friend invited me to try out for the volleyball team, I wasn’t into sports that time, and I do know that I am much into my academics. But when I gave it a shot, no one could even stop me. My adrenalin was pumping and in the end I just find out that our team brought home the trophy.
(Boy #1)
One thing that boys do brag about, are their girls. But I do not get the point of doing that. My perception changed when I met Sunshine, then Kate, and then CJ. They all came from the exclusive school for girls just across the street from our school. In the end I just realized, how famous I am with girls after all.
(Boy #2)
Gossip, girls love to gossip, most especially when they are about their boy crushes. That really never entered my mind. It all changed when I met the school’s singing sensation Eric. His angelic face and his soulful voice were indeed so mesmerizing. I could say that he is my first ever boy-crush.
(Boy #1)
Rachel was my first ever girlfriend. Let’s just say puppy love. All then was sweet. Dating, going to the movies, eating popcorn, the never ending mushy stuff. I do also have my fair share of quarrels.
(Boy #2)
I never do dating. Girls were all around me. So why date them?
(Boy #1)
People just come and go. I graduated from grade school. Rachel moved from Paranaque to QC, and we went on our separate ways. I then transferred in a
co-ed catholic school in Las Piñas.
(Boy #2)
I was the school’s valedictorian for that year and I do have a promising start most especially that our city mayor has given me a scholarship program on which the local government would shoulder all my school expenses. I do also receive monthly allowances from them.
(Boy #1)
High school was trickier than grade school. Let’s just say that Algebra, Chemistry and Physics were not my cup of tea. That I literally suck on those subjects. But I did try, never say never, never say die.
(Boy #2)
As for me, I almost entered all the school’s quiz bees, and extra curricular activities. On which I ended up bagging all the major prizes and awards.
(Boy #1)
Yna, was my first love… and she would be the last. My world revolved and even evolved around her.
(Boy #2)
Richard was my team mate on every quiz bee that I entered. It came to a point that we were named, “The Dynamic Duo”. The chemistry was there. I know that it is a bit strange, but somehow I am feeling right about it. On our last championship game, I told him about my feelings. Of course he was bewildered by the idea, and he explained that we are better off as friends. And then we lost.
(Boy #1)
My girl is such a flirt. Imagine on prom night she wore a very expensive gown with a plunging bustier, just to show off her very gifted breast. That night I do have the privilege to have a taste of that so-called full breast of hers, damn! It was so overwhelming.
(Boy #2)
I was wearing a very shabby suit. I just wished that I am wearing a gown instead of this. I envy the girls who wore those glamorous dresses that prom night plus the fact that I didn’t have a date, a man-date that is.
(Boy #1)
Thank God that I even survived reaching this day. I am about to leave my high school life as well as puberty. Another stage was set for me. My mum was there. Of course Yna was there too after all were batch mates. But my dad isn’t, again he’s busy on his usual business trips.
(Boy #2)
I had several universities on which I applied too. The results of the exams from the different schools went well. I have a particular school in mind, so I gave it a shot and in the end I passed with flying colors. My mama was ecstatic with my scholarship much like her excitement when I had my Valedictory address on High School graduation day. She is the only person on which I could share my triumphs with for my dad left us when he knew that my mama was pregnant.
(Boy #1)
My dad was a lawyer. My uncles are even accomplished lawyers. My grandfather is even a judge. And we do have our own law firm which is named after us. But I went into a very different path. I decided to take up Fine Arts as my course… My dad was disappointed, or should I say enraged, he thought that he is about to pass the torch on his unico hijo. The thing that bothered me was, why on the world does he bother on the career path that I chose were in fact he really didn’t cared for me even way before.
(Boy #2)
I took up Mass Communications and I had taken Journalism as my major. Aside from my cooking skills I am also into writing that is the reason on why I pursued this course. Ever since grade school I do write the scripts for our school plays and I was even an editor of the school’s newspaper. I am really delighted that I am following my passion.
(Boy #1)
I had my brand new phone given by my mum. It was the first ever Nokia model that has a high resolution camera and Bluetooth all in one. Yna and I had quite a number of pictures on my phone.
(Boy #2)
My mama gave me a Nokia 3310 on my graduation day. She purchased that by borrowing money from a “Bombay”. I told her not to really bother for there are more important things than just cellular phones, but she insisted that I do needed one most especially when I am in college, who’s always on the run.
(Boy #1)
The first semester ended. It was my first night on sleeping over our house, for I decided to board on a condo nearby our school. My mum asked our “kusinera” to cook for me and my dad’s favorite dish which the caldereta topped with broccoli. My dad has no idea that I was there that night. And when I suddenly showed up for dinner, he told mum that his appetite was lost and he doesn’t want to eat anymore and he walked away. He is such a party pooper.
(Boy #2)
It was mama’s birthday, and when there’s a special occasion in our house, caldereta with broccoli is always served as a main course. It was my mama’s specialty, and it also became my specialty. It wasn’t just any other kind of caldereta because it has broccoli in it. Even though that veggy is a bit expensive, my mama makes it sure that it is included in her most loved recipe.
(Boy #1)
In the morning, I do always make it sure that I at least visit the gym for an hour or so. It has been my lifestyle for almost six years. I think I was in my High School Freshman year when I started some light lifting.
(Boy #2)
My gal-friends on the contrary usually go on the CCP grounds on a Sunday to have a three hour jog/run/sprinting, well basically a mixture of everything. Hehehe.
(Boy #1)
Did I just say earlier that my world revolved around Yna? Yes, I think I did. Well now that is not the case. We frequently have quarrels recently. As in major quarrels that is. I don’t know, maybe it was just the stress. I did try to apply for a part time job, so that I could have some extra money for my usual “Happenings”.
(Boy #2)
Ryan, texted me once. He is my classmate in my English 1 class. He invited me for lunch. Well, I didn’t decline. Then from nowhere the text messages from him keeps on coming and for the next months, Ryan did started to accompany me whenever I am on my way home.
(Boy #1)
The “barkada” now habitually goes out for partying every weekend. Yna and I broke-up. I thought that it would last, but God I was wrong.
(Boy #2)
And then Ryan courted me. I didn’t actually know how to say or how to react on it. But I do know that I am interested with boys. I didn’t say yes. Maybe I am not just ready by that time but he did stay as a loyal friend though.
(Boy #1)
My dad and I again had a dispute. Now his voice was so high. It was a major disagreement that I told him that I won’t have to do anything for him from that very day. I also told him that he should disown me as his son.
(Boy #2)
Mama suffered some pain on her chest. For years she had kept this pain not until I reached my senior year, when I was about to graduate.
(Boy #1)
I tried to live alone. At first I went into some friend’s pad but my mum keeps on tracing me and she always asks me to go back home. I landed on a practically good paying part time job, as a call center agent. I was in school in the mornings and at night I was on my job.
(Boy #2)
I did try direct selling of some RTW’s. I do need some money for my mama’s medical expenses. The secret was out, she was dying. The least that I could do for her is to make her proud on my college graduation day. I was in the running for Magna-cum-laude for that school year.
(Boy #1)
I never told my mum that I was graduating that year. But somehow she knew that I was. She came there of course and as usual my dad didn’t. I don’t really care. At least I made it until the end.
(Boy #2)
“Perfection, we cannot attain perfection in our lives that is because only God Himself is perfect. But there are things that is almost alike with perfection and that is the act of humility and kindness. Humility and kindness are acts of God on which we could spread, we could share or we could even express. I dedicate my triumph to my mama. You are the epitome of Humility and the shining beacon of Kindness. Thanks Ma!” That was the last paragraph from the speech that I gave at the PICC. A week later my mama died because of the complications of her illness. She went to his creator with a very blissful heart.
(Boy #1)
I am not perfect. What I did is I isolated myself from my own family. It came to a point that I even changed my contact numbers. I wanted a new life, a new beginning. I applied on the largest broadcasting network in the country. They were in need of some new graphic artist for their new roster of TV productions. They wanted to restructure the face of the network. They do wanted a new look. And for the execs think that my artistic approach on which I have presented earlier that week was the one that they are looking for. The offer was a bit small than I expected. But for someone who is just starting in this kind of field, who am I to whine?
(Boy #2)
I can not forget my final interview with this prominent, world famous broadcaster, her very last question was: “Who inspires you?” Without any hesitations I just answered her, “My mother… She’s the one who had nurtured me with every value and knowledge in every endeavor that I made… And I know inside my heart that she had also made me as an inspiration of hers… She fought every obstacle in life because of me… We made each other our own inspirations… We do keep on fighting on what we believe in because we do believe and trust on each others capabilities…” and I had a deep gasp of air after that answer. She then asked me to wait at the reception area of her office. And after some minutes she then told me… “I am sorry…” then I was bewildered… and then she continued, “I am sorry but I have to break unto you the news… You are now a part of the team… Congratulations!” and she had given me a handshake. It was so surreal, thanks mom! Thanks for always guiding me.
(Boy #1)
For the past months I did work for the over-all network programming of this giant broadcasting network. And from nowhere someone from the HR had addressed me that this lady broadcaster wants me to be a part of her team. Well at first I was skeptical about it and in the end it just sank unto me that maybe it’s a chance for a promotion. Hell I was right. And then we were introduced… The transfer to her team was all worth it.
(Boy #2)
I became a writer for her team. Sometimes it could be a very tiring and demanding job. But when I do have the chance to see the final product of the show, all the stresses that I felt from the production just immediately goes away. Plus the fact that I get the chance to travel, meet lots of people and the most important thing learn every culture in the places that I have never been into.
(Boy #1)
It was a win-win situation for me, it wasn’t a high paying job but at least I get the chance to pay the mortgage with the house that I have loaned just months ago. Gee, maybe I am a grown-up man after-all. I am being serious, straight-forward, open minded, independent, self righteous man… Maybe I already needed someone in my life… Nahhh…!
(Boy #2)
The pad on which I was renting was just blocks away from the office that I am working in. But it was not the luxurious type of place. At night time I’ll just cross the street to buy some “lutong ulam” at a “carinderia”. In a usual scenario I would just love to cook my own food, but it is not that practical for me to do so. Maybe when the time comes, I could cook for someone really special… “Mushy Mode!”
(Boy #1)
My life wasn’t that opulent anymore, not like before when I had my own car. I just decided to sell it so that it could somehow help me to pay up my mortgage, Anyways, going to the office is like having my own everyday adventure. I would have a couple of “jeepney” rides and one bus ride, and in just a snap, I am already at the office.
(Boy #2)
Walking on my way to the office is like having my daily work out routine… I can’t really whine. At least my place is conveniently located to the office and I won’t have to spend something for any transportation fares on my way there.
(Boy #1)
It has been months, I have mastered the art of graphic designing. I was further promoted to chief graphic artist by our boss. She did like the energy that I infuse with the graphic arts that I put in her show.
(Boy #2)
I guess my hard work is paying off… My boss complimented me about our recent production about child labor. That my idea was fresh and unique, I suggested that if we could have an experiment on how would the parents feel if they were the once given a chance to an education, or maybe sometime to play or socialize, in a young child’s perspective. It was our highest rating show to date.
(Boy #1/Ivan Lance Averon)
Then from nowhere I received a call from my boss. She wants to put a facelift on her show. She told me that since it was a time for experimenting, she decided that her people from her productions should be cross-trained to another department. She asked me, “Are you up for the challenge Mr. Averon?” and I just answered, “Yes ma’am… When could we start?”
(Boy #2/Jaime Bautista)
A cross-trainee from another department? Who could it be? Then after a while someone came asking, “Good Morning, are you Mr. Jaime Bautista?” And I just answered, “Yes, I am Mr. Bautista, You could just call me Jamie (Jay-mee) instead of Jaime(Haay-me)… “Nice meeting you Jamie! By the way I’m Ivan Averon from the graphic arts department. You could just call me Van” And he gave me this handshake. His hands were warm, on that very instant I just paused for a while. I really don’t know how to respond, I just really feel awkward.
It’s a good thing that Jamie had a nickname. It’s a bit awkward on my part if I’ll call him with his first name for the reason that he shared the same name as my dad. Oh well… But why does he look pale? And then I asked him, “Are you okay?”
I just had a grip of myself and I answered him, “Of course I am okay…”
“I was just asking?...” as I answered.
“Sorry if I sounded rude with my response…” I replied.
So Mr. Bautista or Jamie gave me the details on how this cross-training would work. It would be like making your own group project or should I say pair project. With the supervision of whoever is in the particular department.
I further explained that we’ll take turns on who would be the first in the process of making a segment. Since a writer works on the pre production, it would be practical if I’ll be the first one to actually train him.
For short Jamie would be my boss.
I don’t think that there would actually be a problem with it. Van seems to be a nice person.
The next Monday we were given the segment on which we would be working on. We are given a team of six. We are scheduled on a trip to Palawan to the magnificent subterranean river. But there is this tini wini glitch I came up late. And Mr. Bautista looked like he wasn’t that pleased. He looks really strict. I just realized that maybe people who have names like “Jaime” doesn’t really know how to have a good time.
Mr. Ivan Averon was late, maybe an hour or so… Who knows? He says that he was late because of some heavy traffic, but I won’t really take that as an excuse. We left the domestic airport without any hassles. And we arrived Palawan with a little bit of a tension between me and Mr. Averon.
What’s with this dude? Okay, okay it’s my fault. I came up late. And somehow wasted some time, but we should at least move on with that. Lesson learned mister. I wouldn’t make you irritated anymore.
I’ll just talk to him maybe tomorrow in the morning. At least I would be calm enough to explain things to him. But for now we should focus on work, work, and more work.
Oh what a sunrise it was, playing frisbee with my colleagues was a great early morning work out. There were also those local kids who were actually playing with us. It was a fun sight to watch, then from the other cottage I saw Jamie coming out of his door. Of course I did invite him to join our fun game, as a gesture that everything between the two of us was okay, but he politely declined. Samantha one of our P.A. also known as Sam said, “He’s just like that at first. But once you get the chance to know more about him, I tell you, you’ll also enjoy his company…” and she gave this encouraging smile.
Ivan Averon… My team would be tired at the end of the day if you’ll continue playing Frisbee, I told myself. We are not here to do some leisure time. We are actually here to work. I just don’t know lately too much stress is somehow making my mind go wild. I just needed some coffee to calm myself down.
In fairness to Jamie, he would be a really great mentor. After we had our breakfast at the resort that we are staying into the actual job already started. He taught me everything that I needed to know for this assignment/mini-project of ours, from every detail of the interview process to the sites that we should visit, in short to the things that really matter.
For a new student, Ivan or Van (as he wanted to be called) was a quick-learner. He’s a great observer, he’s very attentive to every detail, and the best part of it was he was a very curious man. In this kind of business I think curiosity is the key to success for the reason that through life experiences we do learn to be a better and a more distinct person. Somehow Ivan had proved to me that he is not just one guy who wants to kid around with people. And I think he is also the kind of person who is dedicated with his work.
I’ve learned a lot from today thanks to Jamie. And somehow I do get it now that it’s quite stressful… Oh mum here you go again, calling me at this time of the night. I just left the cottage that I am staying to, and I just had a short stroll along the beach. As usual I answered mum’s call… And again she is convincing me to go home. Well ma, newsflash, I am having the time of my life here.
I decided to go out and stay at the cottage’s veranda so that I could have some fresh air before I retire to sleep. Tomorrow would be one busy day. That is why I do needed some rest. But as I was about to lounge myself into this rattan chair, I overheard Mr. Averon talking with someone, it was his mom, and he was a bit arguing with her. Well not really arguing, more of whining I guess… And then I giggled, I was surprised I think he had also overheard me giggling but I had managed to hide myself at the plant boxes on the veranda. The last statement that I’ve heard from him was, “Mom, I am currently working, please give me a break…” and after that I just hurriedly went inside my cottage, I’m not the kind of person who snoops around with other people’s business…
Mom was quite a handful from last night. She actually adds up to my stress… Plus the fact that today, Jamie would actually ask me to do some interviewing job. Yes, I am friendly alright… But to interview people? To actually meddle with other people’s business? Hmmm… This would be quite a challenge… At least Jamie would be there to coach me.
We had a short trek of the resort here in Palawan to find some foreigners to be interviewed. Van was a bit shaky with his first ever interview stint. And somehow he could not gather up his thoughts. And then I told him… “Just be casual, it is just like you talking to me… Gather up your thoughts, utilize your creativity and fuel your curiosity…” as I encourage him
“Sorry Jamie, I’m a first timer here…” I could feel myself shaking. And he courteously took the microphone from me and he advised me to watch him do the job.
Alas! Van was a visual learner! He’s the type of guy who wants to see something first so that he could further learn it. After my short time interviewing some locals and a couple of foreigners, the time had come for him to do the dirty work. Just kidding! And so he did! He had nailed his very first interview job. Sad thing though we didn’t had a chance to see a man who is willing to pop the question “Will you marry me?” for today.
Thank God everything was done! Well at least for now. It was about seven in the evening when the team had lit up some bonfire along the beach. The breeze was a bit chilling, but the fire somehow provided the heat that we needed for that night. Sam and the other girl Anna had the chance to get some drinks, while our cameraman and his fellow had managed to have a snooze beside the bonfire. And from the steps of their cottage I could see Jamie walking with what seems to be a cloak or a blanket wrapped around him. “You feel cold?” I asked him.
“Just a bit” as I answered. I noticed that he was carrying this guitar on which I didn’t notice him carrying when we went here in Palawan. And from nowhere I just asked him, “Do you play?”
“The guitar?” and I pin-pointed unto it, and I saw him nod. And I replied, “Yes, I play a bit.… I just borrowed it from a local here in Palawan…” I told him. And then I just heard Sam saying, “Could you play a song for us?” and Anna butted in, “Ivan, please sing…” and then I just replied, “Girls, I didn’t mention anything about singing. And I just saw Jamie’s eyes, it’s like telling me or rather asking me, not to disappoint them.
I stared at him, of course I am curious if he could really play or maybe sing perhaps? And then there was it, I’ve heard the first strums of his guitar… He started with a hum…
Hmmm… Hmmmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm..
The wind blows hard, on a starry night
The sand is brushing on an endless sky
Like countless diamonds for us to share
I know that I’d love you til’ we have no air…
The breeze jolts in on a moonlit night.
My hand now crashing into my heart,
Like feathers I know our love would soar,
I know that both of us could just give more…
*La la la, Life could be unfair sometimes,
But that is how it works, unconventional at times.
At least it works for you and me,
So that we could live for eternity…
I was mesmerized, Mr. Averon could actually sing. And I just realized that tonight was actually lighted by a full moon. And I heard Sam asked him, “Is that an impromptu song?”
And I just answered her, “Yes it is… I was just inspired by the moonlight...” and I just suddenly stared at Jamie.
I saw him staring at me, and Anna asked me, “Jamie, are you blushing?” and I counter reacted, “Me blushing? Haha, maybe it’s the liquor that you handed me awhile ago Anna… Anyways guys, it’s time for me to sleep…” and I hurriedly went into our cottage.
“But wait…” I did try to stop him but it is now to late… I didn’t even remember that Anna had actually handed him something to drink. Kyle our cameraman said, “Just give him sometime to rest, maybe he’s just tired…” So after awhile of some chit chat we just decided to say our adieu’s and had started our slumber.
Shoot, what was that? Me blushing? Blushing because of that guy? Nah… That would never happen… I’ll just have my goodnight’s rest and tomorrow would be a very long challenging day. Imagine the trail going to Sabang. I just hope that we’ll get through it.
