The Accident
Written by Adrianne Aguilar
"There are no mere accidents in life. It is just what you called destiny"
Michael Sy was a straight A student from a reputable university in the metro. He is also the ace basketball jock in school. That very fact made him really popular with girls, not just on his campus, but as well as girls from other universities. They even had made a fan club devoted to him. Every girl who watches him play, drools at him because of his good looks and awesome charm.
One night after a tiring day at basket practice, on his way home while driving his metallic blue sports car, at Macapagal Blvd. , he received a message from his girlfriend, Anika, daughter of a Chinese conglomerate owner, the text message says:
Mickey, I just wanted some space for now.
I just feel that it is not working out between the two of us...
I know that you do have your own list of priorities
and I just felt that I am not on the top of it.
“MyGirl~Anika“ +63906-------
After reading that devastating message from his girl, he instantaneously hits the breaks of his car and all of a sudden he had made a U-turn at the middle of the almost empty boulevard. He almost bumped in at the nearby gutter when he made this mad move, Michael is now very disoriented and tired by this time of the night because of the reason that he had a comprehensive practice with the basketball team earlier that day, for the latest season of the UAAP basketball championships is fast approaching. At the same time he was distracted by the said message that Anika just gave him, it was about 11:30pm, he desperately held his newly bought I-phone, trying to reach out for her. But it had seemed that she already turned off hers. Michael was a wreck. His droopy eyes were now drenched with tears. He madly drives the car, and it is nowhere to go. He was nearly hit by a fast approaching Elf truck, good thing that it miss. Then suddenly just from just nowhere somebody came crossing down the road, right to his path. And then…
His car windshield was shattered. He then heard the banging of a body over his car. He was in awe, his eyes popped. Michael was bleeding, because of the scratches from the bits and pieces that flew on to his face from his car windshield. He then managed to get out of his car, still in shock, several vehicles stopped. Just meters away he saw what seemed to be an unconscious body. He hurriedly approached it but halfway going there, fear struck him, because of the bloody mess that he saw. He then called his dad, and delivered the tragic news, then some media men came, and then an ambulance and they were both brought to a nearby hospital.
News of the said accident was all over the early morning news. For a fact that somehow Mickey was a bit of a celebrity because of the recognition and the glory that he is giving to his Alma Matter. According to the reports, Michael Sy, the ace basketball jock of ADLU, was never found by the authorities, drunk driving or under the influence of any substance, and he is now recovering for some minor injuries. As for the car hitting accident victim, David Castillejos, age 21, who works for an international outsourcing firm based in our country, is in critical condition, he suffered major concussions on his head, according to some reports Mr. Michael Sy was driving along Macapagal Blvd. when he had hit the victim while the latter was crossing the pedestrian lane. Some witnesses spotted that Mr. Sy’s car was quite on a rush when the incident happened. As if he was on a race track or something. Mr. Stanley Sy’s lawyer has yet to comment on this matter saying that his client was still on a state of shock. Stanley Sy by the way is Michael Sy’s father, a business tycoon who owns a manufacturing company of car tires and he is also one of the major stock holders of a telecommunications company based in the US.
It was about 7:45 on a Wednesday morning. The nurse had just visited Mickey or Mr. Michael Sy’s private hospital room, to conduct on some check ups. It has been three days since he was sedated, so that he would not be thinking of the tragedy that just had happened. Upon waking up on the third day, his body was hell so weak and scenes from the accident does still flash on his mind. The next day he was then visited by some of his basketball team mates, their small forward Raffy Chua was there, along with their captain, Jason Helguera who plays center, and Mickey’s best buddy Chester Ylano, another point guard who plays for the team. Raffy and Jason left after an hour visit, but Chester decided to stay. Michael then wanted to talk things out with him about what had happen.
“Why is this happening to me…? First was mum, then Anika, and then I almost killed this person…” Mickey burst out with tears.
“Hey dude, chill… It is not your fault on why those things happened. You are just merely a victim.” Chester reminded his buddy Mickey.
“What happened to the person that I almost…?” then Mickey paused.
“Hmmm… I think he is still fighting for his life” Chester answered.
“You’ve seen this person?” Mickey asked his buddy.