I was already up at about five in the morning. It wouldn’t hurt if I would have a short trek at the beach and some routine push ups. And besides, I was about to thank the local fisherman who had lent me his guitar from last night. And so I visited his humble abode. There I saw his little son “Asyong” they were about to have their breakfast, I think it was a local delicacy in Palawan. Mila her wife then invited me to at least had some breakfast with them. As a sign of humility and respect of course I didn’t declined… It was one delightful breakfast… Hmmm… Did the team already have theirs?
The resort’s pantry had a minor slip up that is why they could not serve an early breakfast for us. They suggested either if we could wait for an hour, or we could visit the town proper so that we could have our breakfast at a carinderia there. But either of the two options would work for us. Our schedule would be delayed and everything would be a mess. And come to think of it? Where the heck is that Ivan guy?
On my way back to our cottage I could already see Jamie’s face… It looks like he’s agitated again. And when I was about to ask Sam on what is happening, “Van, don’t ask…” and everyone was quiet again.
And I asked this seemingly clueless guy, “Where have you been? We are now running late, the restaurant here is useless…” and I didn’t stop whining and whining, when Ivan tactfully butted in…
“I just had a short stroll… I am sorry if I didn’t have the chance to ask for your permission… I just returned the guitar from last night to a colleague of mine… By the way here are some kakanins on which his wife prepared for us…” and I handed the team a bag of freshly cooked rice cake delicacies.
“Oh my, that’s so embarrassing…” I just told myself, and I just turned around in hiding at Kyle’s back.
Everyone was enjoying that tasty treat, but it seems Jamie was missing. Then from nowhere I could hear someone’s stomach’s growling. “Jamie, come on… Have some… This is surely authentic rice cakes…” our cameraman Kyle said. It was a very interesting sight, Jamie hiding at this man’s flabby body. He looks like a child at that time… A very hungry child.
Kyle, please stop embarrassing me. But the thing is I am already starving. And from nowhere someone’s hand had offered me a bite.
“Here have some…” I told him as I handed a bag of kakanin.
It was from Ivan himself, he was all smiles. And I just realized, what’s with the smiles? What’s his problem? Or maybe I am the one who is having a problem. Oh hell I was so hungry by that time and I just grabbed the food from his hand and started on munching it. “Thank you…” I told him in an almost hesitant manner.
“You are most welcome…” I politely answered.
Is he like mocking me? I told myself… Hmmmm… I hate this stubborn, immature, self-centered, unprofessional, childish brat! Or is it me who’s acting like one?
After that very delightful morning encounter with Jamie, the team had already started to prepare the things that we needed for today’s assignment and shoot. We had a tip from yesterday that there are some foreign men today who are interested on popping the “Will you marry me?” question today. But no one from the locals of Palawan were quite sure who were they.
Somehow I am still hoping that we could stumble on that very person who would actually pop that million dollar question so that we could get that exclusive. But the question is? Why are we covering this story? We do know that the Puerto Prinsesa Subterranean River is a world renowned National Park because of its natural underground subterranean river. Every year visitors from around the globe visits the site to explore the mystic beauty and charm of the said UNESCO world heritage site.
But behind the grandeur of such a natural place is a much deeper, mystical, mysteriously romantic story… According to folklore, gods and spirits use to inhabit the underground cave… That is why most rock formations seem to have those kinds of shapes… Long time ago there were this lovers who were prohibited to see each other for the man was born poor and the woman was already had an arranged marriage. One night they had agreed to make tanan, and so they left the town proper and hid themselves at the mystical caves of Palawan. There they stayed for almost a night.
Later, they were trace by the girl’s family. They were about to lose hope when suddenly another hole from the other side of the river cave came falling down because of the tremors that the angry sprits made. The two lovers had managed to escape to the free waters of the South China Sea. It is said to believe that they have ask the spirits to rescue them from peril because they love each other so much that they don’t wanted to be separated. Impressed by the power of true love, the spirits were pleased to help them cross the underground river to escape the animosity that their family had created, since then the river was dubbed the river of undying love.
Nowadays since it was just recently discovered, the river is famous for lovers who wanted to have an everlasting testament of love by doing their engagements there. Truly the story seems to enchant every people who visit Sabang and the underground river of Palawan. This was the research that we actually got from yesterday from people that we interviewed at the town proper of Puerto Prinsesa, Palawan. Hey wait… Where the heck is the team?
That Ivan, he’s not paying attention, we are about to leave, he’s the only person who is not yet aboard the van. Oh there he is…
Gee, I hope Mr. Bautista is not that irritated by this time. I just wanted to enjoy this experience.
It is a good thing that we rented a private van. It is more convenient most especially that we are carrying some important equipment for our interviews today. But poor Kyle, he would be carrying the cam for the whole 2 hours while we are having a long 2 hour walk at the jungle trail going to Sabang.
Kyle and I already had made a deal that I would help him on carrying his camera, as long as he would teach me the trick on how to be a good and effective cameraman… Well at least this would be a great learning experience…
Kids time again… Well Ivan is like a kid… Maybe his approach to things is just like that. To tell you honestly at first I am a skeptic if this would really work, but from then on it did just sink into me, that he is just like that, funny, witty, he is like the Steve Irwin type of guy, the jungle man. He play with monkeys, goes unto the mangroves, have a hard laugh with tour guides and tourist alike… He loves the wild and he has the utmost appreciation of nature, I knew he did love the part when we had reached the part of the beaches of Sabang.
It was a breath taking spectacle. I just wish everyday could be like this. Not like the chaos that a man usually has in the metropolis.
After visiting those places we had reached the ranger station. There we had decided to have a break. By that time we were almost drained by the said walk that we had. But Ivan as usual is in high spirits. He is quite an energetic man. He didn’t stop asking Kyle on some styles on which he could use for some shots here in Palawan. Earlier on the trek, I have asked my cameraman if Ivan is doing well behind those lenses. And he confidently said, “Without a doubt…” and so I just took his word from it. After some minutes I just saw myself in a very awkward situation. Ivan was interviewing the Myna bird on the ranger station.
“Is it true that you are quite a snob?” I asked the myna bird, I was just kidding anyway. To my surprise it just answered, “Yes… woah, Yes…” I didn’t expected it that it would just answer right away.
Oh well, so you think that I am a snob? Now it’s the time for me to get even. I then asked the bird, “Are you a selfish childish brat? Who’s always late at every call time?” and the bird also answered, “Yes… Yes…”
“Hey, hey… I think that is way too personal?” I frankly told him.
“Well… I didn’t mention any name?” I answered back in return.
“Well I am not yet through with my statement, I was saying, isn’t that too personal for you to ask to a talking bird?” and I just gave him a smirk.
“You… Hmpft…” and I just walked away… He is such a jack-ass. And I just shouted at him. “Don’t you waste the camera film and batteries!”
And so our journey continued… Sam was worried, what if someone could get lost on this jungle trail, but our tour guide assured us that it’s a well established trail and getting lost is unlikely. After taking the trail, we were taken into the drop off point on where the banca’s are located.
It’s a five minute walk to the mouth of the cave while socializing with the monkeys and monitor lizards of the area. As usual Ivan was goofing around with the monkeys, and we were later asked by our tour guide if we could already wear our life jackets so we can continue our journey into the mouth of the cave. But somehow I am still worried, we haven’t had the chance to see anyone who is about to propose his love that day. Still no luck with that, now it’s getting into my nerves. Maybe in the end we’ll just get some interview clips from people who had seen such events.
And we had fixed our life jackets and helmets unto ourselves. Then Jamie and I alongside our tour guide boarded this ten-seater boat so that we may continue our journey into the mystical caves of Palawan. By our special request the boat was half filled, half of our team boarded another boat, so that we can have another perspective when we do the shots around the mouth of the cave.
Well it seems that I do not have any choice. Kyle suggested that it would be better if we’ll have two separate boats. Ivan is my trainee and he should go onto my boat ride. The bankero then suggested if we could seat side-by-side. Oh Jamie, for the sake of your work, please, just go with the flow. I really don’t know why up to now I am like this to him.
The feeling was awkward, well I don’t really feel awkward. Rather I just felt the Jamie feels awkward being seated beside me. So I just shut my mouth and just listened into our very knowledgeable guide. They were actually boatmen who are witty and extremely knowledgeable about the magnificent underground rivers of Palawan. They did actually continue on talking through the forty-five minutes that we spent inside the cave.
I do not know with this guy. At times he is much like the most talkative, extroverted person that you could be with. But now he is like a tamed animal just sitting there waiting for something to happen? Ivan was so quiet almost half the time of the tour going inside the cave? Maybe some supernatural element had sensed to shut his mouth off, so that I could have the peace of mind that I deserve.
Hmmm… Interesting, we then arrived at the heart of the underground river on where we could actually have a stop and appreciate the rock formations inside. Not all of us were allowed to actually go around the site. Actually I did stay at the boat to somehow set up the camera for some nice shots.
I did ask Kyle to go with me so that we could have a choice of good angles inside the cave. Sam and the rest of the team were just behind our boats. And I just told him, “Well I guess we don’t have any luck with the man who’s about to propose?” and from nowhere I just heard Ivan calling my name, he was whispering.
Is it me or I am just imagining things? I was just prepping up the camera and somehow focusing the lenses when something had caught my attention. Just across the cathedral formation of stalagmites and stalactites was a couple. Good thing that my reflexes were fast, I just hit on the record button and I captured every moment of the said event. The man kneeled down and had popped the question to this brunette woman, “Will you marry me?”
Ohh whatta *$^@*%? Did Ivan just? Nah, I was still on disbelief. He had taken the very thing that we are actually looking for, for days. But wait a minute, those couple? Do they know that they are being filmed? Shoot! This is a disaster, imagine invading their privacy. Oh shoot, the proposal is done. Why is Ivan approaching them… Oh my, what on the world…
After filming that awesomely romantic shot, I then had a walk. I decided to approach the couple so that I could congratulate them.
Do they look surprise? Oh my, what are we going to do?
“Hey hi there amigos…” they were I think from South America. “I am Ivan you could just call me Van, and this is my colleague Jamie… We are actually covering a story about couples who…” I was not yet through explaining when.
“Guys, please excuse us for a while…” I told both of them, and then I confronted Mr. Know-it-all, “What are you actually doing?”
“Trust me on this…” I whispered to Jamie, and then I continued, “As I was saying, we are actually covering a story about…” and then I did explain the reason on why we had taken the video of their proposal.
I don’t really know it seems like they were not pleased that their video was taken. Ahhh… What a bummer!
Oh damn I was right… I have hit on the jackpot! Just imagine, this Brazilian guy had popped the question to this Puerto Rican babe. And the most important thing is, she said “yes!” To make things more interesting, both of them have agreed that their story be featured in our show. Booze was every where. We are on a very celebratory mode. The island resort was overflowing with complimentary food for the trouble that happened early in the morning at the pantry. Our two new South American friends even joined our partying and even taught us on how to dance with fire.
I don’t really know how he does that. He has this charisma or charm that most people just gets along with him that well… and that fast. Imagine convincing those couple to do our show? Thank God for the divine intervention earlier, they were the third boat who is inline to us and it so happen that this guy’s cam was ruined in time for his proposal. He was very thankful that somehow Ivan had captured that very moment.
It was about midnight, almost everyone had too much to drink. So they had hit on their respective cottages. But Jamie here who says is not a drinker was just focused with his laptop, busy editing the write ups for our said assignment. I was on my last can of beer, and then I asked him this question, “You don’t really know on how to have a good time, am I right?”
This jerk! Is he implying that I do have a boring life? Maybe the alcohol had already corrupted his brain that is why he talks like that. Hmmm… I do have my fun times once in a while… I write a blog about social and economic problems here in our country. I do play some games in my Facebook account like Farmville and Café World, and lately I am into Fishville. And don’t he dare pin point on my social life, I do share my thoughts in online forums… Hey wait, could I actually call that socializing? And then I just decided to answer him back by asking him another question, “Why does it matter to you?”
“I know that inside that oh so hard shell of yours is a soft interior, If you are just willing to let yourself let go of your inhibitions…” I told him that as I had gulped the last drop of my beer.
I was shocked with what he just said, he actually had made sense with that, but instead of appreciating that very thing that he told me, I just became defensive and I just blurted out,
“Why? What do you know about of my inhibitions? Do you actually know me? You barely know me Ivan, who are you to judge me huh?” I was almost teary eyed when I told him that. And then he responded,
“I could see it in your eyes…” and I just became speechless when I told Jamie that. Everything became blank. I can’t even hear the sound of the waves from the sea.
What was that? What was the thing that he just said? Everything just came into a halt. I just nodded my head upon hearing those words from him. And then I just felt the whisk of the sand beside me, he had just rose up from his seat, and he started to walk along the shoreline. He is walking like a drunken man. Well he is already drunk! And he just stumbled along the waters. And out of some unnatural force I just came down running unto his aid.
“Hahaha…” I just laughed and laughed… “Hahaha… Hahaha…” I do feel like making fun of myself that night.
“You jerk!” and I pushed him back over.
And I just chase him over, “Hey, hey, I was just kidding…” and I have somehow calmed him down. And then I grabbed him by his hand.
I do know that he is drunk, but somehow I did not resist his invite. We just decided to have a seat on the edge of the beach just before the salty waters. It was a bit windy that night. For about fifteen minutes, no one had uttered anything, not a single word.
He seems to be uncomfortable, because a word was not even spoken for about fifteen minutes. I just then decided to make the first move, which I usually do. “Why are you always irritated at me?” I candidly told him.
Before I decided to answer his question, I just had to ask myself? Why? What is the matter with you Jamie? Why are you always irritated at Ivan?” and out of nowhere a statement just came out of my mouth. “Because you could just be who you are, as you are?”
At first I was bewildered with his answer, but as the minutes of silence came by it did struck me that he thinks that the very problem was himself. And he just continued on his answer…
“I have so much to prove Ivan… Well not really to other people but to actually prove myself that I can do almost everything, that I am somehow invincible… That I can do wonders with every little or big thing that I could do…” and I just realize that I cannot already had a grip of myself.
“So you do think that you are just alone in this kind of dilemma?” I told Jamie.
Huh? What is he saying? That people like him has problems like me? “You don’t seem to be the type of…” I wasn’t through with my statement when he butted in.
“Why? Didn’t it occur to you that I could be like you? With the same troubles, same mistakes, even heart breaks? I am also human Jamie. I do also commit mistakes, actually a lot of them really. It just so happen that I could just juggle every speck of problem that I encounter and in the end I would just like to enjoy myself. Life is short you know, if I am just here to whine for the rest of my life then, I just wasted that valuable time that God has given me. You think I’m a happy dude? To tell you honestly my life is less that perfect, but the important thing is I am enjoying every minute of it. And you should enjoy yours, instead depriving yourself of the happiness that you deserve…” without a single pause I straightly told Jamie.
I was embarrassed with all the things that Ivan had just said. For all this time I have judged him unfairly. You are such a miserable jerk Jamie… I do know that somehow, I do owe him an apology, “I am sorry…” I poignantly told him.
“Hey, hey what are you actually apologizing for? I can’t even remember a thing that we actually had an actual brawl?” I had to do that, I do needed to at least make him feel at ease when I am with him.
And Ivan smiled at me after that. What’s with him, he just smiles and everything would just be alright with me. And somehow I had a sudden interest on asking him that, “What’s with the smile?”
“Maybe I just have perfectly white teeth?” I jokingly answered him. I just wanted to divert the question to another topic.
“Huh?” somehow I did not get him.
“I don’t know… Maybe it is just like that… It just comes out naturally…” and I smiled back at him again.
“Oh look at you, you are smiling again… Now it looks like you are now mocking me…” I told Ivan.
“Why does my smile bother you?” I know he would hesitate to answer that question, good thing my mobile phone went ringing. Or is it a good thing.
Thank God his phone rang, at least I won’t have to answer his question. It is a good thing that it didn’t got wet when he stumbled upon the sea water. It was his mom as usual. He immediately went into loudspeaker and somehow mimics every word that his mum utters, that is silently. Almost looking like Charlie Chaplin.
My mum said as usual, “Lance, please come home, it has been years since you and your dad had the chance to see each other… I miss you dearly son…” and I just answered her back… “Mom, like what I told you yesterday, I am currently at work. I miss you too ma. But things would not be just like before… Good night ma, and please have your rest already…” and I hang-up my phone and without any second thoughts I threw my phone at the sea.
AHHHH! Crazy man! Why did he throw his phone? “Why did you do that why?” I was bothered with what he just did.
“Hey don’t get me wrong with that. I do love my mom. I just do want to detach myself with the things that do bother me. We are in paradise right? Might as well enjoy every moment here?”
I know he loves his mom. I sincerely felt that… But it seems that he is bothered with another thing, another person. Is it his dad? Well I don’t have the right to pry about that. Instead I did just ask him another question. “Why did your mom called you by the name Lance?”
Oh here we go again with the explanation of my second name. “Hmmm… I guess I haven’t told you that before. Lance is my second name. It’s Ivan Lance Averon. The only person who only calls me by that name is my mum. She is the one responsible for that name while Ivan came from a great grandfather’s name. Maybe I am just accustomed with the Ivan or the Van thing that is why only few people knows about my second name.”
“Is that so… It is like a special name for you from your mom?” isn’t he a mama’s boy.
Is he thinking that I am a mama’s boy, “Hey Jamie, don’t think that I am a mama’s boy or something okay? To prove you that I am not, I do actually allow my partners to call me by that name, Lance I mean…”
“Owws? So how many of your girlfriends do call you with that name?” I mockingly asked him.
I was caught off guard with that question, “No one as of now…” and I just hid my face… And I just came laughing and laughing.
Eureka! He is a mama’s boy! Well I don’t have anything against that, I do want a sensitive guy in my life… and anyways, I am his counterpart, I am a “Mama’s girl…” Bwahaha… Love you ma!
Before retiring for sleep that night I had the chance to check on the news, a possible storm which is originally bound on Southern Luzon is about to pass the islands, but it isn’t definite yet. I hope that it wouldn’t affect our departure tomorrow.
Ivan accompanied me on my way to my cottage. I have asked him if he could actually bring the camera there so that I could take some notes on the video footages that we had taken earlier that day. He bid his goodnights and he went into their cottage.
It was a disaster, the storm came earlier as we expected. Then Kyle’s mobile just went ringing and ringing, it was Sam, their cottage roof got ruined and I just remembered and told myself, the camera is also there… We just came rushing into their cottage for some aid. And we just took a garbage bag and wrapped it around our important equipment. Jamie and the girls were now soaked wet.
It was freezing, imagine being woke up by the rain water, but I am not that worried with that I am much worried with the footages that we got yesterday, I just hope that it didn’t got ruined by the waters.
Our boss called, she had just advised us to stay. The situation is somehow not safe if we are going to depart that day. To make things worse, Jamie had caught on a fever. Oh my, what a day is this, I just hope that everything would be fine by tomorrow.
It was about two in the afternoon, I just feel weak and dizzy. We just then asked the resort concierge if we could be transferred into the main hotel which is located just blocks away from the resort cottages. By the time we arrived our new rooms I just got the chills that I was about to pass out, and everything came blank.
The girls then decided to exchange rooms with us. Sam was after all an obsessive compulsive woman that she doesn’t want to have a fever or something. On the other hand the hotel doctor had just given his diagnosis regarding Jamie’s condition. He had a fever because of over fatigue and by tomorrow he would be as good as new, that is if he’ll take his rest and his medicine. I just stayed with him at our room, just in case he needs anything, and after about an hour, I just noticed that he was dreaming, one statement was, “Eliza, Eliza, why did you leave me?” and another one was, “Mom, I miss you…” and I just felt the grip from his hands. It was a grip like no other, a grip of longing for something or someone that he had loss.
It was about four in the morning, I just felt that everything was okay with me by that time. I was surprise, I was in another room? Or am I? I saw Ivan sleeping just beside my bed. And I just saw Kyle, he just came out from the room’s comfort room. He said, “Van is up all night, just observing on how you were doing…” and Kyle went back to his slumber, I just told myself, he did that? I am not really sure what to feel that very moment.
The sky was clear blue, as if nothing chaotic happened yesterday. Sam and Anna had already packed all the things that we had use on the past days that we have stayed here in this resort in Palawan. Kyle was still busy on somehow drying up some of our equipment, and that includes the camera. By no time, of course it got dry but we didn’t have the luxury of time checking out the tapes, so we departed the island later that morning. As usual, Jamie was in his snooty mode. Or is he really snobbish today or is it something else.
I do still feel awkward until this moment. The whole team had our breakfast, but I didn’t spoke of any word that morning. And we are boarding the airplane, I have requested the attendant if I could be seated away from him, Lance that is… What the, Ivan I mean… Oh my, what is this happening to me?
The segment was about to be shown by Sunday, and its deadline is on Saturday afternoon on where our boss would actually approve if they are going to include it on her slot, or she would just shelve it. It was almost the weekend when we had arrived Manila. I know by this time the tables should be already turned. But where is Jamie anyway?
Shoot Jamie… You should be distancing yourself with him. But you should do your job no matter what. But it is now the time for me to go unto the post production. That Mr. Averon is surely a pain in the ass. Then it just so happen that I had pass by my boss, she just said, “Good luck with Mr. Averon!” could she read my mind just like that?
I could see him from a distant slowly approaching our department. I decided to be reserved so that he won’t be that bothered. I know that he is disturbed about something. So Ivan, just be professional when you are with him.
Well, it did came out good actually, as if I am actually talking to a new Ivan, he’s a bit refined, mostly focus with his work. Or is he just like this when he works? We had the chance to check almost all the tapes from our trip, and then I just remembered that we are about to check the last tape, the one that we had with the proposal thing. By the time that Ivan had played on the VCR I just had my fingers crossed.
I could see his fingers crossing. By the time the tape was rolling, I could sense that there is something terribly wrong with it. The “money shot” has been ruined, ruined by the incident that happened at the island with the storm. I was observing Jamie’s face and all I can see at that time was he was on a state of shock. “Hey, Jamie, are you okay?”
I was astonished, after all that we have done? I didn’t even have the chance to answer Ivan’s question.
“Don’t worry we’ll come up to something. Trust me, we could fix this…” as I encourage him.
But no encouraging words could actually calm me, “Do you know what this means?”
“Yeah I know that it is time for us to have some lunch. Just chill and relax. My treat…” as I invited him so that he won’t be that worried with what had happen.
What? All he can think about is to have lunch? “And what do you think would be the remedy for this?” I asked him in a sarcastic manner.
“I already told you… I can do wonders…” as I answer him.
And he threw again that awesome jaw dropping smile of his. And then we had lunch. It is just lunch, not an actual date. After that invite we then went into post production and he continued on cross training me for the other parts of the creative process in the production. But I was still distracted by the fact that by tomorrow we do not have a presentation. And somehow I am putting my whole trust unto this guy to whom I called jerk, crazy drunken man, who mostly makes sense all the time.
Last night I told Jamie to have his goodnights rest. I just stayed at the office until the afternoon came.
I was so nervous, I was sweating like hell. I already talked with our boss’ secretary and she just told me that she is just busy with someone from inside. I just wish this could all end. I was planning on telling her that we have screwed up. And after some minutes, I was surprised, I just saw Ivan coming out of our boss’ office. “What are you doing here?” and I noticed that he didn’t changed his clothes from yesterday. And he just again gave me this smile…
“Hate to tell you I told you so…” and I just politely walked away.
What’s with him today? I told myself. And our boss’ secretary had already let me in her office. And there she was, she then told me, “Jamie, I was expecting you really… Congratulations! Job well done!...” Huh? Why is she congratulating me? And then she continued, “That assignment in Palawan was truly worth it… I am just excited about its full feature by tomorrow…” I was just about to ask her if I could actually see the final product but for some strange reason she had already read my mind and she said,“I suggest that you could see it by tomorrow… I am just ecstatic on featuring it on my show…” she was that excited, while I am that mystified, what on the world did Ivan did with our feature that our boss was very much impressed with it.
Our boss was very much pleased with our work that she had given me a time off by tomorrow. Maybe that is also a good thing so that I could watch it by myself. I just remembered the last statement that she said, “I think the cross training thing is not such a bad idea after all… It maybe a clash of the minds, but in the end creatively the team pulled it off… Nice job Ivan!”
I feel inanimate the rest day, I just don’t really know what to expect by tomorrow. What was with tomorrow’s feature that somehow I am anxious about.
I was just asleep all day. I just rose up at about six in the evening to have my dinner. Anyways the show would not yet start until seven.
I went at church at about six. I was on a hurry on my way home. I don’t want to be late in time for our feature that night but my colleague Sam texted me that our segment would be shown at the last part of the show. So I just had a quick dinner at a nearby “carinderia” and I instantly went home.
Today’s main topic was paradise in the Philippines. It was about scenic spots in our country that is mostly visited by tourist, not just because of its natural beauty but also because of some mystical hidden stories.
There were about places featured in tonight’s show. One was from Ilocos, the next feature was on Mt. Province. The third feature was in Albay, my friend Joanie was assigned there, the fourth one was on Pangasinan, and then there was it, the last feature of the night… It just gave me chills when the music played, and when I’ve heard our boss’ voice over… Ohhh…
The music that I infused with tonight’s feature segment went well with that night’s theme. Jamie’s title to the feature also complemented the whole effect to it, “The underground river of love…”… At the first part of it, the islands of Palawan were shown, then the lush beaches. Then interviews with the locals and tourists…
Then there was it. It was time to the main event, the underground rivers. The shot going to the trail wasn’t ruined, hmmm… I guess he could really do wonders, and the feature just continued, to the boat ride, to the tour guides, the magnificent rock formations, and to the stories about mystical gods, and lovers who have sworn their love inside the cave, and then I just heard our boss’ voice came and said, “And someone from our team, had to pop a question to someone…” and I just said to myself, what is she saying? Is Sam and Kyle getting married?
I have to do that, I just told him yesterday that I can do wonders…
And I just saw Ivan’s face on the screen, he is about to confess something on national TV. “Call me ridiculous, call me crazy… I don’t really care… At this very moment, I stand here at this cave, this very cave as my very witness with all its mystical powers, I did see it in your eyes that I do wanted to spend the rest of my life with you…” Ivan said sincerely, and the show ended with some parting words from our boss. Huh? How could have this happen? I can’t really remember that we had this shot in Palawan. I decided to call Sam, she just said, she was even surprised with the said part of the documentary. She was in the office when she had watched that part. And after having that shown, hundreds of calls were made from women viewers. They were much curious at the same time moved by this guy’s proposal.
It is really true, I don’t really care… That is what I felt when I did that video on the last part of the tape when I was about to change it into a new tape. For now, I’ll just keep it on myself who’s that very person is, who had somehow caught my affection.
I am stressed with what had just happened, I think by tomorrow. Ivan’s video would be the talk of the town. And maybe in the end, our boss would just ask us to make a follow up story on it.
I don’t know if the people in the office were aloof or they are just excited about yesterday, but I could see them smiling at me, but they weren’t talking at me. And Kristy our boss’ secretary had just asked me to go to our boss’s office. “Ivan, you did make me proud… That was the highest rating that our show ever got… Now every woman in our country is asking, who is the lucky girl that this bachelor is looking for?” she said in excitement. I just told myself, don’t tell me that you are having a follow up story of this? Oh well in my relief, she didn’t thought of it yet. She just told me her congratulations and I just went out of her office. It just so happen that I passed by Jamie’s workspace. He was already there. He just came from the pantry. “Hi there Jamie!” as I greeted him.
“Hi there Mr. Averon!” I don’t really know why am I such a party pooper. I just became formal again talking to him. “So congratulations! And who’s the lucky girl? Everyone seems to be asking?” whattaheck, why did you asked him such a silly question? Are you actually jealous of that mystery girl of his?
If you could just knew who it is… And what’s with the last name calling? Is he on a furious mode today? I just gave him an answer, “In time, you’ll know…” and I just bid farewell and I just decided to go directly into my office department.
And the girls in my department just flocked around me. They were drooling over him. They were very curious who was that lucky girl from last night’s show. And I just answered, “He didn’t confirm anything to me… Sorry to disappoint you girls…”
Upon reaching my desk, I just contemplated on some things, I just asked myself is your decision really worth it? I mean doing it on live national TV?
I was about to leave the office grounds when I saw Ivan leaving. I suddenly realized that I was a bit rude at him this morning. So I rushed on running to catch up with him, I decided to call him by his first name.
That’s Jamie! And why is he actually calling me now with my first name?
I just went straight to the point with him, “I am sorry about this morning, maybe I am not just in my usual self. As a peace offering, can I invite you over dinner tonight? My treat… That is if you don’t have any plans for tonight?” I sincerely told him.
Without any hesitations I just answered him, “I would be delighted…” It was just like he just read my mind. I was also on my way into this nearby mall so that I could buy myself up a new phone. At least the idea of me buying a phone is not bothering Jamie, I don’t want to further annoy him that night. I just went really speedy buying my new phone. It was a Nokia 5800 Xpress Music phone. I just bought a new sim card along with it, texted some friends and family and of course my mum (I had a printed list of numbers of some close friends and family) and I just turned it into silent mode. After all we are about to have dinner.
It was a sleek phone really. It matches his personality as well. After visiting the phone shop we then went straight into this Italian franchise restaurant. I ordered some pasta, he ordered some herbed chicken with some vegetables and we both had iced tea. I could feel that he could sense that I was again being aloof with him. We were not talking for about five minutes after we have placed our orders. Out of the usual, I just decided to start the conversation. “Hmmm… About this morning, I was maybe just distracted, I am sorry…”
“You don’t have to be sorry about anything. You have not done anything to actually harm me? Besides aren’t you getting tired of apologizing? Jamie actually to tell you truthfully I am the one who is being sorry for you for being always apologetic… Relax… Every people are given a chance to commit his or her mistake…” I just told him that.
This Ivan man always impresses me every time he talks profoundly like that. As if he could reach your very soul and read every inch of your consciousness. And then he asked me a question.
“What are you actually afraid off? As if that being apologetic comes from something else that bothers you?” I outspokenly told him. He became silent for a while and then he just spoke.
“I told you I have too much to prove. Maybe you are right, that there is this pain that bothers me. I can’t just pin point it out…” I genuinely replied
I now realize that he was about to become emotional at that time, but I don’t really want him to cry… I just shifted the mood by moving the topic unto me. “So you are curious about that lucky girl?” I told him with a smile on my face.
“Well that girl wouldn’t be that lucky. You are obnoxious at times and sometimes a brat… And maybe a jerk…” I jokingly replied, of course I was just kidding about it.
“Hey, hey wait, aren’t we here because you are apologizing at me because according to you, you were rude this morning?” as I defied his statement.
“Yeah, yeah you won. You always won over me on times like this…” and we just ended up laughing and laughing. After a while the food was served it was very aromatic as well as sumptuous.
On the middle of our dinner, I just casually asked him, in your point of view, what do you think is the kind of partner that I am looking for? By that time I knew Jamie was over thinking, he was twisting his spaghetti with his fork for quite a while.
Why would he ask me that? I don’t know anything about girls? It’s just a question, what’s the harm if you’ll give him an answer with that? It is like he is asking me what do you think are my likes with a person? Not particularly a partner. And so I answered,“Maybe someone sensible, not shallow nor superficial. Or this someone could be clever or intelligent, someone who could crack any joke at any time at any moment or can make a laugh out of nothing really or just someone who is adventurous or feisty.” Oh my, I was about to lose answers to his question.
And then I answered, “Maybe, maybe I may like someone who’s adventurous like me, or maybe someone sensible? But with all the things that you have mentioned, you haven’t hit on the bulls eye. For a very strange reason I do wanted someone who is the opposite of me. I wanted someone who is snobbish, someone who always frowns, and someone who looks like always furious or rather anxious.
“Huh? What’s with that choice? Opposite he says?” I was wondering if he is making fun of me again.
And I answered, “Let’s just say I just feel challenged with that kind of person. That I know in the end, whatever hardships that this person may encounter I know that I could make this person smile and I could tell myself that it’s all worth it.”
Why is he staring at me like that, what’s with him? He’s going coo-coo again, and then I saw his phone, its backlight is blinking. “Hey, someone I think is calling you…”
It was my mom again calling. I just turned it into loudspeaker mode so that Jamie could hear my mom’s voice which I found really cute. I was surprised when I’ve heard a voice of a man. It has been a while ever since I’ve heard his voice. It was my dad. I then excuse myself to Jamie so that I could take his call.
His voice suddenly became almost silent while talking to his dad. But there are some moments that I accidentally hear his words, like about the show yesterday. And when he would be coming home, he just answered that he’s not sure. And then he dropped that very brief call.
“Hey sorry about that…” I told Jamie, I didn’t realize that my dad would be using my mom’s phone. It was really a surprise to me that he would be talking to me. He was very excited with the news that he had watched that I already had chosen a girl for me to marry. Why does he care about it? He sounded excited, maybe he’s just excited for the reason he just wants a grand child from me. Oh dad you are such a handful.
I have never seen Ivan that serious, after that dinner he just became silent, up until he accompanied me when I rode the cab. We just bid our farewells and we went our own separate ways. Now I have seen his serious side that other side of Ivan that somehow is hidden on a mask of happiness and optimism.
Why did he suddenly call? He didn’t even care even before? I am now on the top of my game now. I am very much contented with what I have now. A good career, friends, someone I am pleased to be with, I mean I do have a happy and satisfied life. Why does he always ruin my moment? Should I really call him, and somehow make up with the lost time that we had?
I came home at about thirty minutes from the mall. It was not that far anyways. Upon resting my body at my sofa I just thought of something. I am worried about him, I am worried about Ivan. I just got my mobile phone. Something inside me tells me that I should call him. Upon checking my mobile, there was one unread text message. It was a new number, it says, “Jamie, kindly save my number, and by the way thank you for the nice treat… -7:30 pm”. He had already thanked me even before we had dinner?
I was about to make a call, when someone came calling, Jamie is calling me?
I don’t seem to have a choice, I had to make that call but it seems I don’t have any idea on where to start to.
“Hello, Jamie?” as I started.
“Yes, I just wanted to check on you if you had arrived home safely?” that is the only thing that I could think of from that very moment.
“No worries… I am already home even before any snatchers could ever snatch something from me…” I told him jokingly, I do not want him to worry really.
“Is that so?” I answered, even if he gave me that joke, I still felt that he was undoubtedly troubled of something.
“Hmmm… Jamie is that all? How about you? Had you arrived your pad safely?” as I ask him, I was thinking if there is something that I could help him with.
In a hurry I just answered him, “Yes… In no time I am already here. Anyways, I think that was basically it, it was nice chatting up with you… Good night Ivan good friend!” and I hung up the phone.
He called me a good friend? Well that’s new… Is it that a sign when Jamie called me when I was about to call my dad that I shouldn’t call him? In any case, perhaps I should just be calling them some other time.
I was about to choke myself that time, I can’t say a word after that… At least I know that he could have a goodnight’s rest. Mr. Ivan Lance Averon, what are you doing at me, as if you had put a spell on me or something?
Then minutes came, then hours…
Then a day, then days came… Then a week…
I had never heard anything about Jamie.
Not a single word came from Ivan.
I already had made a call with my mom. We had a serious talk. I decided to see her at a coffee shop on the way to my parent’s place. She already told me the story, that my dad was already a changed man. It all happened when my dad had this gall bladder surgery. My mom told me that it was a life changing experience for my dad that it was much like a divine intervention. He decided that he would not further push me to be in charge of our law firm, the Averon – Montero Associates. And that he’s so much very proud of me, that my dad was somehow happy that I already had found my passion. That I am much like a grown up man. And the most important thing that he said was, coming from my mom, “Diana, I am very much excited to have my grand child…”
It has been weeks, I guess I should not be expecting something from him. A memo from our boss’ office came, she needs me there A.S.A.P. Well I was wondering what’s that all about, then she broke out the news to me, “We have to do it, we are now running Ivan’s story in two weeks time… And I am taking you in charge of it…” Huh? Why me? What on the world is that?
My boss had somehow personally visited me at my office department, and somehow had convinced me to do the feature about me. The calls from women viewers didn’t stop until now, that is why she is persuading me so hard, that she won’t take no for an answer. Well I would not really decline with her request. And I guess that is the price I have to pay for what I have done? But in all fairness I just asked her for one petty condition, that Jamie would be the one in charge of my feature segment. What a brilliant idea right? It has been a while since we both seen each other, I should be the one making up for the lost time.
And whose crazy idea is it, that I should be the one doing the feature about him? Oh well if it is my boss well I guess I don’t have the right to whine. But if I’ll discover something about having this interview rigged, Hmpft! And so, with a very heavy heart I just went into Ivan’s office department and there he was, looking as if he is expecting me to come. “Good Morning Mr. Ivan Averon, so shall we proceed to our usual business?” Jamie… this is just your job, a job on which you should follow.
Why so serious? I told myself. Here we go again man… Jamie is like irritated again. So I just answered his question, “Okay we can now proceed, now shall we go?”
Huh, what is this guy talking about? Going to where? I am just conducting his interview here at the office. “I’ll start on my interview now, here at this very place, at this very moment.” I commanded him.
He is very clueless. “Haven’t she told you that you’ll be conducting my personal interview at Tagaytay? I’ll take you there for lunch. We’ll ride some public transpo. Coz’ I am not that comfortable being interviewed here.” I explained to him in detail. And besides that is a part of the deal between my boss and me.
This guy is such a pain in the ass. “Okay, okay… So shall we go now? I have some important things to do than just…” I was not finished when he butted,
“Than just what?...” as I asked him.
“Nevermind! Come on before I change my mind.” And in the end, I have no choice at all.
To be fair with Jamie, I did followed one request from him. We just rode this air-conditioned bus going to the boarder of Las Piñas-Cavite area it is because if we would ride a public “open bus” here in Manila, we could be almost chocked by the gasses from the air pollution here.
By the time we reached the Cavite area, we then rode this stainless steel mini-bus that can be only seen in Cavite. There I had seen again the carefree Ivan that I’ve met in Palawan. He’s just laidback on his seat. I could see him observing every person or vicinity that we pass by, and then as usual he started talking.
“You could now start your interview here… I was just waiting for you to start on the last bus ride that we had…” and I gave him a grin.
This jerk, he didn’t even told me that I could start on interviewing him. And so I just started, “Whole name, age, address…” etc. etc. etc.
“What kind of interview is that? And besides you do already know what my whole name is… Is this like a job interview or something? We’ll it sounds like one… And besides if you do need those information, you could just easily get that in the HR” as I over exaggerated myself, hehehe.
He is now pushing me into my limits, “Okay fine, I’ll try to be as casual as possible. I’ll just do my job so that we could now carry on…” and then I had taken a deep breath, “Can you describe something about your childhood?”
“Can you be more specific? I do have a vast memory of my childhood?” as I again tease him.