“Yes, we just did, we just visited him awhile ago, when you were still asleep. He’s in a coma, as if he is in a very deep sleep” Chester reiterated.
Upon hearing the term coma, Michael Sy or Mickey, was on a hurry to see this person who is now in the Intensive Care Unit, he asked Chester to accompany him while he is on a wheel chair. On their way there they were assisted by a nurse.
“Oh, he’s a guy, I never thought that he was a guy, I was so distracted… I can’t remember… What have I done…?” Mickey got really guilty seeing David who is lying motionless inside the ICU room.
“Pare, you don’t have to blame yourself… It was an accident… And besides he is well taken care of, thanks to your dad and your Aunt Nina” as Chester comforted Mickey.
It so happened that her Aunt Nina was on the rounds that day, she is a resident doctor there, at the same time a hospital stockholder. Mickey calls her Aunt “Nana”
“Nana, can you tell me, how is he doing? Please be honest with me… Please” Michael pleaded.
“Michael calm down, don’t worry I’ll be very truthful to you no matter what, but at least please take care of yourself. You are like a son to me, remember?” and she started to read the files.
“Hmm… Let’s see, according to the records that I have here, he is Mr. David Castillejos, 21 years old, he had several cuts on his right torso, and had blood clots on the right side of his brain, his sciatic nerve was partially damaged, that is why he is now on a coma, but our surgeons had already tried their best in restoring it. David is now under further testing and monitoring. All we needed as of this moment is a response from him, his vital signs are good though, and a miracle would be very nice.” explained by her aunt, Dr. Nina Ricafuente.
“I see… Nana, could I get inside and maybe have a glance of him?” Mickey asked her aunt.
“Yes you may do so… In a usual case we don’t usually allow anyone to visit a patient in the ICU without the consent from his immediate family, but on his case, since we have checked that he is already orphaned, and he has no immediate family of such. I guess I can grant you a favor on checking out on him, but I could only let you visit him for just a couple of minutes.” his Aunt Nana reiterated.
A week has gone by. Mickey is now in full recovery. He was picked up by their family chauffer. But he decided to visit David one last time before heading back home. There was no assigned nurse at that time, so he had only managed to see him via the observation window at the ICU. Mickey stared at him. He stared at him for quite a long time, contemplating…
“I just wished that nothing like this happened.” Mickey said to himself.
He then also noticed that David had a very sad face. He may not be physically moving. But he feels something was wrong with him. As if he wanted to tell or do something. After quite awhile he then left David, and then he went home.
Mickey arrived at his enormous house late in the afternoon, as usual all that he has there to welcome him home was his Rottweiler dog named “King” and his “kasambahays”, who is there to serve him. His dad Stanley Sy wasn’t there, he is on his usual business trip. Michael suddenly felt hollow, empty. Yes, you may call it a house, everything that anyone could ask for, plasma TV’s, lush wall-to-wall carpeting, centralized air-conditioning, very spacious rooms, but still Mickey feels that it isn’t a home. Then Manang Mena approached him, she is one of the “kasambahays”, one of those people that he held very dearly. Mickey usually calls her “Mamang”
“Iho, kumain ka na ba? Mabuti naman at nasa mabuti ka ng kalagayan” Manang Mena said.
“Salamat po, Hindi pa po ako nagugutom mamang, where’s dad?” Mickey asked Manang Mena.
“Ayun, nasa business meeting ulit iho, maybe you should be having some dinner.” The old woman suggested.
“Nope, I am doing okay. Don’t worry I am still full. If someone calls or visits, just tell them I’m resting. I’ll be back at school two days from now. Salamat Mamang” and he gave the old “kasambahay” a kiss and he went straight to his room, his dog King then followed him.
All day until tomorrow afternoon Mickey didn’t entertain any visitors nor do calls. He even ignored the long distance calls from his dad.
The next day at about 5pm he decided to go back to the real world by turning on his mobile phone, which he didn’t use for almost two weeks or so, ever since that freak accident happened. Upon turning it on he immediately went straight to his inbox, and there he saw again that message from Anika, that same message that gave him a heart break. Mickey does not have the courage to even delete it, or just forget about it. He just kept it on one of his message folders. Then after a couple of minutes, he received some messages of well-wishes from friends, and a message from Chester that they would be visiting him that night. So that they could pick him up and make some unwinding of their own. It was about 7pm when half of the basketball team visited him. The basketball captain Jason Helguera was there, with him is Chester , then the power forwards, TJ Baraquiel and JM Roda followed, Jaydee Castro who plays small forward went with Marthy Cojuangco another shooting guard. Manang Mena prepared dinner for Mickey’s guest.