You son of a gun brat! I just told myself, and then I continued, “Hmmm… Perhaps, just tell me something about your interest… Your hobbies… Where did you go for grade school?” I just asked him some basic questions. And somehow Ivan did delivered, he did answer every little question that I have asked him about his childhood, up to his puberty, his college life and now his career, and then I just realized I just went too personal. “Are you close with your dad?” I think it was a stupid question to ask. He looked blanked and somehow didn’t manage to answer that question.
I really didn’t find the question stupid really. It’s just that I just didn’t really know anything to say if the topic is about my dad. It’s a good thing that I already felt the cool breeze of Tagaytay, instead of answering that question, I just distracted myself by answering him, “Yahoo… We are already in Tagaytay! See!” as I pin-pointed the marker at the side of the road.
I felt something when Ivan diverted himself away from that question. I know that someday I’ll know what’s running in his mind. In the meanwhile we have reached our destination. It was an open air restaurant on which we could see the magnificence of Taal Volcano and its famous lake. It was surely a relaxing site to see.
I could see again in his eyes that he’s enjoying the site’s here. “I told you that this is quite an experience…” and Jamie answered,“Yes it is quite an awesome experience… I think the last time I was here was in one of my grade school field trips. But I barely remember anything. I don’t even have a picture of that trip.” As I candidly answer Ivan. It seems it would be an exchange of interviews after all. You should always remember Jamie that you make some distance from him, that you are just doing your job. And Ivan continued on talking…
“Really… Me, I usually go here by myself, when I do have a bad day I’ll just drive myself here and I just feel refreshed… It’s like my problems have dissolved away… Let’s just say that this place is like my comfort zone. My own refuge to the chaotic city life… So shall we take a picture, just you and me?” I sincerely told him. And then I asked this waiter if he could take our picture.
He drives? But where is his car? And what’s with the picture thing? Something like a remembrance?
He looked distracted about the car so I just explained it to him “I already had sold it, anyways riding a public transport is not a bad thing after all.” And the photo of both of us were somehow nice, I then bluetoothed it to him.
And so I continued my interview with him, while we are being served by some special beverages. The drinks were on the house which was given by the owner, who happens to be a close friend of Ivan. Now I know that he’s somehow telling the truth. He had also told me the reason on why he was late on our trip to Palawan, he just came from Tagaytay that night. He just wants to free his mind before he goes into this he say “life changing” trip of his. And then I asked him, “Why life changing?”
“It was life changing because there I realized something. Something that I had never felt before…
“Is it about the girl? That you realized something?” as I dig on the dirt on him.
“Hmmm… Someday you’ll know…” I never gave him a hint.
He is so hard headed, what’s the point of having this interview, if he’ll not answer all the questions that I would ask him.
“Do not worry Jamie. In due time you’ll surely know who that person is, but for now let’s just enjoy our stay here. By the way, since you’ve been asking me for quite sometime, can I have the privilege on asking you a question?” I told Jamie.
Huh ask me? “What for? And besides, is this still a part of a deal from our boss?”
“Let’s just say that it would be like our own little arrangement…” as I explain to him.
Is he deaf, “I just asked you, what for?”
“So that I could be at least comfortable…?”
And I just laughed, “Hahaha… That is so funny of you, in that state you are saying that you are not yet comfortable?” and instead hitting my point Ivan just told this.
“This is the very first time that I’ve ever seen you laugh…”
I just became perplexed when he did that, what I mean is saying things randomly. And he followed it with.
“You often laugh Jamie… You do have a very great smile…”
Here we go again Ivan, you are making me feel… “So aren’t we going through the interview?” I patiently asked him.
“Yeah you may go on… But wait, in a usual scenario what makes you laugh? Or maybe smile at least?”
He’s one persistent guy. I’ll just answer his question so that I can push through with the interview, but wait a minute, that is quite a question, Jamie, what would actually make you laugh? Well it took me a while to answer his question, so I just randomly picked something that just came out of my mind. “If someone’s joke failed to make me laugh?” and he look distraught, and he said,
“How would that happen, if he failed to make you laugh so then technically you wouldn’t really be laughing at all, am I right?” and I just scratched my head after that.
Oh this guy, why do I have to explain everything to him. “Can we just proceed to the interview?”
“Okay, okay, please don’t be mad.” And I have asked the waiter to serve our lunch.
Maybe I am just going hungry that is why I am being like this to him. After eating our superb meal, for the third time I have asked him, “So shall we?”
“Nah… Maybe we could do this tomorrow. Come on, let’s go home. I know that it would be a more interesting conversation for both of us.
What? He dragged me on all the way here just to have lunch? This sicko! I just decided to walk out, and ride the bus going back to Manila.
I was running after him. Just imagine after treating him for lunch he just left me here and for a fact that I was shouting his name.
At first I was really angry with him, but when I’ve heard him calling my name, something had told me that I shouldn’t be that hard with him. Hmmm Ivaaaaaaaaaaaannn… You are making me crazy.
Upon reaching our offices I decided to look for Jamie at his department, but Sam said that Jamie is not yet back from his field work, she just asked me, “Isn’t he with you?” Instead answering her question I just walked away and tried to ring his mobile phone.
My phone was ringing and ringing all over, my friend from the HR Joanie told me, “Wouldn’t you answer your call?” and I just answer her, “Well it’s from a jerk prank caller…” and I just turned it into silent mode. Hahaha… Well Ivan’s suggestion somehow worked after all. I did check his files in the HR department and there I saw some very interesting information about him.
Where the hell is that guy? I am starting to get worried about him.
Hmmm… He has two addresses, one was his present address on which he is now residing and the second one was his permanent address on which written was a different address. He is from Forbes Park, an exclusive village here in Manila. His parents were surprisingly socialite Diana Montero-Averon and Iron man lawyer, president of the law firm Averon-Montero Associates, legal adviser to the President of the Philippines, Atty. Jaime Averon. Hmmm… And did I mention that he is just an only son? Now I do get it why he acts like that, a bratty little child.
Calling him up at his phone was useless. So I did try waiting for him at the office entrance.
I was about to leave our workplace, I had pass by Kyle. He was on his way to pick up something at his floor. He had told me that Ivan was waiting for me at the lobby. It’s a good thing that I’ve seen Sam at the hallway, she was also about to leave, and she’s using the back entrance because that is where she usually parks her car. I just asked her a favor if she could give me a ride, of course she didn’t declined, in the end she asked me, “Is anything wrong with you Jamie?” and I just reasoned out to her, “My feet just hurts, you could just drop me off the next block.”
It’s running late? What’s taking him so long? And then I saw Kyle, he was about to leave the lounge, and he said, “Jamie just left, he was with Sam…” Hmmm, it seems that the little naughty mouse had escaped his prey, hehehe. So I just decided to move on and so I just rode this bus, on my way home while observing the roadside something had caught my attention, it was Jamie, getting off Sam’s car. Hahaha, I wouldn’t just leave without a fight. So I went off the bus and decided to discreetly follow him. Anyways, I am just also doing my job. It is him who’s not doing his thing, hehehe.
Thank God! I have escaped that demented man. But how about tomorrow, well I shouldn’t be stressing myself up. The important thing is I could have my goodnight’s rest with out over thinking about that manic guy.
So that is Jamie’s pad. Hehehe… Tomorrow would be very interesting… LOLZ.
Before hitting my comfty bed, I just checked my phone, I just remembered that Ivan had sent me the photo that we had at Tagaytay, I was frowning as usual, and as for Ivan, he was all smiles. Hmmm… Should I delete this photo anyway, I was sleepy by that time my finger was about to, and then my mind came blank, “Hey don’t you dare do delete that…” said a familiar voice, it was Ivan, and then I told him, “You are even here in my dreams? Or should I say my nightmare?” and he answered, “Yeah, I would be in your very worst nightmare. Forever! Bwahahhahaha!” and it ended with an evil laugh.
The morning was nice. I slept very soundly last night.
As for me, Ivan did torment me, even in my subconscious mind. To my surprise my face was resting on his photo on my mobile phone. There were still traces of my saliva from last night, oh my, I am that grubby. I decided to wake up and go instantly into the comfort room to wash my face. After that I decided to hit downstairs to check my doorstep so that I could get a glance on the freshly delivered news paper. And so I opened my solid wooden door, picked up the rolled newspaper and decided to close the door, and I just told myself “am I still dreamin’?” so that I could confirm if I am not, I just decided to open my door again, and to my surprise, there he was, Ivan sleeping at my doorway, his head resting at the grills of my plant box. I just took my newspaper and started hitting my head with it, “Tell me you are dreaming, that this is just one of your nightmares…” upon five or eight hits, my head started to hurt.
“Stop doing that… You are just hurting yourself. I told you that I was going to pick you up today. Am I right?” Hehehe, well I guess my plan is now working.
And I just slam the door close, is he like a stalker? “Yeah I know that you would be picking me up, but I thought that you would be picking me up at the office? And besides how did you knew about my place?” I was about to loose my mind with him.
“Hey don’t get me wrong with all of this, well I am not a stalker or something, I just followed you on your way home… Oh shoot, it does sound that I am stalking you, but that isn’t the case, you weren’t even answering my calls. And besides, it’s okay with me if I just slept here outside, as long as you would not get the chance to escape from your duties today. You know it’s a bit cold here last night.” I pretended that I was a bit down by that time. If he could only knew that I did stayed in a nearby motel just across the street.
“Why? I didn’t ask you to sleep at my door way?” I harshly told him.
“Okay, I am sorry… Gee, I guess I am too much for you to handle… I’ll just leave and go ahead the office…” I acted as if I sounded defeated at that time.
That was so ruthless for me to do, I know that he doesn’t mean any harm, What will I do with you? And so I slowly opened the door, I just saw him about to leave, and so I decided to invite him over, “Ivan, I am also sorry about yesterday, come in, let’s have some coffee…” well again I don’t seem to have a choice. And then from nowhere his seemingly sad face lighted up, he hurriedly went inside my home and had a sit on my sofa. “Are you really sure that you slept on my front yard last night?” but instead of answering he just again answered me with a smile. Oh well what do I still expect from him. And so I just prepared some coffee for him and some breakfast, I had some stock loaf bread and I cooked him some egg and some bacon and ask him to enjoy his food while I just take my bath.
“How about you? Aren’t you having your breakfast?” as I ask Jamie.
“I rarely have my breakfast in the morning. I would rather have a light merienda later. Hey by the way are you not going to change your clothes?” well technically he is still wearing the same clothing that he was wearing from yesterday.
“I guess I am still fine with this, I’ll just have my cologne and I’ll just wash my face…” but seriously I do wanted to change my clothing at that very moment.
Ivan, Ivan, you are just like an irresponsible child, “Anyways then, Just enjoy your breakfast and let’s just talk later…” and I just went into my bathroom.
Wow freshly cooked breakfast in the morning. In a usual case I would just have some cereals in our house at Forbes, because my mom thinks that it is much better than eating food which is cook with too much fat. After some time I guess I have already had too much to eat so I just decided to walk around his house. I think he would still be at his bathroom for quite some time. At his living area were pictures frames, of I think his mom and a toddler Jamie… He’s one cute child, he still has the same smile just like what he had from his childhood days, and beside that frame was a small aged wooden box with an antique finished lock. I was just thinking what an odd looking box… After strolling around his bungalow house, I just then heard Jamie’s voice.
And I told him, “I think that you should be taking a bath, by now you already stink!” and I just gave him this extra bath towel that I had inside my drawer and handed it to him. I also had picked him up some clothes on which I could lend him. It’s a good thing that I had some loose clothing that I wore when we went to Palawan, if I didn’t had those, well it is now his problem on where he would get his clothes from today.
It did just take me about fifteen to twenty minutes on going to the bathroom, and that includes my prep time. It surprised me that somehow, the clothes that he had lend me fits me well. If my memory was still clear it was the same clothing that Jamie wore at Palawan, but he had this loose style with him, to me it fitted perfectly. It was a cardigan with big black and white stripes, and inside it was a white polo shirt, and he had also lend me a white pedal pusher short. Very summer looking at the Hamptons, Am I right? It’s a good thing that the wardrobe matched my shoes.
It was a mesmerizing scene seeing him like that. Ivan surely is one good looking guy. I know that he is just a shirt and jeans guy. But I know that inside of him is a guy who has a great sense and taste for clothing. I noticed that because he usually wears designer shirts. But this was the very first time that I saw him all glammed-up. He has this messy hair, but it still compliments his face. But wait a minute, he didn’t wore the matching accessory that I had prepared with the rest of the clothing that I had fixed for him, after all it was the time for me to play along with this guy.
“Are you sure that this bow tie or ribbon is necessary?” I asked him.
And I just shook my head. Inside me, I was laughing.
Oh well, just go with the flow man, before Jamie would have his tantrum again. And so I just followed his suggestion, but I saw this newsboy cap just lying around his end table, “could I borrow this?”
Hahaha, that would surely complete the look, “Sure I told him…” and again I was laughing and laughing inside me. But after some minutes I realized that it wasn’t a bad look for him at all, that he surely pulled it off. It was really a cute look for him. Ivan is so kawaii that morning and his manly scent was so divine.
“So shall we?” as I asked the equally impressing looking Jamie.
Wait, wait… While taking a bath I just realized something, that I should setting up my rules so that this research about him will work out. “Hmmm… Is it okay if I would make a suggestion about our set up today?”
“Yeah sure, what is it?” I am really good with negotiations.
I wanted this to work out this time, “It’s like this, if it is okay with you, today I would not really ask you questions, instead you’ll do all the talking, you are the one in charge, I won’t contradict you with anything. I wanted to know more about you in your own perspective.” So that there wouldn’t be further conflicts.
I guess that’s not a bad suggestion, “So that’s your part of the bargain?” Well I think that offer would work in my advantage.
That’s the only thing that I could think about that time, instead of fighting the current, I should just go with the flow. Go Jamie!
So we both took a tricycle ride going to the main road of EDSA Ave., after that we took a bus going to the main gates of Forbes. I decided to call our security head, Mr. Mendoza. It’s a good thing that he still remembers my voice. He had told me that my parents were out today. That dad would be on this convention and mom would be in a philanthropy event. I think it’s about time to pay my old folks’ place a visit.
It’s my first time visiting such a place. Forbes has lush greenery inside. With it’s architecturally beautiful, gigantic houses. It is like each house is unique on its own way, a castle of every kingdom that is. It was cozy inside the Averon’s house car on which we are picked up on the main gate of the village. It didn’t took us long to reach his place, but I was wondering, where is his house? Most houses could be seen at least at the side of the road, theirs were just tall trees, a solid marble wall, and black iron gates. And the gates just automatically opened just like magic much like in the James Bond Movies.
“Welcome to my parent’s place” I told Jamie. Well I think this is a good start for my story telling. It’s more personal to tell a story if I could show him the surroundings that molded me as a person.
I was enthralled upon seeing his place, or could a say a mansion? Or a villa? I am confused which is bigger, a mansion or a villa? Okay let’s call it a palace. On their front yard, or should I say their own little park were marble sculptures of local artisans here in our country lined up where the car has passed by, it has greenery all over which includes a vast land of freshly cut imported grass, a large collection of flora and fauna and in the middle of it was a luxurious fountain that would enchant you upon arriving the place. And the house oh that house… It’s like it just came from a scene at a novel or something.
And I assisted Jamie by opening his door for him…
At the door walkway who is as big as my actual bedroom were there were steps on this solid granite gold gilded floor and towering the entrance was the two doors who is like twice as tall as Ivan. It has a stained glass design with its family emblem. I told myself, a family emblem? I thought only the royals had those kinds of stuff. And the door was instantaneously opened for us. And so upon entering we were greeted by the household of the Averons. There were perfectly lined up, and on their backdrop was this grand, as in grand staircase. And then I had a head count of how many are the Averon house staff, I think it was about ten, twelve, fourteen, I’ve lost count of their number of maids and chauffeurs and that doesn’t include Ms. Natty, the head of the house hold. Who is also Ivan’s nanny when he was young.
And Natty greeted me, “Mr. Mendoza have told me that you are coming. I know and I did feel that it would be soon. It’s great to have you back here my little Lance.” And she was teary eyed by that time.
She addressed him as Lance? Hmmm… what does that mean? And Ivan introduced me to all of them.
“I would like you all to meet my colleague Mr. Jamie Bautista. He would be having a tour of our house today. And maybe he would be interviewing anyone of you good folks! Please treat him well.” And I had this brilliant idea, “Today, since mom and dad are not here, he’ll be our master and we’ll all be his servants…” and I could see their faces, they were like thinking. Here is our clown master again. Hahaha…
Huh? What the hell is he talking about? I am that irritated that I just discreetly hit him with my elbow. And I just saw that one of his maids was giggling.
That was painful… LOLZ. “Anyways guys, we’ll just be in my room. I’ll just be checking out my stuff.”
And the whole household just disappeared like magic, only Ms. Natty was there. She told us that they had prepared some special lunch for us later and she also left us in a while, we then proceeded to his room. It was actually a long way there, we had passed by at least ten doors, two corridors, one intimidating grand staircase. And then we reached his room. And then I asked him, “Is your room placed at the very end of your house?”
And I answered Jamie, “Yes, well before my room was actually adjacent to my parent’s that is the one beside the staircase. But I just decided to move here because it is one big room. Of course it’s the second biggest aside from my parent’s. In total I think we had twenty rooms, that is only bedrooms, so technically we have eighteen guest rooms. My dad and mom are really into social events that sometimes they do ask their guest to have a nice stay here for a couple of days or more.” As I explain to him while I look for my room key inside my wallet. But wait a minute. I thought the bargain was he wouldn’t ask me anything.
It did took him about a minute or two to find his room key so I just decided to admire the beauty of the place. Well that is just the hallway okay? Imagine, it has expensive looking carpeting, lavishly painted walls. Imported lightings and fixtures like crystal chandeliers. And after a time I’ve heard his door key clicked. And Ivan said,
“Visitors first?” as I guided him inside.
Upon opening the door the lighting from inside automatically turned on. I was again in awe with the room that he has. It is almost looked like it was a house. We’ll it is as big as the house that I am renting. I imagined it that it was like two or three times the size of my living and dining room combined. The floor area of his room was so vast that they had managed to build a second floor inside. And plus the fact that every furniture, fixture, or anything inside it was top of the line.
I could see the astonishment in his eyes. I further pointed it out to him that my parent’s room had its own three story floor built in room because the third one was used by my dad as an informal office, much like his war room. Well that is what I’ve heard. I never had the chance to really visit my parent’s room.
He never had visited his parent’s room? Hmmm… Upon hearing that from him I really felt sad for Ivan. I could see it on him that inside that happy face was a lonely guy with a deprived childhood. He may have every toy or expensive thing that a little boy could ask for, but there is one thing missing. I remembered back then when I was still a child, every time that there is a storm and lighting and thunder comes by, my mama would be just beside me telling me that in a while everything would be okay. But what about him, to whom would he find his comfort when those kinds of things happen. I would love to ask him that question but I think I would be hitting again some personal parts of his life. And I just remembered my share of our deal that I won’t be asking him any questions. So I just continued on jotting down notes.
And then so I continued on the story telling. I’ve told Jamie that I strategically had put on my bed at the second floor of the room on were this vast window was just beside it. The reason for which is I could see the village park’s greenery which is two roads away from my place. I’ve told him that it was the only safe haven on which I can appreciate during my childhood years. I remembered that I was just here in our vast house during weekends for I attended school at my dad’s original school way back when he was a kid that is why I am at one of our many houses which is located in Las Piñas.
Is he saying that he only sees his parents on a weekend? What on the world is that? I was so upset with the situation that I didn’t hesitate on asking him a question. “So I guess you do spend some time with them on the weekends?”
And I answered Jamie, “Nope, my dad has golf or poker schedules on weekends and my mom, she’s in her usual philanthropy events, after all weekends are the only free time for their leisure activities. And besides, as the time passed by I just got used to it.”
I don’t know if he looked upset but he seemed blank at that very moment. I guess he observed that I suddenly became quiet, and then he just distracted me with another topic. Ivan is one child at heart really. He has this vast collection of action figures and comic books, encased in a very organized glass shelf and wooden drawers. But one thing had made me really curious. It was a brown teddy bear on top of his bed. I just asked my self, is that a gift from a girlfriend of his? He then noticed that I suddenly got interested with it.
Ohh no… Do not think of that kind of idea man. It is not like what you think. “Hey, hey Jamie this is off limits…”
“Oh well Ivan I am just here doing my research, so what’s the story with the bear? I guess it’s a gift from a special someone. Am I right?” he was now blushing to his embarrassment.
“Fine, fine… But wouldn’t it be weird if a girlfriend would give a teddy to me? I guess it is proper if it is the other way around, right? Well first yes it came from a girl, and yes she was special to me. It came from the lovely, loving, most loved woman in my life. My granny… She died when I was six, she gave it to me when I was just four years old. I do still remember the last words that she told me before she died, Lance, my little bundle of joy, Granny would just take a deep sleep, but every time you feel scared to every thunder or monster or lighting that would visit you, just call on my name, close your eyes, and hug your teddy really tight and I would be there for you my baby…” by that time I really became speechless.
Jamie you are such an idiot. You are such a fool. I told you don’t you ever ask him a question for today, haist! And I could now see his eyes leaking. And I handed him my hanky.
“Thank you Jamie, Thank you…” I sincerely told him.
Now I’ve seen the human side him, the sensitive Ivan, even with all the worldly things that he has, it was those unworldly that somehow pleases his so sensitive heart. He has nothing to thank me for. It is me who should be thanking him. It is just the start of the day and I am learning a lot from him. Thank you Ivan, thank you. After some quiet time, we’ve heard someone calling from the house phone. It was Ms. Natty, Ivan told me that we could have our early lunch now for we do still have many places to visit today.
We then went into our formal dining room where my so called family usually eats.
Wow it is one heck of a dining space, a long table on which has with at least twenty chairs, for just a family of three?
I could see again the wonder in his eyes, “I told you my parent’s does really big parties here…”
I was seated just beside him at the farther end of the very long table. Just adjacent to us were French windows on which you could see a view of an oversized swimming pool. Everything inside of that house is insanely big. I was thinking maybe his dad has a very big ego, after all he is one of an Iron man lawyer.
I think he was again observing, observing every detail that this place have… “Jamie, to tell you honestly this place is like a prison to me. So many rooms and yet very few people walks and stays in it. That is why I decided to have a blank canvass, a fresh start. So I decided to left this place. It is a good thing that I left, because this place would just make me insane.”
I never expected that he would be open something like that to me. I just became speechless again, looked at him for a while in the eye, and I just bowed my head. And from nowhere I just heard Ms. Natty’s voice, “Lance, shall we serve the food?”
And then my tone shifted to a joyous one, “Yes, Ms. Natty, I can’t wait to have again a taste of your tasty cuisine.”
On that very point I can’t really understand him, I know he is hurting but somehow, he does find a way to just shove it all away. That he could look to another person’s eye on which he cared and just make them feel, I’m okay, nothing happened.
That’s the thing with me, I don’t want the people that I care for see me that I am hurting or vulnerable because seeing them that they are also hurting makes the feeling more horrid that you can just imagine. Jamie I know that you are smart, and I could see it in your eyes that you are now seeing the real me.
I really wanted to ask him a question or two. But the best thing for now is just to listen at him. After a while I could hear the door from their kitchen opening, it was Ms. Natty with a bowl of something and upon placing that bowl on the table she then open the lid, “Here is Lance’s favorite dish… Beef Caldereta with Strips of Brocolli”. Is this for real? That is why I thought the scent of the food was familiar when it was being brought here. Ivan and I have the same favorite dish? And not just any other dish, a specialty dish that usually my mom had made and perfected as a family recipe. Well it seems to me that we are not the only family that knows such a recipe.
Jamie looked surprised. He was like very bewildered at that time, “Is there anything wrong? Would you like any other dish?”
And then I answered, “This is perfectly fine…” I told him.
I was relieved I thought he’s the vegetarian type or he just maybe loves some seafood. At least he could get a chance to know my favorites. But before starting I have asked the whole household to have our lunch with us. I usually do that when I was young, most especially when my mum and dad are out. Well it is so boring eating alone right?
That is so sweet of him. Ivan is the type of rich guy that never brags that he is rich, that he feels that he is just one of us. He converses with them like they are family, or maybe he treats them all as their family. The food was delicious of course thanks to Ms. Natty, I could remember my childhood days again. After a while Ivan stood up,
“I’ll just get some ice cream for dessert.” I told them, Ms. Natty tried to stop me and said she would love if she would just get it for me, of course I just declined, and after all it has been a long while since I had guests here.
So Ivan left us for a while to get the ice cream from their kitchen. Then I just noticed that there was a sudden silence. None of them has any idea why I was there. So I just suddenly broke out the news to them. “Actually I am here to have a research about his life. We are running our story about him maybe two weeks from now.” As I explain to all of them. Then from being silent they everyone seemed to be excited on what had really happened to their boy master. One house maid said, “Actually I did had the chance to watch that show, Sir Ivan was so sweet when he did that… Mrs. Averon was the one who was watching the show that night.” And then she asked to hush herself by Ms. Natty.
While in the kitchen I was having a hard time on choosing on which ice cream should I get from them from the five flavors at our freezer.
Then one by one they have told every story about their young master Ivan. From his childhood life to the current things that had happened to him, almost all of them have a testimony on how kind he was to them. They have all agreed that Ivan treats them as family. But there is one testimonial that seemed to bother me and it was from his childhood nanny Ms. Natty, “You know Jamie, I seen him grow from this sweet innocent child to this dashing man, with all the material things that he and his family has, behind that so amazing smile and that so lively laugh of his is a mask that hides the sorrow of this poor thing. Ivan is lonely in someway, I know we are there for him, but there is this something that I know, that we know he is looking for… We just wanted him to be happy… That is why we were very happy when we heard the news about him on the television, that he had found this something with this particular someone.” As she explained to me.
At least I already made up my mind. I just took this cart in the kitchen and lined up the five assortment flavors of ice cream with bowls of toppings to choose from, like candy sprinkles, nuts, chocolate chips and more. I also had managed to get this crystal bell from my mom’s collection. I was the mamang sorbetero that time. Hehehe. When I was out at the dining area, everyone became suddenly quiet, and I just asked them, “Ice cream anyone?” and I just ring the bell.
The ice cream was very delightful, I was bloated by the time I was on my third flavor. Imagine, Ivan also had taken the sorbetero job seriously and had served every person in that long table. After some time of rest, this so energetic Ivan pulled me by my chair and went to into the front porch where a new car was waiting, and so I asked him, “how many cars do you actually have?”
“Twelve I guess? I am not really that sure, my dad loves collecting cars. So I don’t really know how many. Hey Mr. Mendoza, I’ll just bring back the car as soon as we are done with the interview?” and I took the key from him.
“Wait, wait… I haven’t got the chance to actually thank Ms. Natty and the whole household of yours…” he was so persistent to leave by that time.
“Don’t you worry, I do know that they already knew how thankful you are. Most specially that you did enjoy the food that Ms. Natty served, You have almost licked your bowl dry…” and I was again laughing.
“Hey, hey, I didn’t remember anything that I licked earlier you jerk!” I annoyingly told him.
“It’s a metaphor you silly. What I meant was I do know that you had appreciated her cooking, and that is one way that she already knew that you are very thankful for everything.” Of course I do know that, that is how I compliment Ms. Natty.
“Alright… So where are we actually going?” and he stopped after passing by two roads.
“Welcome to the Forbes’ Green Park.” And I guided Jamie inside.
It was really one green park, trees were actually everywhere, I can’t think of anything green now in the city aside from this place. But there are just a number of people who goes to this place. As he guided me to the central part of the park, I saw a marker placed in the middle of it and it says, “Atty. Domingo Ivan Averon, one lost soul, who fought for a lost nation in the midst of the hands of a dictator.” 1941 – 1984. And then I realized it, he was Ivan’s grand father, father of Mr. Jaime Averon. A martyr, one of our modern heroes.
And so I stressed out to him, “I got my name Ivan from him. He was the husband of my favorite lola. I usually bring my teddy here when I was young, thinking that they could be somehow reunited… but then realizing it now, I think that they are now reunited in one place…”
Ivan… Oh Ivan, you are as sweet as a candy… You think of your martyr grand father as a plain human being and even thought as a child you think that he and your lola had reunited. As I knew every single detail about you, it just adds up to this somehow awkward feeling… Jamie get a grip of yourself. You are just here to do your job okay?
After about some minutes of silence meditating and somehow offering a prayer, we then continued our trip together for this so called “research of my life”.
He was a fast driver, but he was still cautious with his driving maneuvers. I later find out that he does love to race cars. On his teenage life he use to join junior race car championships, and he usually won those championships. It was really obvious that he also loves cars, he has a vast collection of car toy models at his room when we visited it earlier today. After hitting the streets of EDSA we had a sharp turn going to the streets of Ayala Ave. There I saw this modern looking building, on which we had stop by. I usually admire its architecture for having a bold statement that shouts power and pride. And so we were greeted by a valet at the entrance of this very fancy building, “Welcome to the Millennia City State Tower Mr. Averon…” and I saw Ivan handing his car key to him.
“Jeffrey, I already told you before, Ivan would be just fine…” as I reiterated to him, and he responded, “I am just following your dad’s orders, will all due respect sir, he once overheard this and he did look infuriated after hearing it…”
Infuriated? I think Ivan’s father seems to be a very intimidating and egoistic man. We were about to enter the building when I was ask by the security guard on what is my business inside the office and he later had asked me to get a visitor’s ID.
“Don’t worry Ramon, I am with him…” as I explained to our security head in the building.
And for some reason the security man had just shifted his attitude towards me, he then kept on apologizing. “I am very sorry sir, it is a pleasure for having you here… You can now go with Mr. Averon. Again I am very sorry for the trouble that I have caused you.” I just told myself it is no biggie, and I decided to just follow Ivan into this elevator, the express one. After a while I just then heard his apologies at what had happen to the main entrance door.
And I told him, “I apologize for what had happen earlier. You see ever since my dad had receiving death threats for the past years security in this building had been tighten. Even my dad and my mom have their own security people escorting them anywhere they go.” After that explanation, Jamie then seem bewildered, I felt that he wanted me to ask a question, so in the end I did let him to proceed with it.
“How about you? You are still a part of the family right? I don’t see anyone guarding you or anything. Am I right?” and then the elevator bell rang, we are now at the twenty-first topmost floor. And then he answered my question while we were passing by the white hallway going to the reception area of the Averon-Montero law offices. That is one big signage on the front desk.
“Let us just say I just had a low key life after graduating. I left home so basically I secluded myself with everything. So I guess that is why threats didn’t bother me that much. Maybe I was just into the normal life, much like your life.” I straightly answered him.
Much of my life? And then I asked him another question as the front desk girl welcomed us to their offices. “So are you saying that rich people like you still does struggle in life?”… And then I realized, damn you Jamie, another silly question.
“Sweetie… We are also struggling in some other way, more than you can just imagine.” I told him.
Sweetie? Hahaha… That is why I felt that is a very stupid question. Of course I do know that all of us has struggles, let us just say that I just thought that they didn’t because of everything that they had, so I guess that is a very shallow judgment. And then we were walking this long corridor, with quite a number of cubicles and offices of the staff and the other lawyers who works for the firm, everyone of them were smiling and some of them were actually giving their regards. But even thought they were smiling, I could still see the seriousness of the place, it feels cold there, maybe it is just like it inside a firm like this. After some minutes we had reached the end of that long corridor. There Ivan introduced me to his dad’s secretary, Ms. Annie, she was I think on her late thirties, she was the busy type, she was actually on the phone when she saw Ivan and I coming.
“Ms. Annie, I would like you to meet Mr. Jamie Bautista, he’s a colleague from work. I am just giving him a tour at our offices.” As I explained to her.
“Jamie Bautista Ma’am at your service….” And I gave her this warm handshake. “Nice meeting you Mr. Bautista, you do seem familiar, did we met at a corporate event or something?” and she then had finished her phone call by that time. And I answered her, “With all due respect, non as I remember ma’am, I am in the media but we are more on the documentary department. And besides I have never in my life had attended any social or corporate events.”
After they had finished their short conversation, I then asked Ms. Annie, “Is there any chance that dad would be going in his office today?” and she replied, “He’s very busy right now, actually my assistant is with him right now, he’ll be here I guess three days from now.” And I told myself, that’s good news, “So can I visit his office? You do know how I love the view there Ms. Annie?” of course she didn’t declined but she had asked me to just stay for some minutes because dad is very particular on who visits his office. And so I opened the door for Jamie.
Office? It’s as big as the HR department in my office. And the view was astounding from his corporate desk you could see the bird’s eye view of Makati as well as the skylines of the neighboring cities. And then Ivan approached me, so close that I though he was about to do something, and then he whispered something.
“This is where my dad has his secret meetings with the President of the Philippines…” I told him.
In a usual manner I should be surprise or maybe bothered with the fact that the President is having secrets meetings here. But I am more bothered with what he did, that he went that close to me. Hayyy Ivan… After staying some minutes and having some coffee to sip, we then went out to say our goodbyes with Ms. Annie, but before we left she handed something to me and Ivan.
It was an invite to a fund raising campaign for AIDS awareness, to be held at one of the most prestigious hotels in our country. Ms. Annie told us that my dad would have not had the chance to visit the event because of the current business trip that he’s in. Mom could be going so I guess it would be a good chance for Jamie and her to meet.
And I could see Ms. Annie smiling, “So I guess you could fill in with Mr. Jaime Averon’s seat, anyways there are three seats reserved for it, and besides you had also had the same name as his…”
“And the same temper…” of course I was kidding.
I was embarrassed by that time with what Ivan had just said and I was also in awe with the invitation, I don’t really know if I should refuse it or what, and besides Ivan’s mom would be there, we were about to leave when Ms. Annie asked me something, and then I answered her, “My mom’s name is Eliza Baustisa, she’s already deceased…”, then her emotions changed, she became apologetic and she seem bothered, “Oh I am sorry to hear about that Jamie, Sorry for my curiosity… I just thought that I might knew you by knowing your mom, but it seems I was thinking of another person…” as Ms. Annie explained to me, well it didn’t bothered me really, it has been years since my mom passed away and I know that she’s happy wherever she is right now. I am more actually worried with the invite that she gave me.
So Jamie and I left my dad’s offices in Makati and already had hit the road, I noticed that he is quite worried of something, maybe it was about the invite, “Hey, don’t you worry about that invite, the seats there usually cost P10,000 per plate, and it would just go into waste if no one would actually go to it, my parents would still be donating even if they would not be attending. So I guess it is more proper if we should go and enjoy the party…” I told him so that I could encourage him to go, but it seems that it didn’t help at making up his mind about it.
What? A P10,000 per plate dinner? What do they actually serve there? Giant cows in gold plated plates? I was literally in shock upon hearing that.
“Let’s see… For now just don’t mind that, it is still two days until the event so you won’t have to worry anything. Let’s have a stroll in Manila let’s have some snacks there.
Upon reaching the city of Manila, we immediately went to China Town, also know as Ongpin, there Ivan parked his car, and we literally had a walk. He told me that in his spare time he just wants to go around the place and visits anything there, from thrift stores, to look for novelty items, and most especially food! We had the chance to have some dumplings while walking along the streets, he loves them dearly, he ate about fifteen of it? Just imagine, what a pig. He also loves street food, we had the usual quek-quek or tokneneng when we visited the surroundings of his collegiate school. He was also into barbeques, but he is into the exotic ones, the usual bituka ng baboy or manok, the adidas or chicken feet, the betamax and many more… Just imagine his appetite, but I am still impressed with all the things the he eat it doesn’t show that he really eats a lot because of his body, his awesome physique that is. I was already bloated by the time we had a ride again to our next stop, we went to SM Mall of Asia… Upon reaching that place I just wondered, “Are we actually eating again?”
“Nope, aren’t you full yet?” as I answered Jamie’s query.
No idiot, I am already dying with the food that you just gave me, if only I could tell him that it was also my guilty pleasure way back then when I was in college. I just wanted simple things in life, and eating is one treat that I wouldn’t actually resist, it’s a good thing that my system doesn’t make me just bulky when I eat. And then I saw Ivan, buying some popcorn at this stall at the SM grounds. “I am all full by now Ivan, what’s with the popcorn?”
“Well watching a movie isn’t complete without some popcorn and drinks?” as I answer him.
What we are watching a movie? I think that this is going out of hand. This is just a research of his life, not a date. And then I remembered, I couldn’t contest him. I know that somehow he would make a point out of this… And inside the I-MAX movie theater he actually made a point. He told me that he enjoys watching movies, but here is the catch, he enjoys it when he watches alone. And then I asked him, “But I am here, so that means you are certainly not enjoying…” and then he answered,
“Actually in some strange manner, I am enjoying all of this…”
And he gave again that smile of his… What the heck, is he making me fall for him? This jerk! But Jamie, are you actually falling for it? I just decided to focus myself at the giant movie screen, he might see that I might be blushing, and then I just remembered that it was all dark inside. By that time I don’t really know on what to do… I just realized that we do have a lot in common that even this thing, watching movies alone is my favorite past time. Ivan… I am just here to investigate about your life, about that mystery girl, and about your likes… But why do I feel this strange feeling… Why?
Then the nature themed movie ended, the lights inside the theater turned on and to my surprise Jamie was not in his usual self, he looks blank at that very moment, I wondered what is he now thinking? So I tapped him by his shoulders, “Hey are you alright?”
“Ahhh? What?” I didn’t notice that Ivan was tapping me by that time. The awkward thing was I accidentally had touched his hands. By that time I know that I was blushing, and I know that he saw it, so without any hesitations I stood up and went running at the theater’s comfort room. There I decided to wash up myself. And upon wiping my face dry with my hanky. There was Ivan, standing at my back.
“Why did you run? What’s wrong Jamie? People were like looking at us when you came running unto here…” as I told him.
Then my mood just suddenly shifted, I just became suddenly angry. I just don’t want to talk to him. I literally walked out the theater. I just don’t want to see the sight of his face. But I am still contemplating, Am I actually angry at him, or I am just that stupid to admit myself that I do have some feelings for him. Then I just hear him calling my name from a distant, while I was on my way running to the bus stop at the mall.
“Hey Jamie wait… What did I do to you now?” I can’t help it, I just pulled him by his hands.
I was just awestruck by that scene, I was just standing there, I can’t think of any word to say to him. We were now on the middle of the road, in front of us was the giant sculpture of a globe at SM Mall of Asia, by this time, I know that I owe him something, “Ivan, I am sorry… I am sorry if my mood usually shifts… Sorry that I do easily snap out of nothing… Sorry if I am being stupid, Sorry if I do li…” I was about to say that I like him, when he hushed me up using his finger.