“Mamang, your caldereta is the best…” as Chester complimented the old woman’s cooking.
“Salamat iho, kain lang kayo, there is plenty of food for all of you. Michael, hindi mo yata nagagalaw ang pagkain mo…” Manang Mena noticed.
“Uyy, akin na lang yang patatas Mickey… Hehehe…” as the el capitan Jason Helguera jerks around.
“Stop that Jason, hey Mickey, why not eat your food. Cheer up! I suggest that we should go out.” Chester said.
“Yeah, let’s party!” TJ said in excitement.
“Hahaha, TJ puro party nasa isip mo, that’s why Coach Leon scolds you.” Marthy commented while smirking.
“Guys, I needed to pass. Pasensya na. I don’t mean to be rude. I’ll just see you all when I get back into school. Got to go…” and Mickey decided to call it a night and he went straight into his room.
“But Mickey…” Chester tried to stop him.
“Ches… Don’t… just let him figure this out. I know he’ll get through it.” Helguera said to him in a serious tone.
And they just went out to grab a couple of drinks, hang out for a while, and then they have called it a wrap.
It was Mickey’s first school day after the said accident. Like any other typical day the school grounds is jam packed of students, And of course they all knew the story behind their star player, thanks to the school’s newspaper.
Everyone seemed to be very curious when Mickey arrived. Almost all of the students had glued their eyes on him. On his way to his first class of the day, he just stumbled upon Coach Leon Fernandez.
“So Michael, are you doing okay now? Basketball practice tomorrow?” Mr. Fernandez asked Mickey.
“Yes coach, I’m doing fine, I’ll be there…” Mickey answered.
The next day as Michael promised Coach Leon, he did go at basketball practice. He went there 15 minutes before 8pm. He is never ever late on his practices. Mickey is a much disciplined man. Those were traits of a true star player. Almost the whole basketball team was there including the team’s captain Jason Helguera.
However, three of them were 15 minutes late. They were Joshua “Jech-jech” Prado who plays shooting guard with Raffy Chua and AJ Agaton both small forwards. The three were late as usual. Their reason, because of an important engagement, (Girls…)
“Prado, Chua, Agaton, go to your team captain, your assistant coach and I had this emergency meeting, we’ll be back maybe before 10pm. Helguera, just proceed with my instructions awhile ago. By the way, Michael Sy is back. He is as good as new. The usual routine as the past two weeks. Okay team?” and Mr. Fernandez left with Mr. Aguila.
“Prado, tang-ina, late na naman kayo? How many times do I have to tell the three of you, at least come on time? Coach is just being discreet about the three of you being late, and he is really pissed about it and I won’t allow you to be late next time” as Helguera warned the three.
“Cap… Jechs, Raffy and I are just you know having some good time” AJ Agaton said in defense.
“AJ, hindi kita kinakausap… I am talking to Prado, Last week, you two were both here and he is the only one late.” Helguera reminded Joshua “Jech-Jech” Prado.
“Cap, what do you mean by that? Na nagpapabaya ako?” Prado said in a sarcastic tone.
“Bakit, hindi ba?” Helguera answered.
“Eh gago ka pala eh…” Joshua was very furious.
Mickey and the other guys over heard the discussion, while they are in the middle of their warm-up exercises.
“Hey Jech, stop that, tama na yan mga tol” as Mickey and his teammates tried to stop the almost starting fiery riot.
“Back-off Michael! This is none of your business, dumb-ass!” now Prado is much pissed off, that Mickey entered the scene.