“Stop apologizing. You have done nothing to actually hurt me… Please, don’t feel sorry…” and for the second time, I again tapped his shoulders, as if telling him that everything was okay. “Come on, let’s hop in the car. We’ll go somewhere…”
It is a good thing that I am now calm by that time. In no time we had arrived Manila, we took the route going Roxas Blvd, so that we won’t be having a hard time passing by the rush hour traffic at Taft Avenue. It was about five in the afternoon when we arrived Luneta, we were actually in Luneta Park, and I just told myself, don’t tell me that he usually visits this place, because if he does, maybe I’ll go insane…
“Our last stop, my own leisure retreat, I go here way back my college days, usually after class, when I am stressed out. Somehow it would just free my mind when I am here, observing other people who visits this place. Some people would say that parks are just for lovers, but for me this is where I could let loose and just be human again, free from stress, inhibitions or problems…” and I saw this mamang sorbetero, I decided to buy some dirty ice cream.
What, ice cream? I then suddenly remembered my childhood days… My mum usually brings me here, and she usually buys me some dirty ice cream… It is like her treat to me when I do get high grades every grading period. It is still all clear to me, months before my mom died, she asked me if I could bring her to this same park on where we usually have our happy times together. She was already weak by that time, I know that she wanted something, but even before she could ask me for it, I already had read her mind. At that very moment, I am the one who bought some ice cream… I know how happy she was that day. And I could never forget it and I’ll cherish that memory for the rest of my life.
And then I approached Jamie, I handed him my treat, a cone of ice cream “Have some…” I told him. Again, he seems to look blank, a bit teary eyed. But I was clueless on why is he sad by that time.
“Hey thanks…” and I wipe off my tears discreetly. I don’t want Ivan having the wrong impression that he did something again just to make me cry. When I was about to get my share of ice cream, there were this foreign couple who had asked Ivan a favor. They have asked him if he could take a photo of them using their Polaroid camera. Of course, Mr. Friendship didn’t decline.
“Jamie, can you please hold my cone for me?” and he gave me this okay smile and took the cone of ice cream from my hand. After having several shots, the foreign couple had a difficult time speaking in the English language, in the end Jamie and I realized that they have turned the tables on us, “Want take a picture, of you couple…” said the foreign woman.
A couple? Nahhh… What made her say that Ivan and I was a couple… Maybe they were just being courteous and thankful for the favor that they had just asked, so I just go with the flow, and besides it is rude for me if I am going to over react on this. So I just decided to distance myself to Ivan so that we would not look like a couple on the photo. And then the foreign man said, “Closer, seat beside him closer…” and was actually making hand gestures. By that time I really don’t know on what to do and after some seconds, I just realized in some swift manner, Ivan was now seated beside me and had put his hands over my back then to my shoulders. And then the foreign woman signaled, “Smile!”
And that is how our picture was taken. To my surprise they had given us the copy, I thought that they were about to take our picture because they would bring it home as a souvenir, And after thanking us the couple left. “You can have this…” and I handed the polaroid photo to Jamie.
“What for?” I asked Ivan.
“Duh? As a souvenir? Hehehe, I’m just kidding. But seriously yes, as a souvenir…” I sincerely told him.
And he again gave that jaw dropping smile of his. I know I was about to mess things up by blushing and embarrassing myself in front of him so I just diverted myself into the main reason why are we actually here, and so I told him, “Alright I’ll keep this… Shall we proceed now with why we are now here?”
“Yeah right… But what’s with the serious face? Hehehe… Anyways, Hmmm… Life is just easy here… No worries, peaceful in some sort of way… Most people here are happy, optimistic. Families, who usually visits here, having some picnic, or lovers thinking on what’s the next level in their relationship, building dreams…” as I explain to him.
By that time I felt that he was speaking metaphorically so I decided to throw him a question, “Ivan, for you what is real happiness?”
For some seconds I was quiet at first and then I told him, “Real happiness is when you could share it with people that you really care. In this life, we do make our own complications and struggles and I believe that we do also make our own happiness in life… Happiness is a choice. It is just that we sometimes became really selfish that we just wanted more. But in fact we just need to realize that we have more than enough to share something with the one that we truly care about… something to share to the person that we love…”
“And who is that lucky girl that you truly care for?” I thought I was about to make him spill the beans instead he gave me this answer.
What me? I was bit shaky when I’ve heard that.
“You, do you have any special someone?” I diverted my answer to distract Jamie.
I though he was saying that I am that person… Swoooshh… Thank God! Then I saw his ice cream now dripping. “Hey, your ice cream is melting…” what a perfect diversion tac-tic.
So I then tried to lick it off so that it won’t go into waste.
Oh my, Ivan was so divine doing that thing. Shoot! Ivan, don’t torment me by doing that. It seems every move that I make just have a backfire effect on me. But honestly looking at him doing that particular thing… It is like he just popped out of an advertisement on TV. And my clothes fit him perfectly. Now I know why he’s always the girl’s topic in our office. He was dazzling me with his looks, his smile, his charm… Everything! Now I admit it, I am guilty of it, guilty that I am now falling for him.
I had a great time yesterday at least Jamie was not irritated at the time when I brought him back to his place. Both of us were still on leave for this assignment that our boss had given us. Well actually it is more of Jamie’s assignment than mines. And when I woke up at my place I just decided to phone Samantha.
It was about late in the afternoon the next day, I was about to finish hand washing my clothes for that week when I have received a package from a courier. And it was from a person with the initials, Mr. I.L.A. Curious on what’s inside of it I immediately opened the box package… in it was a complete ensemble of formal attire and the invitation to the AIDS fundraising campaign, and a note, that says… “You forgot your invitation, just think of the suit as a thank you gift. I got your measurements from Samantha. I’ve heard that you usually shop with her. I’ll just pick you up tomorrow afternoon, see yeah!”. His handwriting was superb it was like it was printed in a computer. But wait a sec. He actually bothered on looking some clothing for me? And in fairness he does know my taste.
Then the day of the event came, I was running late going to Jamie’s place because the suit that my mom preordered had a slight problem, so I just had asked them if they could just deliver it at the hotel suite that I decided to reserve at the same hotel that event was going to be held. So I just decided to go straight to Jamie’s place even if I am not yet ready for today.
I was really nervous at that time, Ivan texted that he is going to pick me up at about five o’clock, and it’s like thirty minutes before five in the afternoon. I don’t want him to think that I am the unprofessional one, were before I was the one who bragged it to him that he was late and unprofessional. It was a good thing that I am wearing my suit, fixing my hair and polishing my whole get up that night, and then I’ve heard his car beeping outside. And so I just closed the door to my house and there he was waiting in front of his car. But wait a minute, “Why are you not in your formal attire?” I asked him inquisitively.
Instead of answering his question, I slowly approached him and fix a part of his hair that went out of place, “Perfect… Not a hair out of its place…” I told him in a whispery voice.
What was that all about? Ivan come on, it is just the start of the night, don’t make those kinds of moves please… It’s awkward alright, but I do like it… Very contradicting right?
So we already hit on the road. The event won’t start not until seven in the evening so I do know that I do still have plenty of time to prepare. And as if there was a divine intervention that afternoon, for that time of the day, I was really surprised that the traffic at EDSA was smooth sailing. In no time we had arrived at the hotel, it was about six pm when I had the chance to check in.
Upon checking-in Ivan had invited me to go unto his room, of course I politely declined because I don’t want to interfere with his preparations, but you know this Ivan, he won’t take no for an answer, he insisted that I should go with him, and besides, he told me that I am his guest and he doesn’t see anything wrong with it.
“You’ll just be bored waiting here at the lounge at least there is TV upstairs…” as I convince Jamie.
In the end he won over me. We just went straight to his room and he instantly hit on the showers, he went inside the bathroom with his bag of his own toiletries. On the bed was a box, similar to what I think as the one delivered to me days ago. I decided to turn on the television, for one of our segment producers had texted me that he was included in one of the segments in the news that day so I have to check it out. I waited then waited and there was it, I was glued on the television at that time, I didn’t notice that Ivan was already through taking his bath, he was already checking out his suit inside the box. He was just wearing this white skimpy towel from the hotel. He was still dripping wet.
“You don’t mind am I right?” of course I had to ask Jamie, I do not want him to feel awkward this time.
And I answered, “No I don’t really mind at all” of course I didn’t looked at him, but his reflection on the hotel window was there, his silhouette was showing in front of me, I tried to resist it, but in the end I was distracted, I didn’t had the chance to check out my friend’s news segment.
“Hey, that was Henry’s segment right? Kyle went with him on that assignment, he texted me days ago…” as I told Jamie.
I was blank as usual, actually I didn’t understand anything that he said. “Uh, what was that Van?”
“Are you okay Jamie? Oh, that’s new, you are now calling me Van, before it was like, Mr. Averon, or Ivan Averon or just Ivan… Now it’s just simply Van…” and I was laughing again, I’ve noticed that he was feeling awkward again so I had to throw that icebreaker to him. But it seems he was more disturbed with the thing that I just said because he suddenly became quiet, he was all serious staring at the news.
Actually, I wasn’t paying attention to the television at that time. Maybe he is now getting a hint that I do feel awkward at this very time. But I realize that I don’t have to worry anymore for he is almost dressed up. He was actually having a hard time fixing his tie.
“I already told mum that I am not really good at ties, why not put a bow-tie or fixed neck-tie instead… That is why I am not really a fan of formal clothing…” as I whine at the tie that I am wearing.
Hmmm… Should I help him out with that? Is he just doing that so… Nahh… wait, I’ll just wait for him to ask me out for help but if he doesn’t then that is just his problem.
“Ahhh… Better not wear this tie…” and I just threw it on the bed.
What? The tie was nice, and it really compliments him, out of some unnatural force I suddenly stood up and I offered him my assistance, “I’ll just help you on that…”
“Is it just okay with you Jamie? Besides I could go without a tie?” as I explain to him.
Well I don’t seem to have a choice, I already offered my help, “You silly, didn’t you read the invitation? It’s a black-tie event, so you do need to wear one…” as I reminded him, and I took the tie from the bed and I went in front of him. He was a bit tall so I have asked him to bend down a little.
“Well, to tell you honestly I am not really a fan of invites, so I rarely read them, I rarely go to events, and I despise being too formal…” I said in defense.
Hmmm… How ironic, he hates all of this but he invited me to go here. “So what’s the point of us going here if you don’t enjoy such events?”
“Well that was back then, and besides tonight is somehow different.” And I stared at Jamie’s eyes, it was the very first time that we are that close to each other. I could see his whole profile, even the color of his eyes, it is like it speaks to me.
Shoot my heart was pounding like a clicking time bomb. I wanted to defy his stare but I couldn’t. I really don’t know what to do. It is a good thing that his room’s phone rang. “I guess your tie is already done.” I told him.
“Thank you very much Jamie…” that was a very close call. So I just instantaneously went into the phone, it was my mom, she was just in the other room besides ours, and she said that she would be heading on her way to the grand ballroom. She also had told me that the governor of Palawan would be escorting her on her way to dinner.
I have to thank Ivan’s mom because she called! Shoot just imagine if she had checked his son’s room. That would be really awkward.
“Shall we go now?” I sincerely told Jamie who looked tenser than earlier.
“Yes, we may now go…” Ivan was now polished like a new penny. That was the very first time seeing him in formal attire. And he was surely pulling it off. I told myself, he would be a really great looking lawyer if he just pursued it.
I escorted him at the grand ballroom of the hotel. The usherette in charge has already guided us in our assigned table.
The whole place was full of dignitaries and the who’s who in the society. I am just wondering, our table was already full by that time. Where is Ivan’s mum?
I could see Jamie’s eyes roaming around, is he actually at awe with the people that he is actually seeing? Or is he bothered of another thing. Then the whole event proceeded.
Then the VIP’s were introduced. I was surprised that my boss was one of the inductees to the said event. And later on the program, Mrs. Averon was introduced as one of their honorary contributors and she later received the award of the Greatest Philanthropy of the decade for the cause of AIDS research. Now I know on why she is not seated on our table.
Then the food was served, it was your usual hotel specialty, the staple for the wealthy. Single servings of this and that. Oh I am sick of these kinds of stuff, each other’s ego, the clashing of their minds, the hypocrisy was everywhere. I can’t stand it.
When the food was served I was like, this is the P10,000 per plate that he is talking about? Oh my… Then after some minutes I discreetly look at Ivan, I’ve noticed that he is quite weary of something. Then some music was played, then this bossanova artist started singing her stuff.
“Well I guess we could now go…” I suggested to Jamie.
Well the party had just started, but who am I to actually stop him right, when we were about to go, from nowhere someone was calling the young Averon’s name, and she was calling him by the name Lance.
“Oh shoot, my mum already had seen me…” I whispered, but I think Jamie heard me.
I actually heard him alright, then this very classy elegant sophisticated woman had just graced every man that she had passed by, and then we are properly introduced, of course by his son.
“Ma, this is Jamie, my colleague at work… Jamie this is my mum, Diana, also know as the greatest Philanthropy of the decade…” I just don’t know on how to introduce my mum to him, maybe just to break the ice or something. “Oh my son, you are embarrassing me… Hahaha…” and she gave this mocking sarcastic laugh that as if she enjoys it. “Darling, my son could be a handful, and he likes to fool around sometimes… Nice meeting you Jamie…” and she gave him a handshake.
And of course I extended my hand in gratitude, “Nice meeting you too madame…” that is the only thing that came out from my mouth.
“So shall I introduce you to my friends my son?” and there she goes again, opening me to that world that I am never interested in, “Ma, I do have to politely decline… I do have some important matters to settle later tonight… I hope you understand…” and I’ve kissed her goodnight. “Au Revoir hijo… You know how much I miss you…” and she slowly descended to the stream of people around her and she eventually disappeared. And I then looked at Jamie to check him out, “Hey are you okay dude?”
I can’t move, I was star-struck talking to her. “I’m totally fine… How about you?” I just gave him an instant answer so that he won’t ask me anymore.
“Me? Hmmm… Well to tell you honestly, this is the part of the party that I don’t usually enjoy, mingling with rich people… I am just here for the food… Hahaha” I sarcastically told Jamie.
Huh? What is he talking about? He is rich too right?
“Well I rather take you at this place…” and I pulled him and we went into the hotel’s elevator.
His mum is right, Ivan is a handful alright. We are now inside the hotel’s elevator. But we are both on the farther end of each side. I just saw him while his eyes probe around while he whistles this familiar tune, and when he did face me, I just instantaneously shook down my head.
What’s with him this time? I told myself. And then the elevator bell rang. We are now on the top most floor. I’ve asked him to go ahead of me.
And then we entered this bar lounge of the hotel who has an open deck on where you could stay. Soft cool jazz music was played that night. It was a bit cold because of the breeze from the air. Good thing I am wearing this coat. And then we’ve seated at the edge of the deck. And I was astounded by the beautiful view of the city. Lights were everywhere… I feel like I’m with the stars that night.
That was the very first time that I saw Jamie as if he is like a naive child. He has this innocent smile that surely glows my night.
There he goes again, he is staring at me… Hmmm… Well so far, he has been really good at me. Why am I always irritated if he does good things at me, where in fact I should be at least courteous or appreciative with every kindness that he does. So I decided, maybe this is the time for me to patch things with him. “Hmmm… Ivan… How often are you usually here?”
For a start, Jamie is not grumpy… “Here? I discovered this place when I was in grade school. My mum usually brings me at social events, but there was this time that I got lost, and I just saw myself here. Staring at the great lights of the city. My mom got worried of course, and since then she had decided to just leave me at home with my nanny. And somehow there is this will or desire in me that I wanted to come back. And so I did… I did came back… I usually go here every month… So that I could see this spectacular view… And someday I’ve told myself, I’ll bring my special someone here”.
Whatta? Special someone? I think he is now going coo coo… I thought he’s already alright. I don’t want to be rude but I just suggested to him. “Shall we order something now?”
Hahaha… I just laughed within. And I just gave him a smile, “Okay…” and so I ordered some expensive bottle of vodka and Jamie an alcoholic cocktail.
Well I am not really into drinking, anyways a little bit of alcohol wouldn’t hurt me. Well this concoction is really good. After about fifteen minutes I was already done with my first glass… It was infectious.
“Would you like another one?” I’ve asked Jamie.
Should I say no? Hmmm… If I would say no, he might think that I am one party pooper, another round wouldn’t hurt… Then another one, then another one… and then another.
“Hey, hey… are you okay?” Jamie had like five of those cocktail drinks…
“I’m okay of course…” and then I hiccupped. “I told you, I could party… And just have a good time…” I explained to Ivan.
“But you are not that tolerable with alcohol.” And I think Jamie have heard me.
“What are you saying that I am not that tolerable?” And I ordered another glass of the infectious drink.
“Hey Jamie… Please… You don’t have to prove anything to me… I get your point. I know now that you could party…” I’ve told him.
“Whatta heck are you smiling at? And I don’t have to prove anything to you ha? It is not because that I like you I should prove anything to you okay??!” shoot! Me and my big mouth. And then I stood up. I was about to puke at the balcony, and I got out of balance, I almost fell the railing and then Ivan catch me.
“Hey are you alright?” by this time Jamie’s eyes were drowsy.
And when I was about to give him an answer, the bomb had already exploded, and I literally passed out.
And I was literally wet by his puke. But it’s okay… At least I’ve made him loosen up. But what is that murmuring thing that he said, prove what?
The next day… I was a bit surprised, my bed was so soft, and I felt that it was so spacious. I still do have this slight hang over that my head ached. And then I’ve sat on the bed… This bed isn’t mine? Even the room? Where are my clothes? And someone came knocking on the door, “Room service… Your laundry is here…” and I just asked the laundry boy to just leave the things outside.
The room felt familiar, and after walking around, I’ve saw someone half naked on the floor, it was Ivan. What happened? Why is he sleeping on the floor? Ohh, did we actually sleep together? NOOOOO!
I did have a head ache after last night, I just then heard someone opening up the door.
I just took the clothes from outside. And I quickly dressed up. I am really distracted that I forgot to say thank you or even goodbye to Ivan, and he was like snoozing so hard. I quietly closed the door.
“Jamie?” As I called his name when I stood up from the floor. But he was nowhere inside the room. He disappeared without saying anything. Was he embarrassed because of last night?
Am I embarrassed about last night? Of course I am, imagine as long as I can remember. I did puke at him, plus the fact that I did say something that somehow could jeopardize our work and furthermore our friendship. And the fact that we are both in his hotel room naked? Good thing it is a weekend, I could just lock up myself in my house and contemplate on things.
It was a Monday morning, I was really worried, not a single text came from him. I do want to text him, but I don’t really know what to say. I just decided to give him a gift, so that I could apologize for the misunderstanding last weekend.
What a dreadful Monday. Instead of going into my department, I just told my friend Sam if we could hang out a bit at the HR office with another friend of ours who’s also working there. “Hey Jamie? What’s with you today? You seem to be very distracted” as my friend Sam asked me. And I just answered her, “Let’s just stay here for a while… I am not really myself today…”. “Hey guys, my boss might see you here… We could just continue on our gossip this lunch break…” as our friend from the HR told us. It is like I don’t have any choice, I should be now going into my department now.
I immediately went into his office department, but the sad thing was Jamie wasn’t there… He’s not the type who goes at work late. I just left this white box at the top of his table.
I just hope he’s not there… Please… I tried to snoop into my cubicle and to my relief, Ivan wasn’t there… But what is this white box doing on my desk? On top of it was a little white stuffed polar bear with a piece of paper on it where my name was written. And the note says, I don’t really know on what you are thinking the last time. But I just decided to bring you into my hotel room because we are both drunk. I do have every intention to bring you home. But I can’t really drive that night… - Ivan And I opened the box, it was a small round cake with white royal icing. Written on top of it was, SORRY…
I was really worried, I hope Jamie would understand what I meant by what had happen last time… And from nowhere, someone had called my name. It was a very familiar voice.
Sorry? He shouldn’t be apologizing, I felt relieved hearing that from him. Oh my, what am I actually thinking? But then this weird feeling came… As if something is pushing me that I should see him and check him out now that everything has been cleared and settled. I was weary before I came here in the office but I am sure that I wanted to see him, so I just went to his department. On my way to there, I’ve noticed that some commotion is happening.
“Yna? Why are you here?” I was surprised that she was here.
“The Yna Martinez from our competitor network? What is she doing here?” I just told myself. Then I overheard some of his gossiping co-workers that Yna Martinez is now switching stations to our channel. Oh shoot, is Yna Martinez the Yna that Mr. Averon is talking about in one of my interviews with him? And I confirmed it with the gossiping crowd inside, “I’ve heard that they were exes way back in college…” said one girl, “Well I guess she is the lucky girl who received that oh so romantic proposal…” as this another woman day dreamed.
“Why do you look surprise Mr. Averon. You are well aware that I took up my Masteral Degree with a major in Journalism right? And I am one of the in-demand journalists nowadays. I was bored with my former broadcasting company. They weren’t giving me the material that I wanted. That is why I transferred here because their offer is hard to resist. I should be the one surprise you know, you’re an art major and you did somehow penetrate in my field…” my ex-girlfriend boldly told me. And then I saw Jamie, I tried to get his attention, but he eventually walked away.
That jerk… I thought that everything is doing well between the two of us. And this is what I get thinking that he was actually into me.
“Ah, ah, ah… Don’t walk out on me Ivan… I am just here so that we could talk… It’s so happen that my transfer here is timely to your supposed to be on-air proposal… And so? Who’s the girl behind that proposal?” as she tried to mock me. Damn it! Jamie is nowhere to be found. “Don’t worry Yna… I do value that thing that we shared before, and just in case everything would go well, I’ll let you know, may you now excuse me…” and I went after Jamie.
I know I don’t have the right to feel this way, but I just have to ask myself, why am I feeling this way… I just run after my cubicle, I did had my finished report about his life with me (on which I had finished this weekend), I then eventually took it and I went into my boss’ office.
Where are you Jamie? I do have this feeling that something ugly is about to happen. I went to his cubicle and saw his things were still neat. The white box was still there but the stuffed polar bear was missing. I opened the box, and then I saw the lines, I’m also sorry, smudged using his fingers. And I went looking for his friend Sam. But Sam was also missing. I went into several departments, check out his friends, but he is nowhere to be found. But upon passing by my boss’ office, I did saw a familiar face. “Sam!” I exclaimed, and then I went inside my boss’ office. “Oh there you are Ivan, you are just in time! Mr. Bautista had made a great report about you… By the way here is the finished report that Jamie documented. He also made a summary about it. You could now read it now if you wanted some revisions…” My boss told me. I then took it from her, I was really nervous, the same time curious. It is like this was the time that I would now hear something from him, which is about me. His own critique or let’s just say analysis on who am I to him, I have decided to read it aloud:
“Ivan Lance Averon: An Abstract” By: Jamie Bautista
Who is this Mr. Ivan Lance Averon? This man who is also dubbed by most women as “the most romantic eligible bachelor of the Philippines”? Who suddenly announced his proposal On-National Television to this mystery girl? For his colleagues you could just call him by the name Ivan or Van (Ivan which is named after his late grandfather, martyr-hero, Atty. Domingo Ivan Averon). But did you know, if you had caught his attention and somehow you have captured his heart, he’ll make you call him by his name Lance? Only a handful of people calls him by this name, of course that includes her dazzling mother, philanthropist, socialite Mrs. Diana Montero-Averon. But on a personal note, who really is Ivan or Lance anyway?
He called me by my name Lance, I just told myself.
Ivan, maybe born from a privileged family, but isn’t different from most of us, and I literally mean that in a literal way. He enjoys things much like normal people do. Ivan eats anything under the sun, and still he doesn’t really care as long as he enjoys it. He enjoys being with people that he cares rather than people who seem to care but they actually didn’t. He is very transparent, quirky sometimes, but he could make you laugh big time. Maybe that what appeals him to other people, his natural charm, his enticing smile, and simply being that down-to-earth person that he is. Actually, he also had made me smile, well the whole team smiled when he actually sang an impromptu song to us. That’s the real Ivan, he could reach your very soul in every imaginable way ever, and somehow he has touched every single person that he cared for… Thank you Mr. Averon, Thank you Lance… Lucky is that girl to whom you had proposed…
I was just plain quiet, when I’ve read the abstract, and then I’ve heard Sam murmuring, “Jamie, if you are not just my friend, I could think that you are actually into Ivan…” then our boss overheard it, “What is that Sam?”, “Nothing ma’m, I was just babbling, don’t worry it’s very irrelevant to this report anyways”. Sam explained. “So would you like to read the rest of the report Mr. Averon?” And then it all just came back to me. “By the way where is Jamie?”
I’ve asked my boss if I could get an indefinite leave from the office, I just gave her the reason that I would just like to fix up a personal problem of mines and I could not focus on the future assignments that she would give me if I won’t have the chance to fix my own complexities. Good for me my boss understands, but the reality is I just want some distance to him.
I already had approved Jamie’s report about me… It’s basically true, or rather I should think of it as him being honest with his feelings. I’ve asked Sam if she knows on where Jamie went but she told me that she doesn’t have any idea on where he went into. I did try visiting his place
I left home, I wanted to go to a faraway place, I just wanted a clean slate, so that when I come back, I’ll be whole again.
There is this hole in me which was out of place. A space yet to be taken, but gaps were inevitably showing. I am alone, alone in this space that burdens me. The feature of my life in television was very successful, but I can’t savor the success if something is missing.
Maybe I am in a wrong place at a wrong time, this place just reminds me every bit of him, and it so happen that I’ve watched the feature about him, every word, everything that I had written about him as a material for the report was used at the said feature, and every word is like a knife slicing into my heart.
I was then invited to the prestigious award giving body The International Emmy’s Arts and Sciences, for our show was nominated for two awards. One was for me, for Best Graphic television theme, it’s a technical award for those who excel at Television graphic design, and another one was for Best Foreign Independent Feature, for the story “The Underground River of Love” on which I was with my boss and some of my producers.
I was having coffee at the resort’s delicatessen shop when I suddenly had the urge to read the newspaper. The headline was, “The Philippine’s first win-International Emmy Awards.” I was surprised seeing Ivan’s picture on the front page. He is raising the award, but he seems to have a very serious face.
I won the technical award from the Emmy’s, while our documentary had an award of commendation. My boss was very happy about it and we immediately went home. I find it to be a very awkward feeling, I wanted to be happy but I do feel lonely.
Maybe it is time for me to finally come home.
A month has passed by since Jamie left the offices for his request for an indefinite leave of absence. On the other hand, my mum was very busy preparing for a soirée in celebration for the success that I had at the prestigious award giving body. And in some weird turnaround of events, my ex, Yna was all supportive with it and she even had the chance to help out my mum with the preparations, I know that she’s up to something.
The very first person that I phoned when I came back to Manila was my best gal pal Sam. She was very gracious on seeing me that day, so I had arranged if we could meet up on the nearby coffee shop. There I told her everything, she patiently listened, and in the end, she just told me this, “You know friend, whatever makes you happy, just go with it, Happiness is a choice, a choice that you should have decided a long time ago…” And then I remembered that same line that Lance had told me while we were in Rizal Park. “And by the way Jamie, Ivan isn’t engaged to anyone yet…” she promptly told me.
Invitations were sent out, to foreign dignitaries, to my dad’s colleagues, to my mum’s social circle of friends, only a handful was my actual friends and acquaintances. I don’t still see the point seeing Yna around, she is in fact close to my mum after all. I just stayed in my room and spend the whole day there just lounging on my bed, reading a book and squeezing my teddy that my granny gave me.
Sam had told me that the whole production team had a collective invitation to Ivan’s victory party which was hosted by his mum. And there were two other invitations that were sent separately. One was for my boss, and the other one was for me.
I didn’t know that I fell asleep, I then woke up at about 3pm, I noticed that I suddenly became hungry. I decided to visit out kitchen, then the aromatic smell of my favorite dish, the caldereta with broccoli had caught my attention, and in the end I just find myself eating in the kitchen. Ms. Natty was very delighted that I enjoyed the dish. I decided to leave the kitchen to go back into my room when suddenly I’ve heard this voice, a voice that I despise for a very long time. “So my prodigal son has come back” my dad sarcastically told me, I thought that he already changed, but it seemed he is still the self centered man that I knew ever since.
I am worried about him, Ivan is not into parties nor he is into social gatherings and what bothers me most is the fact that he would be seeing his father.
I don’t want to start a commotion so I just politely told him, “It’s great to see you again… I’ll just go into my room.” And to my surprise, the senior Averon approached me and tapped me on my shoulders, “Yna is a very good choice son, please don’t further disappoint me…” I didn’t respond to what he said, and I just continued my way to my room.
It’s a good thing that Ivan did gave me this formal suit I could just mixed match it with another shirt so that it would look like it’s a new set of formal ensemble, I have already made up my mind. I am going to his victory party. Our boss already knew that I was back so she asked me a favor if I could accompany her to the party.
If I was to be asked, I am not that really accustomed to these kinds of stuff. I rather be another place than here. Most of my parent’s friends from politicians, religious leaders, important personalities where there, but most of the people that I do care about were not yet here. And I heard Sam calling my name…
Sam went ahead along side the people in our team, while my boss and I were left behind because she had asked me a favor if I could bring this big gift box, a congratulatory gift for Ivan…
I have asked Sam if Jamie is going but she didn’t respond.
I specifically told Sam not to tell Ivan anything, because I do want to surprise him.
And then I saw my boss she did congratulated me for a job well done, and told me that she had given me a gift which she had placed at the house’s living area, then my mom and dad came along side with Yna, and then everything came so fast that I didn’t realize that it was going to the wrong side of things.
Most of the people were gathered at the vast pool area of the Averon’s. The kasambahays on the other hand were just there on the windows observing people at the party. And then I saw Ms. Natty, then we had the chance to have a short chat. She had also mentioned that the senior Averon was about to announce a very important thing.
And then my father started it with, “This is a time of celebration for us Averons. First is for the success and the glory that my son Ivan had accomplished with his win at the International Emmy’s. Second, is for the growing empire of the Averon-Montero Associates, and the third would be for my son’s engagement…” The bomb has exploded, what a heck, I didn’t know anything about this. And before I realized it was being covered by my boss’ team, cameras were everywhere. In a split second I took the microphone to my dad. I tactfully then explained myself, “the night is very long… the engagement would be announced later tonight. So let’s party!” well the crowd didn’t mind, it seemed to me that they were busy with sorts of things which are related to business. And then I graciously dragged my boss into one of our secluded verandas.
I was puzzled on what had happened outside and so I just went out to check on what happened, I then asked Sam, and she answered, the senior Averon was about to announce something about the engagement when suddenly Ivan just diverted the topic, she’s now with our boss.
“Ma’am with all due respect, did you knew anything about this? I mean the engagement thing?” I seriously asked her, and then she answered, “I thought you already knew?” she replied, and so I answered her, “that’s the thing now ma’am actually I have nothing to do with today’s announcement of this engagement…”, and then my boss said, “Well your parent’s just invited me with this victory party of yours, yes, they have told me that they are about to announce something important that they wanted it to be covered, but they didn’t actually specified what is it all about?”
What’s taking them so long? I suddenly asked myself, I suddenly had the urge to go to the nearest powder area. I wanted to fix myself first before seeing him. The Averon mansion was really confusing at some sort that I got lost finding my way to the powder room. And then I just find myself in this veranda, there I saw Ivan and my boss seriously talking, I had the chance to hide myself before they could actually see me.
“But wait a minute Ivan, I am now really confused, isn’t it the best time to announce who’s the mystery girl?” my boss told me. “That’s the thing ma’am, I don’t think this is the right place and time to actually announce it…” I politely told her, “But Ivan,may I know who’s that mystery woman of yours?”. “The thing ma’am is that, he’s not actually a woman, he’s a man, and I am in-love with Jamie…”
My heart exploded with joy when I heard those words from him, I just had a grip on myself, and walked away on that said veranda, passing by the lawn, going back to the party and actually looking for Sam.
“Wait a minute, let me clear this out… are you saying that you are in-love with Mr. Jamie Bautista, my head writer/production assistant?” my boss was astounded with what she heard. “Yes ma’am, I am deeply in-love with Jamie…” I whole heartedly told her, “But does Jamie know anything about this?” and for some strange reason, my boss’ facial expression suddenly changed, she became suddenly look terrified, “Mr. Jaime Averon?” and I suddenly look on the person that she is currently looking at.
And then I saw my friend Sam with some of our colleagues and friends, who are actually having a great time. And I confessed to her, “Sam, Ivan had already confessed that he does love me…” I was much intoxicated with the feeling of happiness, “That’s great to hear Jamie…But where’s Ivan?” Sam asked, “Oh actually, I accidentally over heard it, Ivan confessed it to our boss…” and then from nowhere an enraged man seemed to be shouting…
Shit! My dad over heard our conversation. This can’t be happening.
And then the man continued on shouting and shouting at the top of his lungs, before I realized that I was the reason on why that very man is enraged, “Whoever is this Jamie Bautista, curse you! You are not welcome to this party and you may go to hell!” Said the deranged Mr. Jaime Averon. I was embarrassed of what he said, I suddenly ran into his path because that is the only way out.
“Damn it! Not Jamie, you could say anything to me, but not to him, Jamie… Jamie!”, but my dad tried to stop me, then his mood shifted as if he was haunted by something that he saw, he suddenly became horrified, “Bautista? Is that Jamie Bautista who just passed by?” he was trembling when he told me that. “Yes dad, that’s Jamie, and he doesn’t deserve that treatment that you just did to him, now let me go!” and I shove his hands off.
I could hear Ivan calling my name, but I was so embarrassed that I suddenly hopped on a taxi that so happened passed by the Averon Mansion. And then I received a call, it was from my land lady, she relayed to me a very alarming message.
I was about to get my car keys then suddenly Sam had caught on my attention. “Ivan, a compound alongside our TV station is being consumed by flames. Jamie’s place is located there right?” I was like so nervous that I ran like the devil, and had instantly hit the wheels of my car.
Oh my God! Now it was like the fire is just a house away from my house, the house beside me is burning like a matchstick, and the firefighters were just a handful, smoke and dirt were everywhere, I just pulled the biggest bag that I have, pulled some important documents and stuff that I treasure, and the most important thing was the box that my mum had given me before she died. On it was the picture of Ivan and I while we were in Rizal Park…
I tried to reach out for him, but he is not answering my call. I then parked on a street which is just blocks away to Jamie’s place, the streets going to his place is now barricaded by fire trucks, and most of the firemen were very strict that they are not allowing people to go inside the compound because it isn’t safe there. And then I saw him walking, walking going into my path.
I’m filthy, I’m tired, I can’t hear, I can’t think, I’m so confused, horrid at the same time… “Ivan is that you?” I suddenly thought that I am seeing things, am I having a delusion?
Jamie is like very wasted, he looks like as if he has no sense of direction, almost like passing out, and I’ve pleaded the fireman to just let me pass. I think he saw the sincerity in me… It was about time, Jamie was…
I was falling, then someone had catched me… “Ivan?”
“Yes Jamie, it’s me Ivan…” as I answered him.
And Jamie passed out, “This is the very first time that you have called me with that name…” I was all smiles… and I caressed his cheeks and had wiped the tears off his eyes.
I was unconscious, bitter scenes from the past are haunting me, and it seemed that I cannot escape this tormenting feeling…
The paramedics have allowed me to take Jamie home, I laid him on my bed to rest, and clean him up, carefully changed his clothes. I decided to sleep on the lounge chair which is just adjacent to my bed. And then I heard him crying, he’s having this terrible nightmare. I decided to wake him up. “Jamie, Jamie! Wake up!”
And I felt that I suddenly rose up, and I was shouting, “I hate you, I hate you… I hate you for leaving…!” and I just felt someone’s lips over me. My eyes popped, “Lance…?” and my hand flew to his face.
And I gladly received his hands on my face, I deserved it, it maybe painful but I know that it came as a shock for him.
I really don’t know why did I actually did that… then suddenly as if I am in this out of body experience, I kissed him back.
And I kissed him again in return. I could feel him trembling. I’m also nervous, this is my first time, “don’t worry I’ll be gentle…”
And I just smiled back at him.
That very smile assured me that everything would be alright.
It was the very night, Lance became mine.
I know that I’ve reached into his soul. After it I know he was tired, but I can tell the fulfillment on his eyes.
Lance, this may sound a cliché but you transformed me, you have change me into a person on which I can’t imagine as me.
As I was sleeping I saw Jamie in my dreams, Damn! Upon waking up, I just knew that I wasn’t dreaming, he was already awake, and he was staring at me. For the very first time, he had make me feel awkward, yes, awkward but in a good way.
“Good Morning Lance…” again I smiled at him.
“Good Morning Jamie, this is the third time since last night that you smiled at me…” I just told him.
And I answered him with, “And you are actually counting it?”
“I wouldn’t trade it for anything, I won’t get tired seeing you smile…” and I hugged him.
“Mwah! ”~ and I kissed him again and again and again… “Mwah, mwah mwah!”
The secret is out, our friends all knew that Jamie and I…
…were now together, and we were literally inseparable.
Our boss was very gracious about us.
As well us our friends, and the whole team who went to Palawan, “Finally, a happily ever after for you friend…” my friend Sam told me. I may have loose material things from the fire but I gained something more that just any other thing in the world, and that is Mr. Ivan Lance Averon. For the whole week the world revolved on just the two of us.
And on this coming weekend, Sunday to be exact, I’ll keep Mr. Jaime Bautista in my life.
He told me that he has this surprise for me, and of course I would also like to surprise him, now I could cook for the one I really love, our favorite dish, Caldereta with strips of broccoli.
It’s almost lunchtime. I don’t want to be late. Anyways I’m just 30 minutes away.
It’s almost lunchtime, where is he now? Then someone had knocked on our door… “It’s him alright… And to my surprise.
I’m almost there Jamie.
. . .
“Mom? Dad? What are you two doing here?” I was really perplexed on why are they here. “What’s the meaning of this? Where is Jamie?” “Son, I’m really sorry…” that’s the very first thing that I’ve heard from him, and then I replied, “If you are going to insist that I can’t go on with my life, be happy and be with the one I love, please stop it… Leave us alone!”… and my mum intervened, “But you don’t understand son, you don’t understand…”. ”What is it that I don’t understand? That I’m gay? That I do love another man? I know and I am certain on what I’m feeling, and I do know the consequences of what I’m doing… Now tell me what is it that I don’t understand? Huh?...”