Joshua Prado was very furious and envious with Mickey. Prado was ahead by a year to Michael Sy. He is now on his senior year while Michael on his junior. But during his freshman year, Prado was the school’s most promising rookie. He does what he does best, to score! But Mr. Prado’s experience the next year was a bit different. The crowd’s reception to a new rookie, Michael Sy was very much anticipated. Mickey had never let them down. He scored way better than Prado did last year and he was very promising. Michael Sy brought the team to two consecutive championship wins which Prado never did. Now the spotlight is on Michael, that very fact made Prado the team’s black sheep. He became rebellious. Ever since then he always came on their practices late. But even if he’s doing those things, he still does do the game well for the reason that he couldn’t afford to lose the school’s scholarship and even if Michael is already there, he is still one of the team’s assets. The only thing that Prado couldn’t understand was he thought his limelight was stolen by this rich Chinese guy Michael Sy.
To make things worse, she had a crush on Michael’s girlfriend Anika Marie Ang. Even way before Michael and Anika had a relationship. Just imagine the feeling. He was deprived of the “love” and the “glory”.
“Prado stop that childishness of yours. Huwag mo ng idamay dito si Michael… He has nothing to do with your issues here.” Jason Helguera said to Joshua Prado.
“Are you sure na wala siyang kinalaman dito?” Prado said mumbling.
“What did you just say?” puzzled Mickey asked Prado.
“Never mind. Let’s just play ball. And tignan natin who’s better.” And he stared at Mickey with a furious look.
“Okay, sige, let’s get to the game… Just make your usual warm-up exercise.” And Helguera tapped Prado’s shoulder.
It was the beginning of a very heated basketball battle. El Capitan Jason Helguera assumed the position of the referee. And JM Roda posted as his assistant referee. He decided to split up the team into two groups. It consisted of the following:
White Team:
17 | Sy, Michael “Mickey” | Point Guard | 5’11” |
18 | Ylano, | Point Guard (Shooting Guard) | 5’10 ½” |
20 | Castro, Jaydee | Small Forward | 6’4” |
10 | Baraquiel, Timothy James “TJ” | Power Forward | 6’4” |
9 | Parker, Drake | Center | 6’8” |
Blue Team:
13 | Prado, Joshua “Jech-Jech” | Shooting Guard (Point Guard) | 6’0” |
11 | Cojuangco, Marthy | Shooting Guard | 6’2” |
19 | Chua, Raffy | Small Forward | 6’2” |
8 | Agaton, AJ | Small Forward (Power Forward) | 6’4 |
21 | Al-Shaik, Rahjie | Power Forward (Center) | 6’6” |
Note: The one in the parenthesis is the alternate position that they would be playing for this practice game.
Tension was felt all over the hard court. Both teams were equally in their high spirits. But for Joshua Prado, it is now personal. A direct attack on Michael Sy, is the most fulfilling thing that he could do now. Sweat was now dripping on their faces. The friction between the two teams is about to begin. Jason Helguera now proceeded at center, both sides were anxious. Then the captain tipped off the ball. From nowhere, the very fiery Al-Shaik taps the ball then point guard Joshua Prado catches it, the blue team gets the first possession of the ball game.
“Let’s get it on… Mother Fucker!” in fury, Jech-jech said to himself.
Joshua was on his best pace. From the back court he came running towards their side like a raging bullet. He was about to make a cross-over, when Michael started to came into the scene. He then strips the ball out of the hands of Joshua and he started a fast-break. And then Mickey makes a lay-up, and he scores the first basket! And because of that Mr. Black sheep got more fired up.
Joshua tried and tried to surpass Mickey’s game plan. But the match was very tight between the two teams on the first five minutes of the first half. When Mickey was about to make a shot, Jech-jech contested it, and he is whistled for a foul. To make matters worse, the shot got counted and it was a three-pointer. Michael was given a chance to make a free throw. Now the white team has a four point lead against the blue team. Jech-jech was pissed.
On the last part of the first half, Mickey’s team was way ahead of the other team because of their good defense resulting into good offense. Chester scores several three-pointers, while in the low post Drake and TJ started to crush some offensive rebounds and scored second chance points and at the end of the first half the white team got a comfortable ten point lead over the blue team.
The ADLU team then decided to have a ten minute break after that intense game of the first half. Some had quenched their thirst. Some went out of the court to have their smokes, which includes Jech-jech, AJ and Raffy…
“Mga pare, I’ll be the one who would take care of that jerk Sy. I’ll box him off the court” Joshua Prado said to his colleagues.
“If you don’t mind me asking Jech… Why are you so pissed with Michael…? He seems to be a nice guy” Raffy Chua asked.