At first, I don’t really understand, but after reading that letter from my mum, now it did make sense. I was struggling on leaving Ivan’s place when I accidentally dropped that most treasured box that my mum gave me. The old rusty lock broke off and inside it was a letter. It says: “My son, I know that you did grow up as a very smart man. And by this time I know that you would understand on why certain things happen in this world. Life for me maybe cruel but I did make it sure that you’ll grow up as an upright man. Just like your dad… Yes son… Just like your dad… Sorry, I lied to you Jamie, your father never left us. I was the one who decided to take you away from him. I was a coward back then, and I don’t want to loose you. You see son, your dad came from a very influential family, and I was his secretary back then. He was humble, loving and true. But one day your grand dad had told me if I truly love his son, then I would sacrifice the feeling that I do have for him. Their company was on the verge of bankruptcy, the only thing that could save it was a merger from another company… and thinking that I was doing the right thing for him, I did followed your grand father, accepting the money for us to live at least a little stable. But as the years go by,the guilt has consumed me my son… for depriving you the love of your father, I regret everyday that I’ve lost him for another woman. If only I could turn things around, but I can’t… your father Mr. Jaime Averon would be very proud of you if he did had the chance on seeing or at least knowing more about you son…
“Lance, Jamie is your half brother…” my mum divulged. “What are you talking about that Jamie is my brother? Is this a new scheme of you and dad… Please ma… Stop kidding me… This can’t happen… this is so impossible! You two! Both of you are impossible!” and my mum slapped me, “I can’t even believe it myself, maybe this is the payment for everything that we did almost two decades ago…”
And the last line on my mum’s letter was… “Don’t commit the same mistake as I did, fight for it even if you do know it’s against all odds… Because in love there are no so-called odds, but only wonders…”
Then my mum had told me everything. That my dad had loved Jamie’s mother that much, that that’s the very reason he was always hard on me. “And that is why I just diverted myself to fancy parties to distract myself. I am still in denial that my marriage and my family is crumbling and I wanted to at least try to fix it, but no matter how hard I try I know that his love could only be devoted to only one and that is Eliza. I knew actually, your dad’s secretary actually knew, and I knew that he was looking for his lost son and I thought that bringing him here and making us a whole family would win him back his love. But in fact it didn’t, look at what happen… Eliza and that bastard are the curse on bringing my family back” my mother bitterly stated, “Mum,stop… Mum you stop… Stoooop!... I do love that bastard man that you are talking about. And I won’t like to hear another stupid word from you ridiculing him or his late mother. Going back to this dysfunctional family is such a mistake… Goodbye mom… This is the very last time that you’ll ever see me.” And I could hear my mother screaming on my name.
“Son, I am sorry for the lost time…” that was the very last thing that I heard anything from Mr. Jaime Averon.. I do have mixed emotions right now, the boat ride going to the island was quite wavy. The weather is unpleasant. For the whole time I was just staring at the murky clouds above.
I do have this gut feeling on where he is going.
I stayed at the edge of the beach, as the salty water brushes my face. I’m drowning of pain that I’m feeling, and from nowhere I’ve heard this sound it was a music box playing and then I’ve heard that same familiar voice, and he said,
“I fixed it for you…” and I seated down beside him. Jamie was still quiet.
For the longest time I didn’t know that the box that my mum gave me was a music box.
“Jamie, I know that we could fix this, I know that we could get through this…” and I tried to reach out for him.
On that very moment, I snapped, “Damn it Ivan! There’s nothing to fix… Don’t you understand? We’re brothers, sira na ang lahat… Anung gusto mo? Ituloy natin ang kahibangang ito?”
“Kahit kailan, it never occurred to me that this is something crazy kahit na nalaman ko pa na kapatid kita. Why? Does it really matter? Kung hindi naman natin nalaman ganun pa rin naman di ba?”
“You still don’t get it do you? Tang-inang buhay to’… When could I get a sane life! Ivan kahit kailan hindi pwedeng maging tayo. I just wish you didn’t came into my life!” and I threw the music box in the waters. On that very moment Ivan stood up, he looked defeated at that time and he slowly walked away.
. . .
Later that afternoon I’ve heard someone knocking on my hotel door, “Sir, yung kaibigan nyo po. Si Mr. Averon…”… “Why what happened?” I was so frightened at the time, I was sprinting that fast that I already left my flip flops on the never ending sand.I was terrified upon seeing the scene. Ivan drowned himself. He was being resuscitated by a lifeguard, but he is not responding, all of the people were thinking of the worst. I insisted that he should be in a boat and be brought into a decent hospital, but most of them are skeptical if he could still get through it. He was still warm. Ivan couldn’t just go like that. I just carried him by myself, some people tried to help. Some boatmen had warned me that the weather is not suitable for transporting him. But I still insisted telling them that I would pay them triple the amount. But halfway to the trip, the boatmen tried to go back but I still insisted to go. That’s the very point when I gone mad, I pushed them away, and they had the chance to escape the wavy waters. And so I was now the master of the said motor boat. Instead of heading in the city I decided to go into another destination. To the underground river that started it all. On my way there I could almost touch the roof of the cave. The water was filling in. and as I put my head on his chest to know if there is a heartbeat. I noticed a paper, it was the same Polaroid photo that we had at Rizal Park. At the back of it was a written message from Ivan. Using the back light of my phone I slowly read the letter as a cried.
“Jamie… having you is the next best thing to paradise. You may think that life is sometimes unfair and our lives may be intertwined… but in the end, just like what I’ve told you before… Happiness is a choice to be made… of a person who is in love and be wanted to be loved in return. I love you Jamie… Now I give you your sanity…”
“Lance…” and I held his hand. I held his now cold hands into my heart.
(Ivan singing the song "Unconventional Love" to Jamie)
Hmmm… Hmmmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm… Hmmm..
The wind blows hard, on a starry night
The sand is brushing on an endless sky
Like countless diamonds for us to share
I know that I’d love you til’ we have no air…
The breeze jolts in on a moonlit night.
My hand now crashing into my heart,
Like feathers I know our love would soar,
I know that both of us could just give more…
*La la la, Life could be unfair sometimes,
But that is how it works, unconventional at times.
At least it works for you and me,
So that we could live for eternity…
– Ivan to Jamie.
(Their Boss/February 14)
Can love be really this tragic? Is there such a thing as loving someone for eternity? This episode is dedicated for those people who were in love but in the end didn’t had the chance to further explore that love in this lifetime. They may be in another place or lifetime, and wherever they are, Ivan Lance Averon and Jamie Baustista, may that love bind you in the underground river of love. This is your host Karina, and may I bid you a romantic Happy Valentines goodnight…
Shit! i was stunned on the last part though may hint na pero i was expecting into something..kaya lang hindi e..oa pero naiyak ako, kasi naman nakakainis.....Bravo!ang ganda ng story..very epic sa lahat ng nabasa na tragedy ito so far ito yung BEST:)
ReplyDeleteand guess what nagtagalog sila Bravo ulit! infairness kinaya ko yung straight english and reader friendly naman so far din 5 lang di ko nainitindihan na words :)
so good to be true parang totoo kasi I mean in real life na nangyari..since birth ba naman though narrated nila every situation pero nandun yung details na kailangan mo malaman. sayang lang talaga nag commit ng suicide :(
at isa pa andaming quotable quotes! ang ganda pasok na pasok sa buhay natin.
and promise ang ganda ng story! hirap i describe hangganda!
more stories to come and sana di na tragic, mas masya kung happy ending na may pagka serendipity yung dating:) :)
ps. ngayon ko lang natapos basahin ang bagal din ng reading pro. ko XD 2:50am haha
absolutely amazing....i hate you so much author.....pinaalala mo nakaraan ko! naalala ko na naman ang bestfriend at ang pinsan ko aaarrrggghhh
ReplyDeletegood evening,
ReplyDeleteto my dearest friend driane,
gosh this is the first time i will write a comment to ur own blog hehehehe... usually kc sa BOL ako nagcocomment kc dun mu post ung story mu hahaha! i would like to congratulate u for the job well done! hehehe... tunay talaga na magaling u na writer sana ilagay mu din dito ung story mu na must love pets c aian at ken hehehe... anyway baka to my comment on ur ever first story here.. wait before i give comment to ur story i would like to say that ur blog is so so cute lagyan mu din nh chat rum hehehehe...
i enjoy reading the story intertwined.. imagine i stay up late last night just to finish ur first story even though my partner makes kulit with me thru phone i manage to read pa din ur story hehehe.... i think i already slept last night mga past 1am na kaya ngayon ko lng nasulat ung comment ko sa blog at story mu hehehehe... first time ko bumasa ng ENGLISH and take note hanggang dulo ENGLISH pa din nose bleed na ko sobra. although english cya hindi ko kinakitaan ng pagkaboring ung story. i like how u describe their childhood and also the twist on how they met. while i was reading ur story i can somehow relate to it maybe becoz where at the same year of birth? in short magkaedad kami hehehehe.. i feel kilig when ivan first sang a song in the story and jamie starts to blush hahaha! echosera c jamie hehehehe.... i feel sad for jamie dahil marami cyang chance para ipakita kung gaano nya kamahal c lance but nagdadalawang icp cya. meron part ng story na magtuturo sa atin na kung mahal mu ang isang tao dapat ipaglaban mu ito para sa huli hindi ka magsisisi.. bago matapos ung story i hate u my dearest friend nagtwist nanaman ang kwento and it made me cry and feel sad.. hai... di mu talaga alm ang takbo ng buhay. sa kabilang banda ng story meron akong tag line ni lance na gustong gusto ko it goes like this happiness is a matter of choice when i first read that line it strikes me straight from my heart. tayo ang gumagawa ng ikakasaya natin at ikakalungkot kung choice mu maging malungkot choice mu un. hehehehe... makikita mu sa story na may point talga c lance and kung iicpin natintayo naman talaga ang nagdedecide kung maging malungkot tau o hindi. to jamie and lance i sympathy to what happen.. to Mr. Adrianne Aguilar "Pinuno" hehehehe thank u for sharing ur story to us. hope i can read more of ur story the soonest hahahahaha! pressured? more power my dearest friend. God bless us all.. naku ang daldal ko napahaba ung comment ko sa story nila lance.. gusto ko din makapunta dun sa palawan hehehe... o cge na..
taski :)
(hahahaha! sulat ito?!)
soooooooooo cute!
ReplyDeleteany more stories dane?
@aR: Kudos! Your comment as in literally made me smile, sa lahat yata ng comment na natanggap ko, so far sayo ang pinaka heartfelt... I sincerely thank you dahil nagustuhan mo personally yung story... About your suggestion, I am now cooking up some stories na may pagkaserendipity ang dating... Kindly check my story list someday kasi I'll be putting some previous ng story ko dun... As in ang haba ng list... Sana matapos ko lahat... ",)
ReplyDelete@Enno: I'm sorry if medyo personal yata yung effect nung story ko sayo... Pero I'm curious tuloy kung ano nangyari sa pinsan at best friend mo, malay mo maisulat ko rin sila in one of my stories... ",) Kindly update me, thanks!
@Taski: ang laging updated sa stories... Maraming salamat! You never failed to make a very good compliment... I appreciate it at na eenjoy mo lahat ng stories namin sa mga blog... ",)
@JM Parker: Friend maraming salamat, maraming salamat for being the nice person that you are!
Sa lahat ng nag basa at magbabasa pa, maraming salamat!
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ReplyDeleteaR says: 23 April 2011 09:51 Reply
Hindi ko pa sya tapos basahin on the way half palang ako..i've never read so long like this and believed me kinaya siya ng proficiency ko:)
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ReplyDeleteAnonymous says: 23 April 2011 11:40
aggggghhhhhhhh....ang dami ko ng nabasang tragic na story.....pero kakaiba to......hindi manlang nila naenjoy ang life nila as being together..........grrrrrrrrr......humagulgol ako sa letter on tne back of the photo......di na naman ako makakamove on ng ilang araw dito......hays.......nakakasar ka author......you never failed to put tears on my eyes......hays......no words can describe what i feel after reading your story......di manalng sila nagkatuluyan......huhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuuhh
-Jhay Em-
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ReplyDeleteaR says:
23 April 2011 12:12Reply
tapos na:) Ganda sobra!
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ReplyDeleteAnonymous says:
23 April 2011 15:56Reply
teary eyed...left unspoken...a bit devastated...but i really wanna cry!!! it was out of the extra ordinary love stories that you encounter from time to time...love does really fathoms all, it transcends all human norms! it doesn't choose anyone and it intertwines anyone caught by it!!! even though it is wrong to love some who is blood related...i can understand what they felt! instead of being apart to each other...things must be dealt with, instead living a life full of regret and heartaches! though it is wrong...it is the best solution/way out to their problem! basta, i can't really express myself, what i felt when i read the story...ang ganda ng plotting. kakaiba talaga, i love it! but i do not agree with this kind of love...hay, maxado ko ng kino-contradict ung sarili kong statement!!!hay, basta!!! :D
-tristfire ;)
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ReplyDeleteAdrianne A. Aguilar (Dane Leblanc) says:
23 April 2011 15:08 Reply
To -aR-
Maraming salamat, nakakataba ng puso na nagustuhan nyo ang story ko, about your request na hindi tragic, "Sige it try ko ha?" hehe, just kidding! Pero seriously, Napangiti mo ako with your comment, plus the fact that you have spent time until 2:50am para matapos ito. Again, maraming salamat, and I hope dumami rin ang followers ko, hehehe...
To -Jhay Em-
Just to give you a hint, I intended na may happy ending sana ito, pero I decided na hindi na siya ilagay. Pero just in case eto ang kanyang alternate ending, out of nowhere inside the cave may kukuha ng mga kamay na nalulunod na si Jamie, it was Ivan, remember the cave is a mystical one, dun nila itinuloy ang kanilang love story sa alternate world... Sa kaharian ng mga enkanto. ",)
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ReplyDeleteDarkboy13 says:
23 April 2011 17:11Reply
kay lan yung next update nang Si Teddy Bear at ang kanyang
Panda Bear
Chapter II: Let’s Celebrate...
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ReplyDeleteAnonymous says:
23 April 2011 18:11Reply
very nice. interesting format. good concise delivery. simple yet elegant plot. profound conclusion. properly "intertwined". bravo!!!
we need to watch out though for "grammaticals". use of prepositions can stand more improvements; consistency of tenses (jumping from present to past and the use of participles etc); agreement of subject and predicate; proper use of pronouns (his instead of her etc), proper use of words (e.g., tolerance instead of tolerable), and others.
once we get these rolling and fixed, this story is an A+ :-)
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ReplyDeleteAdrianne A. Aguilar (Dane Leblanc) says:
23 April 2011 23:01 Reply
@Trisfire: I'm happy to hear at nagustuhan mo ang story ko, Sabi nga dun sa story a number of times, "Happiness is a choice", I agree with you, we can say na mahirap ang ganitong relasyon, pero biktima lang sila ng pagkakataon... I am happy dahil somehow I have touched your heart...
@Darkboy13: Salamat din and you are looking forward for the next chapter of The TEDDY and PANDA story, I'm halfway done sa 2nd Chapter, inuna ko lang post ang "INTERTWINED" kasi finished story na sya, don't worry update kita, kindly add me sa FB: shaoranstars55@yahoo.com.sg
@R3b3L^+ion: Hi there, salamat po, actually yun ang problem ko pag nagsusulat ako, ewan ko kung tama ung tawag ko sa sarili ko, I am more of a Visual Writer, I'm not that technical kasi sa pagsusulat ko kaya feeling ko I needed an Editor, Salamat for being honest, kasi kahit ako hirap sa English ko, pero I'm trying na maging tolerable yung English ko, and hahanapin ko yung Tolerance na yan, hehehe, kudos!
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ReplyDeleteAerbourne14 says:
24 April 2011 01:38Reply
Congrats! I like how you narrated it, I can still feel the emotions that you wanted to imply.
You give subtle hints especially when the secretary asked about Jamie. But still, I was left awestruck and teary eyed lalo na dun sa letter at the back nung polaroid pic. n___n
Nice one po, tragic. And it makes you want to visit Palawan Subterranean River ;)
Keep it up! n___n
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ReplyDeleteenno says:
24 April 2011 15:36Reply
super nakakaiyak.....i hate you author.....pinukaw mo nakaraan ko!
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ReplyDeleteAnonymous says:
24 April 2011 06:39Reply
yeah....mas okay na poh na di mo tinuloy.....mas near sa reality.....eheheheheh....aggghhhh....di talaga ako makamove on.....gang kanina eh inaalala ko yung kwento....hays
-Jhay Em-
try to change your text font..it affects the readability of your content....simple text would do..after all your audience are adults...no need to be too stylish
ReplyDeletei read ur novel at BOL, and it tickles me, now chancing to read ur blog and i backread ur posts, this one catches my attention, i see this story comes in the different angle of what is used to be a typical tragic ending of M2M love story, the flow of the story , how their lives were intertwined, though i admit i get the hint of these big mystery at the middle of the story, but i want to finish the story as to cohesively get the overall picture, thematic as it may sound at the very last scenes, u usher me in this trance of imagining and sort of thinking: "if loving a person whose similar with ur gender is considered a taboo by others, and we as person whose also feeling that way can justify it by reasoning out that what is important is we loved, regardless who the person was, can we also consider loving our own kindred acceptable or taboo?", though i dismissed the latter to be taboo, but by this story, many as i supposed could come across and reconsider this situation, and u sure are leaving as bewildered by what we now feels, or it was just me, anyways its a great story and worth pondering adrianne (",)
ReplyDeleteSo far I am really happy reading your comment, sa totoo lang, napaisip din ako when I was about to end the story... And I think this is the best resolution sa story nina Ivan and Jamie... And reading from your comment, that was the idea that I am actually pointing out... And I thank you dahil na appreciate mo ung point ko,
and by the way don't worry hindi ka nagiisa with the bewilderment, Ilan na rin sa mga friends ko ang naging ganyan ang feeling in the end of the story! Hope to hear from you again! Salamat ulit!
I so hate you for ending it that way! Haha! It made mw cry. Ampotek ka. Dugtungan mo yan, pls?='( Waaaaah! Nakakainis! Argh!!!!
ReplyDelete- josh Ü
I just want to say na nakakaloka itong story mo Adrianne! I want to cry learning that Jaime and Ivan didn't make it... After I read the story, all I can say is hindi ako naka-move on dahil marami akong pinanghihinayangan para sa kanilang dalawa... Di man lang sila nagka-ayos bago pa man sila mawala... Pero, in a true artist's point-of-view, this is truly a masterpiece! Bravo Adrianne for the success of this very work of yours... Isa lang talaga ang masasabi ko... NAKAKALOKA! :D
ReplyDeletenice flow of the story, great twist and a very depressing ending but all in all ang ganda ng story.. Kudos YANYAN for this piece... continue doing more interesting stories... =)
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ReplyDeleteAce Velasquez wrote: i dont usually make a comment but this is one of the nicest story i've read. love can sometimes leave you with a bitter taste. kudos to the author. nice concept as well
August 16, 2011 at 2:02am
The Best Story!
ReplyDeleteThank you MrEnzo! :)
Deletefinally... natapos ko rin cya :))
ReplyDeletetragic but this is a wonderully written tradgedy... mej napaiyak ako... i know that true love knows no bounds but if sila nga nagkatuluyan mej complicated.... still dapat tinuloy pa rin nila kahit na impossible... siguro oo mahirap ngang maisaisip ang ganung relationship but nonetheless they do have a wonderful bond in the making... ita just that fate has its way of messing things still.... I do see that pure love between them regardless of the, being brothers... incest na kung incest... eh mas nagkakilala sila ng hindi magkapatid eh... :)) at mahal naman nila ang isatisa :3
well done Dane :) I hope I get to hear more from you :3
.i really hate tragic ending.. but i like the story though..