“You’ll both know soon, much sooner than you expected.” Joshua Prado said with a grin on his face.
After quite awhile of unwinding, the team decided to continue that much anticipated basketball practice game.
As usual the team had a very smooth start, but after some minutes, Michael’s team was ahead by almost 6 points, of course Mr. Black sheep would not allow this to happen. He then decided to execute his wicked game plan.
Joshua’s eyes were now on Michael’s every move. Every step that Mickey makes he was there. Jech-jech guarded Michael Sy in such a way that his opponent felt that there was something wrong. That he was in this well defended jail cell.
“So, are you tired now? You nothing to do Chinese dumb-ass?” Jech was now furiously teasing Mr. Sy.
“What’s your problem dude?” puzzled Mickey asked.
“You are the problem. Hehehe… and I’ll make your life miserable, miserable as hell.” Joshua said to his adversary.
“Whatever dude. You are just dementedly sick.” Michael talked back in return.
“Yes, I am very crazily frantic. I am very mad because of you… ace player huh? For me you are just a piece of shit…” then Joshua got the ball from Michael and he had a fast break.
The team noticed that there was something going on between the two, but they were discreet to even react about it.
“Hey Raffy, do you think Jechs would, you know…” AJ Agaton asked Raffy Chua.
El Capitan Jason Helguera overheard their conversation and before Raffy could answer AJ’s question,
“Loosen up Prado! It is just a game…” Mr. Helguera cautioned Jechs.
But Joshua Prado was unstoppable. He then had a 3 point shot. Now it was just a three point lead. The ball is now again with Michael Sy. He was again closely guarded by Mr. Black sheep.
“And El Capitan is now reprimanding me? Maybe it’s about you… Hahaha… You are both dumb-asses.” He just then laughed and laughed.
“Stop fooling around Jech, can you just play the game?” Then Michael gave this serious stare.
“Oh, I am very frightened… Hey Chinese suck up, this is just child’s play to me, I’ll tease you, fuck you around, and you’ll get tired and then you’ll mess up, great game plan, am I right?” Joshua said in a very sarcastic tone.
“I have no time for losers like you…” then Michael decided to make a fast move. But even before he could leave or even run away to Joshua’s very tight guard,
“So I have heard that you and your girl just broke up?” and Joshua gave this very devilish smirk.
Michael was dead silent. The only thing that could only be heard from the hard court was the dribbling of the ball to the ground.
“So no reactions there Mr. Nice guy? Well newsflash, I do know what happened to you and your, oh so gorgeous babe… What is her name again? Anika?” Joshua was very delighted that he felt that Michael was now pissed off.
“Still no answer? Well, I knew it all along. Maybe the whole basketball team knew. Or the whole school…? Who knows?” still Joshua continued on tormenting Michael’s mind.
The ace player was so much troubled by that thought, that for the second time, the ball was taken from his bare hands. Like a racing chariot Joshua made his 3 pointer.
Now both teams are tied up.
“Now who’s the looser?” Joshua mockingly whispered to Michael.
The ball was now with the white team. Chester passed it again to his buddy Mickey. From nowhere Joshua Prado is hands on defensively to Michael Sy.
“Very much not in your usual pace huh? Get this, there is this one thing that only me, you and your girlfriend Anika only knows. Correction, your ex-girlfriend Anika…” Joshua murmured.
“I don’t have time for this shit” and when Mickey was about to make his 3 point shot.
“3 words jerk. “PINK LITTLE MOLE”.” Joshua gave this fiery defiant stare at Michael.
Mickey was astonished upon hearing those words from him.
The Accident - CHAPTER 2
SOOOOOOOOO INTEEENSEEEE...aahahha....ayaw ko nito....aahhaha....*excited much for the next chapter*...anu daw....ayaw pero excited sa next chapter????ahahaha....well....ewan ko.....*evil smirk*
ReplyDelete-Jhay Ehm-
wow! i like your story! update na pls? hehehe..kahit madalas duguin ang ilong ko sa pagbabasa ng mga kwento mo ay aus lang basta't mabasa ko lang ang bawat update mo!!! piz! lolz! hehehe..
ReplyDeleteGood job!! another story to look up.....keep it up my dear!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is a nice story....very im about to read your next